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In the future, I will do many things and live many experiences. During my twenty-one years, I

have always wanted to extend my horizons to the most extreme limits possible. I have learned

countless things through school and my personal experiences and look for opportunities to learn

more daily. I also have several objectives for the coming years. First, one of my long goals is to

graduate from the university and receive a baccalaureate degree in Pharmacy Technician. I entered

university in 2020 to study Accounting and Finance but I didn't like it. I changed to study Pharmacy

Technician and I'm going for my second year. I will be taking this goal seriously by studying very

hard every day to pass with good grades. Secondly, one of my short-term goals is to be able to

travel all over the world. Some countries I am passionate about and hope to visit in the coming

years are Spain, France, Italy, Cuba, Greece, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Turkey. Third, when I

have a stable career and have traveled for a while, I want to build a family. I see myself in the

future being a Pharmacy Technician and having a family. To conclude, my plans are to travel, and

I would like to learn new things. Most of all, I want to be satisfied with my achievements and

remember my life as one well-lived. In short, my great goal is to live each moment to the fullest

because as they say, we know about today but not tomorrow.

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