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Present Continuous Tense eden today, at the moment, tonight, now, -Others-
right now gibi zaman zarflarını kullanırız.
Subject (Özne) + be (am/is/are) + *Clothes
Verb+ing (fiil+ing) * Bazı fiiller için present continuous tense
kullanılmaz. Believe, hate, know, like, love,
I am sleeping. mean, need, prefer, seem, understand, *Describing people according to their
I am not sleeping. want gibi durum belirten fiilleri normal clothes, actions, places… (
Am I sleeping? halleriyle kullanırız.
You/We/They are crying. *Halloween activities and Halloween
You/We/They aren’t crying. I am feeling thirsty. I want some water. related words (theme, supernatural,
Are you/we/they crying? (correct) costume, candle, evil, spirit, graveyard)
He/She/It is swimming.
He/She/It isn’t swimming. I am feeling thirsty. I am wanting some *Wedding related words (bride, groom,
Is he/she/it swimming? water. (incorrect) ceremony, venue, reception, guests)
*Gelecek planlarımızdan bahsederken de *Writing an invitation.
* -ing getirme kuralları present continuous tense kullanırız.
*Phrases about asking about plans, making
Fiillerin çoğuna -ing olduğu gibi gelir. -I am painting my room next week. a suggestion, agreeing, declining.

Wear- wearing try-trying -We are getting married next summer. * School related words (classroom, desk,
exercise book, lesson, student, teacher,
-e ile biten fiillerde -e kalkar. -ing gelir. Prepositions of Time
textbook, uniform)
Smile- smiling shine- shining In In the morning, in (the)
*Parts of a school (canteen, classroom,
Kısa ünlü+ünsüz ile biten fiillerde sondaki On On Monday, on Tuesday corridor, gym, hall, head teacher’s office,
ünlü tekrarlanır ve sonra -ing getirilir. evening ICT room, library, music room, playing
At At 5 o’clock, at the field, reception, science lab, stairs,
Cut- cutting forget-forgetting teachers’ room, toilets)
weekend, at night
chat-chatting mop-mopping No This afternoon,
prepositions tomorrow (morning)
*Present simple tense için usually, always,
ever day, never, on Sundays gibi zaman
zarflarını kullanırız. Ama present
continuous tense için şimdiki zamanı ifade

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