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talk nói chuyện She is talking on a mobile phone.

clean lau chùi He’s cleaning a window with a cloth.

đặt (1 thứ gì đó vào
place Some food has been placed on a tray.
vị trí)
install lắp đặt Railings are being installed on a platform.

look at nhìn vào A group of people are looking at some papers.

stack chất chồng lên Some cups are being stacked on a table.

build xây dựng A fence has been built around the house.

move di chuyển A waiter is moving the table.

pour rót The man is pouring some liquid.

use sử dụng The woman is using a microscope.

hold cầm, nắm, giữ He’s holding a baking tray.

climb leo trèo Some people are climbing a set of steps.

work out tập thể dục A woman is working out outdoors.

arrange sắp xếp Computers have been arranged in two rows.

watch xem They are watching a presentation.

distribute phân phát One of the men is distributing some papers.

close đóng Curtains have been closed over windows.

open mở A window has been left open.

carry mang, vác Workers are carrying a package together.

stand đứng The people are standing in an aisle.

HOTLINE: HOTLINE: 096 740 36 48

reach out vươn ra One of the women is reaching out her arm.

operate vận hành A farmer is operating some machinery.

water tưới nước A gardener is watering some plants.

trim cắt, tỉa (cây) Some trees are being trimmed.

hang treo A lamp is hanging from the ceiling.

mount gắn There is a picture frame mounted on the wall.

point chỉ trỏ The woman is pointing at a bookcase.

paint sơn A man is painting a deck.

lift nâng lên They’re lifting a box in an office.

check kiểm tra One of the men is checking his watch.

touch chạm He’s touching a keyboard.

address phát biểu She’s addressing meeting participants.

pose tạo dáng The man is posing for a picture.

wear mặc, đeo, đội They’re wearing safety glasses.

prepare chuẩn bị She’s preparing a beverage.

polish đánh bóng A floor is being polished.

gather tụ tập A crowd has gathered to watch a performance.

line xếp hàng People are lined up to buy tickets.

set up thiết lập An outdoor stage is being set up.

drink uống The woman is drinking from a glass.

park đậu (xe) Cars are parked along a waterway.

HOTLINE: HOTLINE: 096 740 36 48

face đối mặt Chairs are facing a round table.

overlook nhìn xuống A building overlooks the garden.

try on thử A man is trying on a shirt.

reading đọc A woman is reading a magazine.

pick up lấy She’s picking up a phone.

examine xem xét He’s examining a document.

adjust điều chỉnh One of the men is adjusting his helmet.

assemble lắp ráp They’re assembling some furniture.

lean dựa vào He’s leaning against a railing.

surround bao quanh A field is surrounded by trees.

knee quỳ gối A woman is kneeling on the ground.

repair sửa chữa Some vehicles are being repaired.

push đẩy A woman is pushing a shopping cart.

plug in cắm dây điện They’re plugging in a laptop.

roll up xắ n lên He’s rolling up his sleeves.

tie buộc, cột The woman is tying a scarf.

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