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f. Make a detailed impression on the process and information gathered from the activity.

Describe how this experience and knowledge impact perspectives on your chosen field.

I know that conducting this activity will not be a walk in the park nor a piece of cake.
With the medium that I used and especially with the current situation, it is indeed made the
process arduous and very challenging. But with hard work and determination, everything went
well and was successful.

During the process, I was a bit hesitant and doubtful since I know no one related in my
field to be interviewed. But with luck, I was able to found one: Mr. Kharester Dumapit. He is a
Millsite Auditor Staff in Busco Sugar Milling Co., Inc. at Busco, Butong, Quezon, Bukidnon. It was
my first time to interview a professional through chats in messenger. At first, I was intimated
and had my stomach twisted but when the conversation continue I found it more informative,
educational and at the same time fun.

Furthermore, I learned a lot from this activity especially during the interview. The
information gathered is instructive and enlightening especially for someone like me who aims
and dreams to be in that field in the near future.

The overall experienced and the knowledge I got had me an epiphany. I realized that
this field that I chose to chase will require considerable physical and mental effort. It gave me
the idea and abstraction on what it feels like to be working in this field. The motivation and
inspiration that you need to be steadfast despite of the challenges faced. And it broadens my
perspective and appreciation of the course that I currently taking in.

Thus, this activity is not just educational for me but also molded me to be more awake,
aware and to love more my chosen field. And to ascertain that no matter what field you will
choose, either you want to be in the field of medicine, education, business or even engineer, as
long as you love what you do, you will find happiness in it and you will be triumphant and

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