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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Glossary The correct answer for each question is indicated by a .
Chapter Overview 1 CORRECT Bereavement is defined as the

A) objective event of loss.

B) reaction to loss.

C) loss of a loved one.

D) customary display of grief.

Feedback: It conveys a sense of being deprived.
2 CORRECT What is the process by which a bereaved person integrates a loss into his or her ongoing life?

A) grief

B) mourning

C) bereavement

D) moving on with life

Feedback: Mourning is determined, at least partly, by social and cultural norms for expressing grief.
3 CORRECT In addition to insomnia and changes in appetite, the physical disturbances that typically occur with grief include

A) anxiety.

B) shortness of breath.

C) sense of disorganization.

D) confusion.
Feedback: Other physical symptoms are discussed in the text.
4 CORRECT In most cases, feelings of anger toward a deceased person should

A) be ignored.

B) be denied until they dissipate

C) not be part of grief

D) experienced and expressed

Feedback: Expressing feelings is an important part of coping with loss.
5 CORRECT Which of the following typically occurs during the initial period of mourning?

A) pining for the deceased.

B) sadness gradually recedes into the background.

C) sense of shock, confusion, and disorganization

D) intense reexperiencing of the history of the relationship with the deceased.

Feedback: The early period of grief may cause the bereaved to feel overwhelmed and vulnerable.
6 CORRECT Complicated mourning is best described as

A) sorrow, sadness, relief, and anger.

B) the recurrence of grief

C) failure to realize the implications of a loss

D) persistent problems with sleeplessness or loss of appetite

Feedback: Complicated mourning involves ongoing attempts to deny, repress, or avoid aspects of a loss, its pain, and its
implications for the mourner.
7 CORRECT The concept of "adjusting to a changed environment" is associated with

A) Williams Worden's "tasks of mourning"


C) George Engel's investigation of stressful situations

D) Narrative approaches to coping with loss

Feedback: Worden outlines four tasks in his model.
8 Maintaining bonds with the deceased is
A) dysfunctional mourning.

B) a testimony to the enduring strength of love.

C) a sign of unhealthy adjustment to loss.

D) a symptom of prolonged grief.

9 CORRECT In the instrumental pattern of grieving, how is grief experienced and expressed?

A) in an affective way.

B) in art, literature, and song

C) in restlessness or mental activity

D) in oscillations between loss-oriented and restoration-oriented coping styles

Feedback: Instrumental grieving is associated with physical manifestations of grief.
10 CORRECT Examples of loss-oriented coping include

A) looking at old photographs.

B) dealing with arrangements for reorganizing one's life.

C) mastering tasks that had been taken care of by the deceased.

D) developing a new identity.

Feedback: Yearning for the deceased and crying about the death are other examples.
11 CORRECT Which of the following variables that influence grief are conditioned by the survivor's model of the world?

A) the circumstances of death.

B) bereavement burnout

C) disenfranchised grief

D) the personality and social roles of the bereaved.

Feedback: Our personality and social roles influence how we relate to life experiences, including bereavement.
12 CORRECT If a survivor had a central relationship with the deceased and also believed the death was not preventable, mourning
would be expected to be

A) less intense as well as of shorter duration.

B) both intense and prolonged.

C) intense with a shorter duration.

D) less intense and prolonged.

Feedback: Central relationships usually result in more intense grief, while believing a death could not be prevented usually
results in grief of shorter duration.
13 CORRECT Of the following modes of death, which could be characterized as a low-grief death?

A) homicide

B) auto accident

C) terminal illness

D) suicide
Feedback: When death is anticipated, shock and disbelief tend to be less intense than when death occurs suddenly and is
14 CORRECT An aged grandmother who dies after a lengthy chronic illness is an example of what mode of death?

A) homicide

B) disaster

C) anticipated death

D) suicide
Feedback: Anticipated death involves being aware of an impending loss.
15 CORRECT Disenfranchised grief can be described as a

A) framework for dealing with loss.

B) consequence of lacking social support or acknowledgement of loss.

C) response to prior knowledge of an impending death.

D) situation that produces an intense emotional and physical reaction.

Feedback: This occurs when a death or loss is not socially sanctioned.
16 CORRECT Unfinished business is best described as

A) resolving issues about death itself.

B) evaluating deathbed promises.

C) carrying out incomplete plans.

D) business that goes on after a death.

Feedback: Unfinished business encompasses a variety of issues that involve the clearing of conflicts and questions about
death and one’s relationship with the deceased person.
17 CORRECT Funerals facilitate mourning by

specifying the proper way to grieve.

B) allowing survivors to bond with the deceased one final time.

C) controlling the expression of emotion.

D) providing a social framework for coping with the fact of death.

Feedback: Funerals help survivors gain a sense or closure and begin to integrate a loss into their ongoing lives.
18 CORRECT Which of the following bereavement organizations focuses on supporting military families?

A) The Compassionate Friends

B) Bereaved Families of Ontario

C) Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors

D) The Compassionate Families of Ontario

Feedback: This organization offers peer-to-peer support, survivor seminars, and other types of help to military personnel and
their families.
19 Which of the following statements of advice would most benefit a bereaved person?
A) "Take time for yourself; don't rush to take on new projects or different situations."

B) "Go on a long vacation to get away from it all."

C) "The quicker you get back to work and manage your affairs, the quicker you will get over this."

D) "We will make sure you have an active social life."

Feedback: Recognizing and coping with the loss is more important than trying to “get away from it all.”
20 CORRECT Which of the following statements best describes how bereavement is an opportunity for growth?

A) The lost relationship is changed, allowing for new possibilities.

B) Stories and concerns can be shared.

C) The survivor expected the death.

D) The survivor has a positive model of the world.

Feedback: Beliefs, values, and assumptions can be reassessed and transformed.

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