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Cartagena, Bolívar
TELEFONO 3002604411

Professional Qualifications

A being with a lot of desire to learn, teach and create, I think that
all work should be valued and praised. I am very charismatic and
sometimes a little greasy, I like to talk, dialog and share pleasant
moments in which we all agree. I am willing to learn many things
and put them into practice too, I do not like the conflict nor much
less the gossip, I am clear in what I say thanks to the many
experiences lived. I like discipline and being responsible.

2020 academic bachelor
2020 Business logistics technician


2021: MICROENTERPRISE APARELHO : It's my first job in a company, I'm a

portfolio manager, I'm in charge of making calls in which I collect dues. It is a relatively
simple job, although dealing with people can be complicated, through patience and
maintaining the education instilled by our parents, it will always be an advantage. I have
been here for a month and it has been a very pleasant experience.


2006-2012: PRIMARY: Although I don't have many memories of my time in

elementary school, I remember that I liked social studies and Spanish very much, I
excelled in both of them and I managed to behave appropriately. Due to travel issues I
lost a year, which is why I finished a little later.

2013-2020: Baccalaureate: With the basics acquired in elementary school, I was able to
continue my learning rhythm but now in high school, where I acquired a lot of knowledge
and responsibility. I had the misfortune of losing two years due to travel issues, just like
the first time, but that did not knock down my desire to continue, thanks to that I was able
to graduate as a technician in business logistics where I also learned many things.

Spanish Fluent

Computer Skills:
Office Windows10: Word, Excel, Access, Power Point
Apharelo Elements, Electrocompany.

Un joven aprendiz dispuesto a dar el todo por salir adelante y

superarme, trato cada día de ser mejor persona y soy mi mayor reto
y meta. Trato siempre de ser amable y comprensible en un mundo
incomprensible, a pesar de tantas siempre sostengo mi confianza
en Dios y en mi mismo, siempre dispuesto ha ayudar y ha servir.

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