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Sacred Messages/ 31

I had bought buckets of similar-quality amethysts to tumble

and to share. The earthy vibration of the stone was familiar.
Gemstone amethyst has an airy element and a higher-pitched
vibration. Amethysts are true medicine totems from the Mineral
World for me. I was soon to discover once again how deep this
shamanic connection between the amethyst and me truly is.
Not wanting to haggle, I told the salesperson I would return
later in the week. I knew the stone was mine. It was just a matter
of doing the dance to connect with it. The second time I came to
inquire about the stone, it had been moved out of sight to a shelf
beneath the cash register. Once again, the salesperson had for­
gotten to inquire about its price, and the owner was not there.
Knowing that the soothing quality of the amethyst is a much­
needed balance for impatience, I was amused to find it instigating
the opposite effect on me. I held the stone for a few quiet moments;
then gave it to the salesperson and promised to return soon.
The third time I came to the shop, I had several items to pick
up for a workshop I was giving. Neither the salesperson nor my stone
was in sight when I came to the cash register with my purchases. Trying
to sound casual, I asked the woman at the counter about the stone. I
related the story so far while she dug around in boxes and drawers to
locate my stone. Finally she found it and placed it in the bag with my
other items with a smile. No charge.
I didn't know immediately what had drawn me to that particular
stone. But I was soon to find out. Shortly after that, I was to meet
Twylah Nitsch for the first time. She made a trip to the Wolf Clan
South outside of Houston to set up a teaching lodge and initiate
some new clan members.
I had made an appointment to have a stone reading, as well,
from her. I got more than I ever dreamed of from that reading.
Though I was to study with her intensively later, this was my first
introduction to the Seneca methods of reading stones.
When I returned home, it seemed that all of my stones were leap­
ing off the shelves to be read in this way. Once a channel to wisdom is
opened, the results can be immediate and dramatic. I spent most of
that night using my new-found method of reading the messages in
many of my stones.
It wasn't until morning that I remembered the amethyst I had
gotten alter such a tricky dance. As I pulled it from my purse, I noticed
something I had never seen before. One side of the stone was shaped

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