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Undying is a great team fighter and pusher in Dota2. Because of his skills that are used
for heal; he is hard target to kill, or gank. His Tombstone allows him to push and defend
lanes very well.



Guide for Undying - Dirge in Dota 2 v 6.84c

 1

 2

 3

 4

 5

 6

 7
 8

 9

 10

 11

 12

 13

 14

 15
 16

 17

 18

 19

 20

 21

 22

 23
 24

 25


It is our nuke in early game. It has low damage but its advantage is that we drain enemy’s strength
that let us harass enemy with low strength very well. This spell is one of the factors of Undying’s
mana issues.

This is interesting

 Heals allies that got under its effect.

 The effect stacks with every use but enemy’s Strength cannot be lower than 1.
 With this spell strength is being drained first and only then damage is given. Because of
that order damage is increased.

Soul Rip

Great nuke/heal, that may finish enemy, or heal ally and help him. It depends on the amount of
creeps/heroes in radius and that’s why it works great with Tombstone, that allows deal damage/heal
twice more than usual.
This is interesting

 You can heal Tombstone with Soul Rip. But you can’t heal other buildings.
 When we use it, everyone who was in radius will get 25 damage, but you can’t kill that way.


The main spell of our hero. It’s a very versatile spell, that may help pushing or counter pushing, or
to save your team mate or your hero from gank. It is very effective in early game. It has big radius
and it’s very effective, but you still need a lot of practice to place it right. Positioning is the most
important thing for this spell.

This is interesting

 When enemy heroes will have lower than 50% HP zombies will have 50% bonus to move
speed and attack speed.
 Every zombie has ability to slow down target by7%, and if target is being attacked by not
one zombie, effect is stacked.
 You can’t attack buildings with Tombstone
 Tombstone won’t work on invisible enemies.
 Zombies can be used as target for teleport of  Boots of Travel
 Zombie ignore Naga Siren’s Ultimate, that’s why during Song of Siren a lot of zombies will
appear, it makes these two heroes a great band.

Flesh Golem

Very useful ultimate that is not that great because of healing from dead enemies but because of
aura that gives additional damage from any source and slowdown. This spell makes Undying great
hero for team fights.
This is interesting

 Damage from  Radiance is increased on infected enemies.

 Illusions does not give heal.
 The aura works best on 200 distance, and this effect fades off with the distance. 
Aghanim's Scepter can increase it.
 Dead souls come back to Undying as HP, even if he wasn’t the one who killed.

Early game for Undying(up to 15 minute)

What I should do?

Undying plays support role on lane, and farms on pulls in forest. That’s why we should go on
Easy lane (top for Dire, Bottom for Radiant).

Our items will be  Ring of Protection. 2x  Iron Branch,  Healing Salve и  Animal
Courier. Those items will be useful in future and we will have the opportunity to heal if
something goes wrong.

We need to get  Ring of Basilius, by buying  Sage's Mask. We should turn on the ring
only when we will push the tower, all the other time it should be off, in order not to push the
lane too much.

Next item will be  Arcane Boots; they will help us with mana, because we have 4 active
spells. If we have no hero in team who would be getting  Mekansm, we should get it. Mass
heal and armor increase always a great choice, and it’s not an expensive item. If enemy team
has a lot of magic damage, we should get  Hood of Defiance, because we always will be in
the middle of the battle.

We should not take farm from our carry; harass enemies with Decay, and Place Tombstone
during ally’s ganks, because we don’t have a big chance to kill someone by ourselves, as carry
has no items yet. You should practice to place Tombstone well. It’s important to place it not
very close to the enemy so we won’t lose it at once, but it should spawn zombies all the time.

Middle game for Undying(from 15 till 35 minute)

What I should do?

In mid game we turn on  Ring of Basilius, all the time so line would push and enemies will
have to get back to towers to defend them. Items should be chosen depending on game and
money. We can upgrade ring to  Vladmir's Offering, if we have melee carry or semi-carry. It
should be done fast.

We can also upgrade  Hood of Defiance to  Pipe of Insight, if we have a lot of mages
with AoE spells, like Queen of Pain or Puck.

We should be in front rows during the battle, and try to hit more enemies with Decay.
Tombstone can be placed behind the enemy so you will cut off the ways of retreat. You can
always heal it with Soul Rip.

It’s very important to have the Ultimate ready, do not waste it on fights against 1-2
enemies.  Mekansm should be used fast, so our enemies will have bonus armor. When you
steam strength with Decay, enemies do not realize their actual HP level. It works great on low
levels, when after 2-3 stacks enemy has full bar of HP but it’s amount decreased by 200-300.

Late game for Dirge(from 35 minute)

What I should do?

Now we have 4 slots, and you should think what item you should buy, as we don’t have too
much gold. We have a lot of Variants so let’s look at them.

Aghanim's Scepter will upgrade our Flesh Golem, mana and HP. Thank to it we will greatly
increase our presence in teamfights.

Shiva's Guard works great with our ultimate, enemies won’t run far, and armor and move
speed reduce will save us from focus.

When enemy has one carry we can buy additional disable. If we have a lot of money 
Scythe of Vyse is a great choice, and if we don’t have money, then we should get 
Heaven's Halberd.

Full inventory view

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