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Let’s strengthen our muscles!

Today we will talk about muscles the way

they function why they are important in the human body and so much
more so put seat belts on because this is about to blow you away.
Before I began to tell you things about muscles, I should properly
educate you on muscles. Muscles is a band or bundle of fibrous tissue
in the human body that can contract, producing movement in or
maintaining the position or parts of the body. Muscles have a very
important role in the human body. Fun fact the average human body
contain 600 muscles.
Now that you know what a muscle is now let me explain to you how the
muscle functions! You probably do not consider how you move, speak,
and or chew. It is all the functions of muscles they control your
heartbeat, breathing and so much more. So next time before you get
ready to eat or exercise remember it is your muscles that are allowing
you to do so.
Now you’re probably thinking that you need your muscles to live and
your absolutely correct! Again, muscles are a very important aspect in
our daily lives. Muscles help us being active on a day-to-day basis. The
more we move our muscles the more strength we have. Fun fact the
heart is the strongest muscle in our body and always looking to be
stronger! So, my tip to you is to go out and use your muscles and build
up your heart.
Wow your learning a lot about the muscles but it is way more
information I want to share with you! There are three different types of
muscles skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. I know! I know you want to
know what they mean let’s start with the muscle cardiac! The cardiac
muscle or should I say (myocardium) is a muscle that is located only in
the heart and has the responsibility to keep the heart pumping blood
and making sure the blood is circulating through the body. Next runner
up is the smooth muscle. So, listen up while I smoothly break this down
to you. Smooth muscles are not located in the heart, but they are in the
walls of hallow visceral organs. They have many different functions.
They help with the digestion and collecting nutrients. And finally, the
skeletal muscle which is personally my favorite. The skeletal muscles
work together with bones, and by them working together it gives your
body power and strength, but you must understand that skeletal
muscles come in different sizes and shapes and they have different
roles. Fun fact the biggest muscles are in the calves and in the thighs.
There is something else I want to tell you before you go there are
different types of muscles contractions which are concentric, isometric,
eccentric. The concentric is the force generated by the muscle, the
isometric generates forces without changing the length of the muscles,
and lastly the eccentric is the external force on the muscle is greater
than the muscle that can generate.
Well thank you for letting me educate you on muscles!

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