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 What is the most important effect of technology discussed in this article? Explain your answer.

- We use technology to define ourselves by sharing our thoughts and feelings as we’re having
them, We use to think. So, in order to feel more, and to feel more like ourselves, we connect.
Technology makes us more confident in what we want to say, and in what we feel.
 What is the most notable negative effect of technology discussed in this article? Explain you
- But in our rush to connect, we flee from solitude, our ability to be separate and gather
ourselves. Especially the children, they need to learn to communicate face to face without
hesitations in what they want to say and in showing what they really feel. Technology gets
majority of people’s time watching netflix, scrolling feeds in twitter, Ig, or Fb all day, instead
of having a conversation face to face with your family, friend and bond with them.
 Explain: Conversation --Connection--->Isolation
- It’s fun to have Conversations with your friends and family especially when you talk about life
and other stuffs. Until technology, but by it means technology it makes us more confident in
what who we really are and being less demure. And when technology came we have been
isolated in our own rooms facing technology devices instead of having conversations face to
face with other people without hesitations.
 Explain: The little device most of us carry around are so powerful that they change not only what
we do, but also who we are.
- Little devices contains a lot of applications that can change not only what we do, but also
what we are. People wants to keep up with a trend, A lot of people post some pictures for
life hacks, how to do this how to do that. It’s like we wanted to have a new life style because
of what we see on social media and in technology.
 Why is it entitled flight from Conversation?
- Now a days, people are not used to have a conversation with other people, they are not
comfortable to have a conversation face to face while technology is commonly used right
now to entertain people. But it’s not just that, there are times that we are together with
some other people but we are just in our own minds connected with our little devices. That’s
why it calls the flight from conversation because it’s referring how we need to value
conversations and limitations of digital connections so sherry turkle mentioned in the article
“So I say, look up, look at one another, and let’s start the conversation”, to reestablish the
lost connection of conversation.

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