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Cabadbaran City Division

South Cabadbaran District

T. Curato Street, Cabadbaran City

First Quarter Summative Week 1&2

Practical Research 2

Note: Your answer must be written in a yellow paper.

I. Multiple Choices: Direction: Read and understand each question and statement below,
then select the letter of your answer and write it on the answer sheet.

1. Which of the following best defines quantitative research?

A. It is a systematic process obtaining numerical information about the world

B. It is an exploration associated with libraries, books and journals
C. It is an activity concerned with finding new truth in education
D. It is an activity of producing or proving a theorem
2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of quantitative research?
A. Figures, tables or graphs showcase summarized data collection in order to show
trends, relationship or differences among variables
B. It seeks to gather a more comprehensive understanding of activities related to
human behavior and the attributes that rule such behavior
C. Method can be repeated to verify findings in another setting, thus, strengthen and
reinforcing validity of findings eliminating the possibility of spurious conclusions
D. Data are gathered before proposing a conclusion or solution to a problem.
3. Which of the following describes the characteristics of research where data are in a form
of statistics?
A. Large Sample Size C. Objective
B. Numerical Data D. Replication
4. Which of the following types of quantitative research requires a control group and an
experimental group?
A. experimental Design C. pilot study
B. pre-existing data D. surveys
5. Why is research important to life?
A. Research assesses individuals or groups plan of actions as basis
for accurate inventions and decisions in life.
B. Research helps professionals in delivering quality education
C. Research has the potential for providing quality life.
D. All of the above.
6. Which of the following variables are common in quantitative research?
A. extraneous, confounding C. participant, situational
B. independent, dependent D. constant, latent
7. What type of quantitative research involves the finding of truths about a subject by
describing the collected data about such subject and determining their relationships or
connections with one another?
A. experimental C. non-experimental
B. descriptive D. historical

8. Which of the following illustrates a quantitative study?

A. public opinion to the corruption in our country
B. academic performance of high school students
C. attributes to malnutrition in children
D. all of the above choices
9. What do you call a variable that is manipulated in an experiment?
A. dependent variable C. confounding variable
B. independent variable D. measurement variable
10. A farmer applies different fertilizer to his wheat crops, to see which will make his plants
grow the highest. What is the independent variable?
A. different cotton crops C. growth of plants
B. height of plants D. type of fertilizer
11. A farmer applies different fertilizer to his wheat crops, to see which will make his plants
grow the highest. What is the dependent variable?
A. different cotton crops C. growth of plants
B. height of plants D. type of fertilizer
12. A senior high school STEM student wanted to determine the color of flower that bees
are most attracted to. She placed different colors of the same type of flower near each other
and counted the number of bees that visited each flower color. What is the Independent
A. type of flower C. number of bees
B. color of flower D. type of bees
13. The dependent variable is the one that you measure.
A. True C. Maybe
B. False D. Doubtful
14. Which variable measures the effect of manipulating another variable?
A. dependent variable C. predictor variable
B. confounding variable D. independent variable
15. What do you call a variable that is manipulated in an experiment?
A. dependent variable C. confounding variable
B. independent variable D. measurement variable
II. Classification: Direction: Classify the following quantitative variables whether it is Discrete
or Continuous and its corresponding level of measurement. Write your answer on your
answer sheet.
_______________1. Score in final examination.
_______________2. Number of siblings in the family
_______________3. Temperature of COVID patients (°𝐶)
_______________4. Speed of a Bachelor bus in a highway
_______________ 5. Number of COVID patients admitted per day
_______________ 6. Amount of time (in hours) spent by a senior high school student in
Studying per day
_______________ 7. Number of students attended the ODL class
_______________ 8. Number of Students,
_______________ 9. Number of correct answers,
_______________ 10. Number of friends,
_______________ 11.Number of hair strands,
_______________ 12. Number of stars,
_______________ 13. Red blood count
_______________ 14. Range of specified numbers is incomplete, i.e. infinite.
_______________ 15. Amount of gas put into a gas tank

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