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 9818337888

 Ranjan Kumar

 241, surya nagar-2, sector 91, faridabad - CISM, Project Management, Technology Risk
Haryana Management

Profile Summary
An e xpe rie nce d pro fe ssio nal in the Info rmatio n and Cybe rse curity do main, having 06 ye ars e xpe rie nce in Info se c and a to tal o f 15
ye ars e xpe rie nce in Info rmatio n Te chno lo gy. Expe rt in de live ring high pe rfo rming so lutio ns that re duce vulne rabilitie s / Te chno lo gy
Risks within co rpo rate syste ms. Ke y Stre ngths include e ngaging with se nio r stake ho lde rs to sco pe te chnical and busine ss
re quire me nts, e nsuring that IT se curity so lutio ns mitigate cybe r risks while de live ring RO I o n IT.

Rich e xpe rie nce in managing Pro je ct Manage me nt me tho do lo gy, pro ce ss, te chnical kno wle dge o n the late st to o ls and te chno lo gy
and the ir ado ptio n.

Re so urce fully e xe cute d o nsite Pro je ct acro ss 10+ co untrie s e ntailing Euro pe , Middle East and So uth Asia in the fo llo wing co untrie s:
Unite d Kingdo m, Singapo re , Po land, UAE, Ho ng Ko ng, China, Jo rdo n, Egypt, Thailand, Sri Lanka and many mo re .

I am lo o king fo r an e xciting and challe nging o ppo rtunity to be st use my skills to ste e r my care e r in Info rmatio n / Cybe r Se curity.

Ce rtifie d CISM, CISSP (cert pending) Prince 2, ITIL inte rme diate , Se rvice Transitio n, MCP (since 2008 ), and MCSE, Az ure

Key Achievement
The Digital Pro gramme o f £ 6M with 30 pro je ct staff to addre sse s the critical e nd o f life te chno lo gy platfo rms, pro vide s a suite o f
digital Clo ud-base d to o ls to e nable co llabo ratio n and se curity within the o rganiz atio n and he lps the o rganiz atio n o ptimiz e
o pe ratio ns thro ugh the use o f curre nt-ge ne ratio n to o ls, and ado ptio n o f ne w ways o f wo rking; save d £ 10M in a span o f 2-3
ye ars.

Appo inte d as Pro je ct Le ad in 2017 to de live r the Digital pro gram, which include d Info rmatio n and Cybe r se curity pro je cts
Imple me ntatio n acro ss the o rganiz atio n as pe r se curity po licie s. Windo ws 10 upgrade acro ss the e state , so ftware upgrade ,
hardware re place me nt. Ke y achie ve me nt, fo llo we d Cybe r Esse ntial standard to imple me nt se curity co ntro ls.
Fo r e xample , malware Incide nt handling in all e ndpo ints, Data se curity co ntro ls like DLP, Encryptio n, and o the r te chnical co ntro ls,
alo ng with pro ducts ado ptio n and training transitio n to o pe ratio ns Te ams.

Cre ate d tailo re d Re le ase Manage me nt pro ce ss in Se rvice No w (ITSM to o l) as pe r o rganiz atio n ne e d in British Co uncil. Which
include d the re le ase pro ce ss and its Life cycle , Inte gratio n with o the r pro ce sse s like the change and incide nt manage me nt
pro ce ss. Custo miz e d Re le ase and O pe ratio nal gate ways as pe r re le ase type s to impro ve O pe ratio nal e fficie ncie s and
e ffe ctive ne ss, fo r e xample . 30% e fficie ncie s impro ve by inte grating De vO ps co nce pt in Re le ase Mo dule .

As a Re le ase o wne r o f busine ss-critical applicatio ns (In-ho use to o l), cre ate d an Agile appro ach in Re le ase Manage me nt
Life cycle , starting fro m the te st, Q A, UAT, and pro ductio n e nviro nme nt, re duce d o pe ratio nal co st by 40% (appro x.) and de fe ct-
fre e change s into pro ductio ns.

Be ing a pro je ct Engine e r in PC so lutio n, de live re d PO C (pro o f o f co nce pt) co nce pts o f Micro so ft te chno lo gie s like Windo ws
se rve rs, SMS/SCCM/SCO M, End Po int Pro te ctio ns to o ls in vario us clie nts acro ss India, imple me nt the pro je ct o n clie nt site s,
training to O pe ratio n Te ams and transitio n the pro duct to the o wne r with all do cume ntatio n and suppo rt matrix.

Re wards and Re co gnitio n

Mo st Value d Pro fe ssio nal (MVP) in ye ar 20-21 (Ye arly Award)
O utstanding Pe rfo rme r (Rating 1) fo r last two ye ars, in 19-20 and 20-21 ye ars.

Te chno lo gy Risk manage me nt, Pro je ct Manage me nt, ITIL, RCV, Se rvice Transitio n, O ffice 365 se curity, Windo ws 7/10, MS Pro je ct/Visio ,
Clo ud (Az ure )

Technical Skills
Se curity Ce rtificatio n CISM, CISSP (cert pending)
Pro je ct Manage me nt Ce rtificatio n and to o ls Prince 2 (practitio ne r), MS Pro je ct and JIRA
Se curity Standards:- Cybe r Esse ntials, NIST 8 00-38 , unde rstanding o f ISO 27001.
End Po int Pro te ctio n to o l, De fe nde r ATP (Advance d Thre at Pro te ctio n), Endpo int Manage me nt
Clo ud, O ffice 365 (suit), Az ure clo ud
De vO ps, a basic unde rstanding o f Te am City (CI to o l) and O cto pus de plo yme nt to o l (we b apps)
End Po int Co mputing to o ls, SMS, SCCM, Intune (Micro so ft Endpo int Manage r)
The clie nt applicatio n, Windo ws 7/10 e co syste ms, Mac O S (basic)
ITSM to o l, Se rvice No w
Pro ce ss, ITIL, Se rvice Transitio n, Re le ase Co ntro l and Validatio n (RCV)
So ft Skills, Stake ho lde r Manage me nt, Pe o ple Manage me nt, Le an, CIs, Value Add

Employment history
British Council Aug '10 - Present
Project Lead - Change Delivery Team Noida (India)
The British Council builds connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and other countries (102 countries) through arts and culture, education and the
English language.

Transformation Program: Le ad and drive se curity and te ch re fre sh pro je cts unde r the Glo bal IT Se curity pro gramme , which include s
imple me nting all se curity po licie s and co ntro ls, training, e nd to e nd imple me ntatio n o f O ffice 356 acro ss British Co uncil o ffice s and
upgrade Windo ws 10 e co syste m (applicatio ns, hardware , se curity, se rvicing) in appro x. 20000 machine s wo rldwide in 90+ co untrie s
and 200+ o ffice s.

Pro je ct Name :- Standardiz atio n se curity and imple me ntatio n o f 0365 suit and the ir ado ptio ns. The co st o f the pro je ct is abo ut 1
millio n (GBP) and RO I within 2-3 ye ars.
Pro je ct de live ry mo de : - O nsite and re mo te .
Duratio n: 2 Ye ars (appro x.)
Pro je ct scale : - Acro ss 102 co untrie s in 203 site s (o ffice lo catio ns), 15000 use rs and 20000+ asse ts.
Te am siz e : - 15 me mbe rs glo bally (Ame ricas, Euro pe , Wide r Euro pe , Middle East, Africa, So uth Asia, East Asia and the UK). Be ing a
pro je ct le ad I was managing 2 te chnical le ads and 10 te chnical me mbe rs.

Ke y highlights

Planning o n the o ve rall Pro je ct include d, time line s/mile sto ne s, budge t, re po rting/go ve rnance , risk, re so urce s, and
imple me ntatio n.
Se tup a pro je ct imple me ntatio n plan with re quire d stake ho lde rs including lo cal site manage me nt like Lo cal co untry IT te chnical
staff, se nio r staff (Co untry Dire cto r) and with busine ss.
An acting bridge be twe e n use rs, so lutio ns Te ams. GRC, imple me ntatio n te ams to e nsure se curity so lutio n must be as pe r
busine ss re quire me nts, fo rme d multiple virtual te ams, glo bally to de live r pro je cts.
Assigning wo rk package s to te am le ads and me mbe rs fo r imple me ntatio n and se tup go ve rnance and re po rting.
Agre e me nt with stake ho lde rs o n ro le s and re spo nsibility fo r do wntime (if ne e de d) at site s / Co untry during ro llo uts.
Pe rfo rming quality che cks/update s/issue s/risks/lo gs in daily o r we e kly me e tings with Se nio r pro je cts manage rs and pro gram
manage rs, GRC Te am and o the r stake ho lde rs.
Participating in we e kly pro je ct calls with all se nio r pro je cts manage rs, pro gram manage r and pro gram Dire cto r.
Imple me nte d CIs (co ntine ntal impro ve me nt) thro ugh pro je ct Life cycle to impro ve the e fficie ncie s in pro je cts.
Hiring te am me mbe rs fo r this pro je ct fro m vario us co nsultants fo r pro je cts.
Traine d and o nbo ard te am me mbe rs in pro je cts at Po land, UK and No ida o ffice fo r mass de plo yme nt (re mo te and o nsite )
Ensure all te am me mbe rs are e quippe d with kno wle dge and be havio urs and the culture o f an o rganiz atio n.
Wo rking with GRC (Go ve rnance , Risk and Co mpliance ) Te am to ide ntify risks, asse ssme nt and the ir mitigatio ns and de ve lo p
mitigatio n plans.
Wo rk with GRC and so lutio n te am to de sign the o ve rall so lutio n as pe r o rganiz atio n se curity po licie s and busine ss pe rspe ctive .
Imple me ntatio n o f all ide ntifie d risks o f critical IT asse ts in line with o rganiz atio nal se curity po licie s fo llo we d Cybe r Esse ntial
standard and imple me nt se curity co ntro ls.
Se tup co ntro ls to analyse , de te ct, re spo nd and re co ve r. This auto matio n de sign he lp auto mate d the re me diatio n o f thre ats o n
critical asse ts fo r e ffe ctive ne ss in the se curity incide nts pro ce ss.
Plan and Imple me nt all se curity co ntro ls as pe r o rg se curity po licie s and standards, e spe cially in e ndpo ints. which include s,
Malware Incide nt Pre ve ntio n, Vulne rability manage me nt, Encryptio n, data classificatio n/labe lling, 0365 DLP, thre at manage me nt,
e nd-use r se curity aware ne ss, se curity incide nts and do cume ntatio ns.
Imple me nt De fe nde r Advance d Thre at Pro te ctio n (ATP) suit in all e ndpo ints (20000) with all se curity co ntro ls.
End to e nd imple me ntatio n o f O ffice 365 Suit and se curity co ntro ls in 20000 e ndpo ints/use rs, like Thre at Manage me nt, Phishing,
Encryptio n and o the r se curity co ntro ls.
Wo rk with busine ss o wne rs o n to o ls adaptio ns o n day-to -day in BAU, use r aware ne ss training in se curity, adaptio ns.

Pro je ct Name :- Windo ws 10 upgrade and the ir e co syste m in 20000+ machine s glo bally. The co st o f the pro je ct is abo ut 3 millio n
(GBP), include d hardware re place me nt and so ftware .
Pro je ct de live ry mo de : - O nsite and re mo te .
Duratio n: 2 Ye ars (appro x.)
Pro je ct scale : - Acro ss 102 co untrie s in 203 site s (o ffice lo catio ns), 15000 use rs and 20000+ asse ts.
Te am siz e : - 20 me mbe rs glo bally (Ame ricas, Euro pe , Wide r Euro pe , Middle East, Africa, So uth Asia, East Asia and the UK).
Le ad and drive Windo ws 10 upgrade Pro je ct in all e ndpo int acro ss British Co uncil o ffice s, which include d Win10 upgrade , In-ho use
applicatio ns te sting and de plo yme nt, hardware re place me nt, and se curity like CIS, So ftware /fe ature s update s, e ndpo int
e ncryptio n, e ndpo int DLP and harde ning. I was managing 14 imple me nte rs, 3 te am le ads acro ss re gio ns fo r an e nd to e nd
imple me ntatio n.

Ke y highlights
Acting bridge be twe e n use rs and te chnical so lutio ns Te ams to e nsure so lutio n must be as pe r busine ss re quire me nts.
De fine and cre ate Windo ws 10 e co syste m, such as se tting up Windo ws 10 se rvicing mo de l fo r fe ature update s (SAC) and se curity
patching in all e ndpo ints, which include d auto matio n, te sting/pilo t, UAT, imple me ntatio n, and re po rting.
Re spo nsible fo r imple me ntatio n/upgrade o f Windo ws 10 in all e ndpo ints acro ss British Co uncil as pe r pro je ct sco pe , which
include d lo cal laws and re gulatio ns, fo r e xample , China and Russia.
Arrange d wo rksho ps with site -lo cal manage me nt (re mo te and o nsite site ) and lo cal co untry manage rs to de fine ro le s and
re spo nsibilitie s, o pe ratio nal re adine ss, and do wntime (if re quire ), ho w to upgrade se nio r manage me nt co mpute rs e tc.
De fine d pro je ct imple me ntatio n plan, do cume ntatio ns, e nsure d o pe ratio nal re adine ss, lo gistics be fo re pro je ct kick-o ff
Clo se ly with the so lutio n de sign te am fo r pro duct de ve lo pme nt, e nhance me nts, issue s and do cume ntatio n e tc
Participate d in daily/we e kly calls to che ck the de plo yme nt pro ce ss with all imple me nte rs and update the pro je ct status to
se nio r pro je ct manage rs, Risk Manage me nt Te am in che ckpo ints calls.
Se tup and ide ntify the te chnical pe rso n at site s o r traine d de le gate d use rs to suppo rt and upgrade machine s at the site with the
he lp o f pro je cts te ams.
Wo rk with Risk Manage me nt and so lutio n te am to de sign, re po rting and co mpliance .

British Council
Release and Deployment Manager
Re spo nsible fo r ste e ring the Re le ase thro ugh the Re le ase and De plo yme nt Manage me nt pro ce ss. Ensure the inte grity o f the live
e nviro nme nts is pro te cte d and the co rre ct co mpo ne nts are re le ase d by o wning the de plo yme nt sche dule s fo r all e nviro nme nts.

Ke y highlights
Wo rk with vario us busine ss, applicatio ns o wne rs, and glo bal se curity te am o n vulne rability manage me nt to se cure in ho use
busine ss applicatio ns by se tup patching, mo nito ring, se curity Incide nt pro ce ss and go ve rnance
Tailo re d Re le ase Manage me nt pro ce ss in Se rvice no w and inte grate d with De vO ps mo de l and pro ce ss, an auto mate d pro ce ss
o f mino r change s (te chnical and no n-te chnical)
Cre ate d a te st script in Te am city and mo ve to the ne xt le ve ls like Q A, UAT, Staging and pro ductio n thro ugh the O cto pus
de plo yme nt to o l.
Cre ate a plan Re le ase pipe line (Re le ase Cale ndar) and share it with stake ho lde rs and syste ms o wne rs acro ss the busine ss.
Intro duce d Le an and six sigma me tho d to cut waste in the pro ce ss and incre ase e fficacy auto 40% in the re le ase pro ce ss.
Le ad a te am to de plo y se curity patche s, fe ature s in all busine ss applicatio ns as pe r the ir re le ase cycle .
Wo rk with the glo bal se curity te am o n se curity incide nts, re late d to applicatio ns and co mpliance .
Wo rk clo se ly with O pe ratio ns and Suppo rt te ams to maintain the inte grity o f the pro ductio n e nvio urme nt thro ugh the re le ase
pro ce ss.
Standardiz e d Se curity co ntro ls acro ss hardware (lapto ps and de skto ps) in all site s acro ss the glo be , re gular BIO S update s e tc.
Managing day to day SCCM administrative -te chnical activitie s and the ir administratio n, like O SD de plo yme nt and apps,
mo nito ring e tc.
Managing O cto pus de plo yme nt to o l fo r the imple me ntatio n o f we b-base d applicatio ns fro m a ce ntraliz e d re po sito ry, using
De vO ps me tho do lo gy like Te am City to o l.

Accenture Jun '09 - Jul '10

Sr. Engineer - Workplace Services Gurugram, India
Accenture plc is an Irish-domiciled multinational company that provides consulting and processing services

Re spo nsible fo r managing day to day BAU o pe ratio ns unde r wo rkplace se rvice s, which include d applying se curity update s o n
asse ts, managing Antivirus so ftware and Windo ws Imaging.

Ke y highlights
Wo rking with glo bal se curity te am fo r patch manage me nt, which include s asse ssme nt, te sting and imple me ntatio n and
re po rting.
Clo se ly wo rking with se curity te am fo r co mpliance re vie w o n re gular basis o n applicatio ns and hardware .
Inte grate the SCCM to o l with a ce ntraliz e d mo nito ring syste m fo r e ve nt and thre at manage me nt.
Re le asing and mo nito ring the so ftware into live e nviro nme nts o n mo re than 17000 windo ws co mpute rs.- Maintaining SMS 2003
Re spo nsible fo r pro viding SMS data (re po rts) to manage me nt fo r audit at re gular inte rvals. Packaging via admin to o l and
custo miz e d and distribute .

PC Sol Pvt Ltd Jun '06 - Jun '10

Sr. Project Engineer Delhi, India
PC Solutions is a strategic, influential, and credible leader in the field of Technology services, consulting and IT infrastructure solutions for the past thirty years.

Re spo nsible fo r PO C o n clie nt lo catio ns and re side nt Engine e r suppo rt at clie nt lo catio ns.

Ke y highlights
Project Engineer - Antirius and Microsoft technology
PO C fo r Antivirus so ftware like Tre nd micro , No rto n e tc o n custo me r site (NCR lo catio ns) majo r clie nts are :- NTPC, Z e e TV, HP,
Co nfigure Antivirus so ftware and the ir administratio n, re po rting e tc
Cre ating dashbo ard and co mpliance fo r manage me nt vie w.
Cre ating te chnical do cume nts fo r O pe ratio n Te ams fo r Majo r clie nts.

Re side nt Engine e r
Re side nt Suppo rt Engine e r in many o rganiz atio ns like NDTV, Sie me ns, TERI and Co pal Partne rs fo r BAU suppo rt at site lo catio ns (24*7)
e nviro nme nt.

NDTV and TERI - 2006 - Re side nt Engine e r fo r De skto p and Applicatio n Suppo rt.
Sie me ns- 2007- 2008 - Re side nt Engine e r fo r De skto p and se rve rs suppo rts
Co pal Partne rs - 2008 -2010 - Re side nt Engine e r - Syste m Engine e r

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology in 2006
10+2 - CBSE Board - 2002
Board exam (CBSE Board) - 1999

Hobbies and Activity

Volunteered, trees plantation in 2019 with friends at Faridabad.
Sports, playing cricket/badminton and indoor games

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