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Product: Anti-Covid Machine

 Brief description
- It’s a version of an ordinary vending machine but the available items inside are the essential
things to avoid Covid-19 virus. Items inside are mask, face shield, hand sanitizer, alcohol,
hands-free door openers, tissue and etc. Mechanics of use is the same with an ordinary
vending machine, insert the money then pick the chosen essential item and pick up.
 Benefits
- It’s convenient to people to grab in the Anti-Covid Machine than entering a
mall/convenience store and upon entering temperature check is necessary which is time
consuming and it’s accessible 24/7.
- As we live today the danger of covid-19 has escalate but with the production of a
convenient Anti-Covid Machine to deliver the items we need we can protect ourself while
continuing our daily lives outside of our home.
- It’s ideal for the people who forgets to bring their own essential items or have their items
damage or lost.
- The items available in the Anti-Covid Machine are obligatory as stated of protocol such as
face mask and face shield. Others items such as alcohol hands-free door opener are helpful
to protect oneself from the virus.
 Market Needs and Trends
- Currently this product isn’t available in the Philippines and only accessible in Europe and
Belgium. Yet, the product have a positive response from the consumer of Europe and
Belgium. As this match the emerging needs of people amidst the covid-19 for their health
and safety.
- Competition for this product is few because it just recently commence the release of the
machines and it was produce as a response to the spread of covid-19.
- It is indeed needed because the Anti-Covid Machine items are very essential for people who
always go outside their house to ensure their health and safety and following the protocols.
- This product is indeed a new player in the market industry as it match the needs for the
avoidance to covid-19 which currently in our country. Instead of food and drinks in vending
machine it’s a new item which is currently needed by people.
 Target market (main target are people who go outside their house)
o Social Status/Income Level
- All social status
- Low-class, Middle-class and upper class
o Age bracket (youth, adults, seniors)
- Youth (10-24 years)
- Adults (25-64 years)
- Seniors (65 years and over)
o Gender – Female and Male
o Employees, Employer, Student, Family

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