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Name: Nesha Siti Nurwulan

Class: 1a

from the English language learners the current semester can be concluded regarding some of the
material as follows; The first thing I know is the misunderstanding of historians who have
learned the thing that I know from material material, which is about the complexity of the mind
consisting of tax documents, this article can be linked to a temporary relationship clauses that
link cannot be shared do not understand or cannot stand alone, as a simple example that I am
from complex feelings. The complex is sent back to produce both components due to the fact
more clearly to link some special relationships to start entries have been dealt with the role of the
subordinate tekonungs, relative pronouns. Cage complex can be doneinteresting English
component. When used correctly, they can add to you write. The entrance complex contains free
independent hanging clauses sentence group. Then, review the short or short mathematical
categories of verbs or verbs does it indicate the strength and type of reaction; whether it starts,
finishes, is ongoing, repeatedly. Simple as big as basic bostics (types of attention), which
consists of the only clause that is independent, and which can be replaced from it complexity of
thought. Simplicity is generally in the form of performance, but can also be one subjects, verbs,
and objects used by compounds.
Linguistic Aspect: Tenses, Aspects, Simple Sentences, Compound Sentences, Complex
Writing topic sentences builds ideas in writing exposition. Write now that Expository writing is
writing to explain something. I wrote to explain how something works, how to do something, or
just provide information about the theme. To help us get started here are some topics that were
opened sentence: from that, since, since and when. Supporting sentences that support or develop
ideas expressed by the topic in the paragraph.
Linguistck aspect
First, the definition of Conjunction is a part of speech that is commonly used combining two
words, two phrases, or two clauses in or into one whole sentence. There are two types of
conjunctions, namely coordinate conjunctions and subordinates
conjunction.Coordinateconjunction is a type of conjunction that combines the two words, two
phrases, and two independent clauses. Examples of words that are in coordinate:
• And type of word sare additive
• But the types of words are contrasting or contradictory
• Or the type of words used to give choices.
In fact, subordinate conjunction is a type of conjunction that only joins between independent and
dependent clauses. Example words from subordinates:
• Because the type of word sare is used to show reasons
• Even if / even if the type of word is contradictory or contrasting
• Like the types of words used in painting.
Linking words in paragraphs are words that connect words with sina words sentence or connect
the sentence with the sentence sina paragraph. Usual title together to combine words with each
other and sentences with each other.

Linguistic Aspects: Order of Adjectives, Synonym, Antonym, Simile. Genre:Descriptive

Mention adjective for objects, humans and its occurrences determined specific. make a
description to the incident certain with using Simile,Synonym and Antonym.
Linguistic Aspects: Connectors, Transition signal. Genre: Procedural Text
Doing research have an action in the field nursing Providing innovation positive towards
something nursing field, Presenting innovation that has been found, Give criticism and input
against innovation presented.
How to do a summary; Fact and opinion
Distinguish between facts and opinions inside a text, Showing pride of being prospective nurse
based on facts and opinion that has been was found
How to do a summary; Fact and opinion
Distinguish between facts and opinions inside a text
Theme: How to Give a Presentation; What makes a good presentation?; Common phrases
in presentation
Make conclusions from that information presented in a presentation, Make opinions / criticisms
on that issue presented in a presentation.
Presenting Graph, Chart and Table
Presenting information regarding that topic related to the theme health
Practices: Group Presentation
Presenting information regarding that topic related to the theme health.

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