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Lesson Plan
Bobot (SKS)
Mata Kuliah (MK) Kode Credit Semester Tanggal Penyusunan
Course Code Tatap Muka Praktikum Praktik Lapangan Simulasi Semester Compilation Date
Face to Face Practice Practical Field Work Simulation
Farmasetika Dasar 1
Basic Pharmaceutics 3 SKS (Ganjil) 09 September 2021
2 1 0 0
Dosen Pengembang RPS Ketua Jurusan
The Lesson Plan Developer Head of Department


(apt. Noval, M.Farm.) (apt. Noval, M.Farm.)

NIK.1166042017095 NIK.1166042017095
Capaian Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (CPL) yang dibebankan pada MK
Pembelajaran Graduates Learning Outcome Which Charged to The Course
Learning Outcome CPL 1 – S9 Menunjukkan sikap bertanggungjawab di bidang keahliannya secara mandiri.
Demonstrate a responsible attitude in their area of expertise independently.
CPL 2 – PP11 Menguasai konsep teoritis formulasi dan produksi sediaan farmasi.
Mastering the theoretical concepts of formulation and production of pharmaceutical preparations.
CPL 3 – KU2 Mampu menunjukkan kinerja secara mandiri, bermutu, dan terukur.
Able to show performance independently, quality, and measurable.
Keterangan: CPL 4 – KK6 Mampu mengelola pekerjaan kefarmasian secara mandiri di supervisi apoteker, memimpin dan mengelola pekerjaan
Notes: kelompok, serta bertanggung jawab atas pencapaian hasil kerja kelompok.
S: Sikap Able to manage pharmaceutical work independently under the supervision of pharmacists, lead and manage group
Attitude work, and be responsible for achieving group work results.
P: Pengetahuan Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
Knowledge Course Learning Outcome
KU: Keterampilan CPMK 1 Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan sikap bertanggung jawab dalam proses penggerusan, pengayakan dan pencampuran
Umum (S9).
General Skills Students are able to show a responsible attitude in the process of grinding, sifting and mixing.
CPMK 2 Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan tentang sediaan obat dan Ketentuan Umum Farmakope Indonesia (P11).
KK: Keterampilan
Students are able to explain about drug preparations and General Provisions of Indonesian Pharmacopoeia.
CPMK 3 Mahasiswa mampu membuat Resep, copy resep dan etiket serta terampil menggunakan alat dan bahan praktikum
Special Skills
Farmasetika (KU2).
Students are able to make prescriptions, copy recipes and etiquette and are skilled at using tools and materials for
Pharmacy practicum.
CPMK 4 Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan sikap bertanggung jawab dalam proses penggerusan, pengayakan dan pencampuran
Students are able to demonstrate a responsible attitude in the process of grinding, sifting and mixing.
CPMK 5 Mahasiswa mampu membuat sediaan farmasi (KK6).
Students are able to make pharmaceutical preparations.
Deskripsi Singkat Mata kuliah Farmasetika Dasar berisi pokok-pokok bahasan yang memberi pengetahuan tentang perkembangan obat dari masa kemasa,
Mata Kuliah berbagai istilah yang tercantum dalam Ketentuan Umum Farmakope Indonesia, menterjemahkan resep, menentukan nama-nama
Short Description of bahan obat dan bahan tambahan serta bentuk sediaan farmasi; mengerti bentuk-bentuk sediaan obat, beberapa sediaan galenik
The Course dan cara pembuatannya.
The Basic Pharmaceutics course contains topics that provide knowledge about the development of drugs from time to time, various terms
contained in the General Provisions of Indonesian Pharmacopoeia, translating prescriptions, determining the names of medicinal
ingredients and additives as well as pharmaceutical dosage forms; understand the forms of medicinal preparations, some galenic
preparations and how to make them.
Bahan Kajian CPMK 1 Proses penggerusan, pengayakan dan pencampuran
Course Material Grinding, sifting and mixing processes
CPMK 2 Sediaan obat dan Ketentuan Umum Farmakope Indonesia
Drug preparations and general provisions of the Indonesian Pharmacopoeia
CPMK 3 Resep, copy resep dan etiket serta Mengenal Alat dan Bahan praktikum Farmasetika
Recipes, copies of recipes and etiquette as well as getting to know Pharmacy practicum tools and materials
CPMK 4 Proses penggerusan, pengayakan dan pencampuran
Process of grinding, sifting and mixing
CPMK 5 Sediaan Pulvis dan Pulveres serta sediaan pil, granula, kapsul serta sediaan salep, supositoria, dan pasta
Pulvis and Pulveres preparations along with pills, granules, capsules and ointments, suppositories, and paste
Sediaan emulsi dan suspensi serta sediaan saturasi, netralisasi, linimenta
Emulsion and suspension preparations as well as saturation, neutralization, linimenta
Bobot Penilaian Kognitif/Pengetahuan
Afektif/ Aktivitas Psikomotorik/ Hasil Proyek
Evaluation Cognitive/Knowledge
Partisipatif Psychomotor/ Project
Percentage Ujian Tengah Ujian Akhir
Affective/Participatory Resulth Tugas Kuis
Semester Semester
Activities Assignment Quiz
Mid Exam Final Exam
20% 30% 20% 0% 0% 30%
Media Perangkat Lunak:
Pembelajaran Software:
Learning Media 1. Ms. Office
Ms. Office
2. Learning management system (lms) Universitas Sari Mulia:
Sari Mulia University Learning Management System (lms):
3. Platform pembelajaran online: zoom meeting, google meets, whatsapp.
Online learning platforms: zoom meeting, google meets, whatsapp.
4. Video pembelajaran.
Tutorial video
Perangkat Keras:
1. LCD dan screen.
LCD and screen.
2. White board dan perangkat penunjang.
White board and supporting devices.
3. Phantom dan alat penunjang pembelajaran lainnya.
Phantom and other learning support tools.
Pustaka Utama:
References Primary:
1. Allen LV,Popovich NG,Ansel HC. 2014.Bentuk Sediaan Farmasetis & Sistem Penghantaran Obat Edisi 9.EGC.
2. Ansel HC. 2008.Pengantar Bentuk Sediaan Farmasi Edisi Keempat.UIP.
3. Aulton ME, Taylor KMG. 2013.Aulton’s Pharmaceutics:The design and Manufacture of Medicines.Elsevier.
1. Anief M. 2005.Ilmu Meracik Obat: Teori dan Praktik.UGM Press.
2. Depkes RI. 1979.Farmakope Indonesia Edisi III.Depkes.
3. Depkes RI. 1995.Farmakope Indonesia Edisi IV.Depkes.
4. Syamsuni. 2005. Farmasetika Dasar dan Hitungan Farmasi. EGC
Dosen Pengampu 1. apt. Noval, M.Farm. (NV)
Supporting Lecturer 2. apt. Siti Malahayati, M.Farm (SM)
3. Mia Audina, M.Farm. (MA)
Mata Kuliah Syarat -
Prerequisite Courses
KEGIATAN BELAJAR MENGAJAR (Teaching and Learning Activities)
Bentuk Pembelajaran; Metode
Pembelajaran (Alokasi Waktu);
Penilaian Penugasan
Minggu Evaluation Learning Format; Learning
CPMK Bahan Kajian/Materi Penilaian
Ke- Method (Time Allocation); Dosen
Course Learning Pembelajaran (%)
Week Assignment Lecturer
Outcome Course Material Evaluation
number Kriteria &
Luring Percentage
Indikator Bentuk Daring
Indicators Criteria & Online Learning
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
I.1 Mahasiswa 1. Pemahaman Kriteria: - 1. Bentuk: Pengantar Farmasetika Ujian Tulis SM
mampu 2. Menjawab Penguasaan Kuliah. Dasar 1,5
menjelaskan pertanyaan materi dan 2. Metode: 1. Sejarah Obat
secara logis, kritis, Contextual 2. Ketentuan Umum
3. Kelengkapan ketepatan Farmakope
dan sistematis learning,
tentang pengantar dan kebenaran dalam discovery Indonesia:Istilah
penjelasan menjelaskan kelarutan, wadah, suhu
farmasetika dasar learning penyimpanan,
3. TM: 2 x 50 kadaluwarsa, kadar yang
Bentuk menit dinyatakan dalam persen
penilaian: 4. E-learning: 3. Resep
Test: Ujian https://lms.uni a. Susunan resep
MCQ b. Penerapan Bahasa
Latin dalam resep
c. Singkatan Bahasa Latin
dalam resep
d. Salinan resep (copy
e. Etiket
4. Perhitungan Farmasi
a. Dosis maksimal
b. Dosis lazim
c. Pengambilan bahan/obat

Students are able 1. Understanding Criteria: - 1. Form: Lecture Introduction to Basic Exam 2
to explain 2. Answering Mastery of 2. Methods: Pharmaceutics
logically, questions the material Contextual 1. History of Medicine
critically, and learning,
3. Completeness and 2. General Provisions of
systematically discovery
about the and accuracy in learning Indonesian
introduction to correctness of explaining 3. TM: 2 x 50 Pharmacopoeia: Terms
basic explanation minutes of solubility, container,
pharmaceutics Assessment 4. E-learning: storage temperature,
Test: MCQ https://lms.uni expiration, levels
Exam expressed in percent
3. Recipe
a. Recipe
b. Application of Latin
in recipes
c. Latin abbreviations
in recipes
d. Copy of recipe
(copy of recipe)
e. Etiquette
4. Pharmacy Calculation
a. Maximum dose
b. Usual dosage
c. Taking
I.2 Mahasiswa 1. Keterampilan Kriteria: 1. Bentuk: - Pengenalan Dan Simulasi Praktikum 5 Tim
mampu melakukan Penguasaan alat Praktikum. Pemakaian Alat Praktikum
menggunakan alat praktikum praktikum 2. Metode:
dan bahan yang 2. Mengaplikasika Simulasi.
akan digunakan Bentuk 3. Praktik: 1 x
n alat
pada praktikum Penilaian: 170”
Test: Post test
Students are able 1. Skills to do Criteria: 1. Form: - Introduction and Simulation Practicum Team
to use tools and practicum Mastery of Practicum. of the Use of Practical Tools 5
materials that 2. Applying practicum tools 2. Method:
will be used in Simulation.
practicum Assessment 3. Practical: 1
equipment Form: x 170”
Test: Post test
II Mahasiswa 1. Pemahaman Kriteria : - 1. Bentuk: Pulveres Ujian Tulis SM
mampu 2. Menjawab Penguasaan Kuliah. 1. Definisi Pulveres 2,5
menjelaskan pertanyaan materi dan 2. Metode: 2. Persyaratan pulveres
secara logis, kritis, Contextual 3. Bahan tambahan
3. Kelengkapan ketepatan
dan sistematis learning, 4. Keuntungan dan kerugian
tentang pulveres dan kebenaran dalam discovery
penjelasan menjelaskan 5. Cara peracikan pulveres
6. Perhitungan dosis dan
3. TM : 3 x 50
Bentuk pengambilan obat pada
penilaian: resep
4. E-learning:
Test: Ujian https://lms.uni

Students are able 1. Understanding Criteria: - 1. Form: Lecture Pulveres Exam 2,5
to explain 2. Methods: 1. Definition of Pulveres
2. Answering Mastery of 2. Pulveres requirements
logically, question the material Contextual 3. Additives
critically, and learning, 4. Advantages and
3. Completeness and
systematically discovery disadvantages
about the and accuracy in learning 5. How to compound
pulveres correctness of explaining 3. TM: 3 x 50 pulveres
explanation minutes 6. Calculation of dosage and
4. E-learning: taking drugs on
Assessment prescription
Test: MCQ https://lms.uni
III.1 Mahasiswa 1. Pemahaman Kriteria : - 1. Bentuk: (Lanjutan Pulveres) Ujian Tulis SM
mampu 2. Menjawab Penguasaan Kuliah. Perhitungan Dosis dan 1,5
menjelaskan 2. Metode: pengambilan obat pada resep
pertanyaan materi dan
secara logis, kritis, Contextual
3. Kelengkapan ketepatan
dan sistematis learning,
tentang lanjutan dan kebenaran dalam discovery
pulveres penjelasan menjelaskan learning
3. TM : 2 x 50
Bentuk menit
penilaian : 4. E-learning:
Test: Ujian https://lms.unis

Students are able 1. Understanding Criteria: - 1. Form: Lecture (Continued Pulveres) Exam 1,5
to explain 2. Methods: Dosage calculation and drug
2. Answering Mastery of taking on prescription
logically, question the material Contextual
critically, and learning,
3. Completeness and
systematically discovery
about the and accuracy in learning
continued correctness of explaining 3. TM: 2 x 50
pulveres explanation minutes
Assessment 4. E-learning:
Test: MCQ https://lms.uni
III.2 Mahasiswa 1. Keterampilan Kriteria: 1. Bentuk: - Resep sediaan Pulveres Praktikum 5 Tim
mampu melakukan Penyelesaian Praktikum. Afektif 4
menganalisis dan praktikum dan ketepatan 2. Metode:
membuat resep Project
2. Mengaplikasika resep
sediaan pulveres n alat based
laboratorium Bentuk learning,
penilaian: Cooperative
Test: pretest dan learning
ujian praktikum 3. Praktikum: 1
Non Tes: x 170”
Mengisi modul
Students are able 1. Skills to do Criteria: 1. Form: - Pulveres preparation recipe Practicum Team
to analyze and practicum Completion and Practicum. 5
make pulveres 2. Applying accuracy of 2. Methods: Affective 4
prescription Project
laboratory recipes
preparations based
equipment learning,
Assessment Cooperative
form: learning
Test: pretest 3. Practical: 1
and practicum x 170”
exam Non-Test:
Fill out the
IV Mahasiswa 1. Pemahaman Kriteria: - 1. Bentuk: Pulvis Ujian Tulis NV
mampu 2. Menjawab Penguasaan Kuliah. 1. Definisi Pulvis 2,5
menjelaskan pertanyaan materi dan 2. Metode: 2. Persyaratan pulvis
secara logis, kritis, Contextual 3. Bahan tambahan
3. Kelengkapan kemampuan
dan sistematis learning, 4. Keuntungan dan kerugian
tentang pulvis dan kebenaran menyelesaika discovery
penjelasan n tugas 5. Perhitungan
sesuai rubrik 3. TM: 3 x 50 6. Cara peracikan pulvis
Bentuk 4. E-learning:
penilaian: https://lms.unis
Test: Ujian
Non test:
Rubrik tugas

Students are able 1. Understanding Criteria: - 1. Form: Lecture Pulvis Exam 2,5
to explain 2. Methods: 1. Definition of Pulvis
2. Answering Mastery of 2. Pulvis requirements
logically, question the material Contextual 3. Additives
critically, and learning, 4. Advantages and
3. Completeness and the
systematically discovery disadvantages
about the pulvis and ability to learning 5. Calculation
correctness of complete 3. TM: 3 x 50 6. How to compound the
explanation tasks pulvis
according to 4. E-learning:
the rubric https://lms.uni
Test: MCQ
Non test:
V Mahasiswa 1. Pemahaman Kriteria: - 1. Bentuk: Kapsul Ujian Tulis NV
mampu 2. Menjawab Penguasaan Kuliah. 1. Definisi 2,5
menjelaskan pertanyaan materi dan 2. Metode: 2. keuntungan dan kerugian
secara logis, kritis, Contextual 3. Macam-macam Kapsul
3. Kelengkapan ketepatan
dan sistematis learning,
dan kebenaran dalam 4. Bobot dan volume kapsul
tentang kapsul discovery
penjelasan menjelaskan learning 5. Cara pembuatan
3. TM : 3 x 50 6. Cara penyimpanan kapsul
Bentuk menit 7. Persyaratan kapsul
penilaian: 4. E-learning:
Test: Ujian https://lms.unis

Students are able 1. Understanding Criteria: - 1. Form: Lecture Capsule Exam 2,5
to explain 2. Answering Mastery of 2. Methods: 1. Definition
logically, question the material Contextual 2. Advantages and
critically, and learning, Disadvantages
3. Completeness and the
systematically discovery 3. Various Capsules
about the capsule and ability to learning 4. Weight and volume of
correctness of complete 3. TM: 3 x 50 capsules
explanation tasks minutes 5. How to make
according to 4. E-learning: 6. How to store capsules
the rubric https://lms.uni 7. Capsule requirements
Test: MCQ
VI.1 Mahasiswa 1. Pemahaman Kriteria: - 1. Bentuk: Salep dan pasta Ujian Tulis NV
mampu 2. Menjawab Penguasaan Kuliah. 1. Definisi 2
menjelaskan pertanyaan materi dan 2. Metode: 2. Keuntungan dan kerugian
secara logis, kritis, Contextual 3. Persyaratan
3. Kelengkapan ketepatan
dan sistematis learning, 4. Penggolongan
tentang salep dan dan kebenaran dalam discovery
penjelasan menjelaskan 5. Komponen pembuatan
pasta learning
3. TM : 2 x 50 6. Cara pembuatan
Bentuk menit
penilaian: 4. E-learning:
Test: Ujian https://lms.unis
Students are able 1. Understanding Criteria: - 1. Form: Lecture Ointment and paste Exam 2
to explain 2. Answering Mastery of 2. Methods: 1. Definition
logically, question the material Contextual 2. Advantages and
critically, and 3. Completeness and the disadvantages
systematically and ability to learning 3. Requirements
about the correctness of complete 3. TM: 2 x 50 4. Classification
ointment and explanation tasks minutes 5. Component manufacture
paste according to 4. E-learning: 6. How to make
the rubric https://lms.uni
Test: MCQ
VI.2 Mahasiswa 1. Keterampilan Kriteria: 1. Bentuk: - Resep sediaan Pulvis Praktikum 5 Tim
mampu melakukan Penyelesaian Praktikum. Afektif 4
menganalisis dan praktikum dan 2. Metode:
membuat resep Project
2. Mengaplikasik ketepatan
sediaan pulvis based
an alat resep learning,
laboratorium Cooperative
Bentuk learning
penilaian: 3. Praktikum: 1
Test: Pre test x 170”
dan ujian
Non Tes :
Mengisi modul
Students are able 1. Skills to do Criteria: 1. Form: - Pulvis preparation recipe Practicum Team
to analyze and practicum Completion and Practicum. 5
make pulvis 2. Applying accuracy of 2. Methods: Affective 4
prescription laboratory recipes Project
preparations equipment based
Assessment learning,
Test: pretest 3. Practical: 1
and x 170”
exam Non-
Test: Fill out
the module
VII.1 Mahasiswa 1. Pemahaman Kriteria: - 1. Bentuk: Krim dan gel Ujian Tulis NV
mampu 2. Menjawab Penguasaan Kuliah. 1. Definisi 2
menjelaskan pertanyaan materi dan 2. Metode: 2. Keuntungan dan kerugian
secara logis, kritis, Contextual 3. Persyaratan
3. Kelengkapan keteapatan
dan sistematis learning, 4. Penggolongan
tentang krim dan dan kebenaran dalam discovery
penjelasan menjelaskan 5. Komponen pembuatan
gel learning
6. Cara pembuatan
3. TM : 2 x 50
Bentuk menit
penilaian: 4. E-learning:
Test: Ujian https://lms.unis
Students are able 1. Understanding Criteria: - 1. Form: Lecture Cream and gel Exam 2
to explain 2. Answering Mastery of 2. Methods: 1. Definition
logically, question the material Contextual 2. Advantages and
critically, and 3. Completeness and the disadvantages
systematically and ability to learning 3. Requirements
about the cream correctness of complete 3. TM: 2 x 50 4. Classification
and gel explanation tasks minutes 5. Component manufacture
according to 4. E-learning: 6. How to make
the rubric https://lms.uni
Test: MCQ
VII.2 Mahasiswa 1. Keterampilan Kriteria : 1. Bentuk: - Resep sediaan Kapsul Praktikum 5 Tim
mampu melakukan Penyelesaian Praktikum. Afektif 4
menganalisis dan praktikum dan 2. Metode:
membuat resep Project
2. Mengaplikasik ketepatan
sediaan kapsul based
an alat resep learning,
laboratorium cooperative
Bentuk learning
penilaian : 3. Praktikum: 1
Test: Pre test x 170”
dan ujian
Non Test:
Mengisi modul
Students are able 1. Skills to do Criteria: 1. Form: - Capsule preparation recipe Practicum Team
to analyze and practicum Completion and Practicum. 5
make capsule 2. Applying accuracy of 2. Methods: Affective 4
prescription Project
laboratory recipes
preparations based
equipment learning,
Assessment Cooperative
form: learning
Test: pretest 3. Practical: 1
and x 170”
exam Non-
Test: Fill out
the module
VIII Mahasiswa 1. Pemahaman Kriteria: - 1. Bentuk: Larutan Ujian Tulis NV
mampu 2. Menjawab Penguasaan Kuliah. 1. Definisi 2,5
menjelaskan pertanyaan materi dan 2. Metode: 2. Keuntungan dan kerugian
secara logis, kritis, Contextual 3. Cara pemberian
3. Kelengkapan ketepatan
dan sistematis learning,
dan kebenaran dalam 4. Cara pembuatan
tentang larutan discovery
penjelasan menjelaskan learning 5. Macam-macam larutan
3. TM : 3 x 50 6. Perhitungan
Bentuk menit
penilaian: 4. E-learning:
Test: Ujian https://lms.unis
Students are able 1. Understanding Criteria: - 1. Form: Lecture Solution Exam 2,5
to explain 2. Answering Mastery of 2. Methods: 1. Definition
logically, question the material Contextual 2. Advantages and
critically, and learning, disadvantages
3. Completeness and the
systematically discovery 3. How to give
about the solution and ability to learning 4. How to make
correctness of complete 3. TM: 3 x 50 5. Various solutions
explanation tasks minutes 6. Calculation
according to 4. E-learning:
the rubric https://lms.uni
Test: MCQ
IX Mahasiswa 1. Pemahaman Kriteria: - 1. Bentuk: Emulsi Ujian Tulis MA
mampu 2. Menjawab Penguasaan Kuliah. 1. Definisi 2,5
menjelaskan 2. Metode: 2. Keuntungan dan kerugian
secara logis, kritis, pertanyaan materi dan Contextual 3. Komponen pembuatan
dan sistematis 3. Kelengkapan ketepatan learning, emulsi
tentang emulsi dan kebenaran dalam discovery 4. Cara pembuatan dan
learning evaluasi
penjelasan menjelaskan
3. TM : 3 x 50 5. Perhitungan
Bentuk 4. E-learning:
penilaian: https://lms.unis
Test: Ujian
Students are able 1. Understanding Criteria: - 1. Form: Lecture Emulsion Exam 2,5
to explain 2. Answering Mastery of 2. Methods: 1. Definition
logically, question the material Contextual 2. Advantages and disadvantages
critically, and learning,
3. Completeness and the 3. Emulsion making components
systematically discovery
about the and ability to learning 4. How to create and evaluate
emulsion correctness of complete 3. TM: 3 x 50 5. Calculation
explanation tasks minutes
according to 4. E-learning:
the rubric https://lms.uni
Test: MCQ
X Mahasiswa 1. Pemahaman Kriteria: - 1. Bentuk: Suspensi Ujian Tulis MA
mampu 2. Menjawab Penguasaan Kuliah. 1. Definisi 2
menjelaskan pertanyaan materi dan 2. Metode: 2. Keuntungan dan kerugian Tugas 10
secara logis, kritis, Contextual 3. Cara pembuatan
3. Kelengkapan kemampuan
dan sistematis learning, 4. Alasan suatu obat dibuat
tentang suspensi dan kebenaran dalam discovery
penjelasan menyelesaikan suspensi
5. Perhitungan
4. Ketepatan tugas sesuai 3. TM : 3 x 50
dalam rubrik menit
penyelesaian TS : 3 x 60
tugas sesuai Bentuk menit
rubrik penilaian: BM : 3 x 60
Test: Ujian
4. Tugas 1:
kajian makalah
netralisasi dan
5. E-learning:

Students are able 1. Understanding Criteria: - 1. Form: Lecture Suspension Exam 2

to explain 2. Answering Mastery of 2. Methods: 1. Definition Assignment
logically, question the material Contextual 2. Advantages and 10
critically, and learning,
3. Completeness and the disadvantages
systematically discovery
about the and ability to learning 3. How to make
suspension correctness of complete 3. TM: 3 x 50 4. The reason a drug is
explanation tasks minutes; TS : 3 suspended
according to x 60 minutes; 5. Calculation
the rubric BM : 3 x 60
4. Assignment 1:
Make a review
form: paper on
Test: MCQ Exam suspension,
and pills
XI.1 Mahasiswa 1. Pemahaman Kriteria : - 1. Bentuk: Saturasi dan Netralisasi Ujian Tulis MA
mampu 2. Menjawab Penguasaan Kuliah. 1. Definisi 2
menjelaskan pertanyaan materi dan 2. Metode: 2. Komponen pembuatan
secara logis, kritis, Contextual 3. Cara pembuatan
3. Kelengkapan ketepatan
dan sistematis learning, 4. Perhitungan
tentang saturasi dan kebenaran dalam discovery
dan netralisasi penjelasan menjelaskan learning
3. TM : 2 x 50
Bentuk menit
penilaian : 4. E-learning:
Test: Ujian https://lms.unis
Students are able 1. Understandin Criteria: - 1. Form: Lecture Saturation and Exam 2
to explain 2. Answering Mastery of 2. Methods: Neutralization
logically, question the material Contextual 1. Definition
critically, and 3. Completeness and the 2. Component manufacture
systematically and ability to learning 3. How to make
about the correctness of complete 3. TM: 2 x 50 4. Calculation
saturation and explanation tasks minutes; TS: 3
neutralization according to x 60 minutes;
the rubric BM: 3 x 60
4. E-learning:
Test: MCQ
XI.2 Mahasiswa 1. Keterampilan Kriteria : 1. Bentuk: - Resep sediaan Salep Praktikum 5 Tim
mampu melakukan Penyelesaian Praktikum. Afektif 4
menganalisis dan Resep 2. Metode:
membuat resep Project
2. Mengaplikasik
sediaan salep Bentuk based
an alat learning,
penilain :
laboratorium Cooperative
Test: Pre test
dan ujian learning
praktikum 3. Praktikum: 1
Non Test: x 170”
Mengisi modul
Students are able 1. Skills to do Criteria: 1. Form: - Ointment preparation recipe Practicum Team
to analyze and practicum Completion and Practicum. 5
make ointment 2. Applying accuracy of 2. Methods: Affective 4
prescription Project
laboratory recipes
preparations based
equipment learning,
Assessment Cooperative
form: learning
Test: pretest 3. Practical: 1
and practicum x 170”
exam Non-Test:
Fill out the
XII Mahasiswa 1. Pemahaman Kriteria: - 1. Bentuk: Pil Ujian Tulis MA
mampu 2. Menjawab Penguasaan Kuliah. 1. Definisi 2,5
menjelaskan pertanyaan materi dan 2. Metode: 2. Keuntungan dan kerugian
secara logis, kritis, Contextual 3. Cara pembuatan
3. Kelengkapan ketepatan
dan sistematis learning, 4. Komponen sediaan Pil
tentang pil dan kebenaran dalam discovery
penjelasan menjelaskan learning
3. TM : 3 x 50
Bentuk menit
penilaian: 4. E-learning:
Test: Ujian https://lms.unis
Students are able 1. Understanding Criteria: - 1. Form: Lecture Pill Exam 2,5
to explain 2. Answering Mastery of 2. Methods: 1. Definition
logically, question the material Contextual 2. Advantages and
critically, and 3. Completeness and the disadvantages
systematically and ability to learning 3. How to make
about the pill correctness of complete 3. TM: 2 x 50 4. Pills preparation
explanation tasks minutes; TS: 3 components
according to x 60 minutes;
the rubric BM: 3 x 60
4. E-learning:
Test: MCQ
XIII Mahasiswa 1. Pemahaman Kriteria: - 1. Bentuk: Suppositoria Ujian Tulis SM
mampu 2. Menjawab Penguasaan Kuliah. 1. Definisi 2,5
menjelaskan pertanyaan materi dan 2. Metode: 2. Keuntungan dan kerugian
secara logis, kritis, Contextual supositoria
3. Kelengkapan ketepatan
dan sistematis learning, 3. Bentuk-bentuk suppositoria
tentang dan kebenaran dalam discovery
penjelasan menjelaskan 4. Komponen pembuatan
suppositoria learning
3. TM : 3 x 50 5. Cara pembuatan
Bentuk menit 6. Cara penggunaan
penilaian: 4. E-learning: 7. Perhitungan
Test: Ujian https://lms.unis

Students are able 1. Understanding Criteria: - 1. Form: Lecture Suppositories Exam 2,5
to explain 2. Answering Mastery of 2. Methods: 1. Definition
logically, question the material Contextual 2. Advantages and
critically, and learning, disadvantages of
3. Completeness and the
systematically discovery suppositories
about the and ability to learning 3. Forms of suppositories
suppositories correctness of complete 3. TM: 2 x 50 4. Component manufacture
explanation tasks minutes; TS: 3 5. How to make
according to x 60 minutes; 6. How to use
the rubric BM: 3 x 60 7. Calculation
4. E-learning:
Test: MCQ
XIV.1 Mahasiswa 1. Pemahaman Kriteria: - 1. Bentuk: 1. Tablet Ujian Tulis SM
mampu 2. Menjawab Penguasaan Kuliah. a. Definisi 1,5
menjelaskan pertanyaan materi dan 2. Metode: Small b. Macam-macam tablet Tugas 10
secara logis, kritis, group c. Komponen sediaan tablet
3. Kelengkapan ketepatan
dan sistematis discussion,
dan kebenaran dalam d. Cara pembuatan
tentang tablet, discovery
vaksin, obat tetes penjelasan menjelaskan learning 2. Vaksin
mata, obat salep 4. Ketepatan 3. TM : 2 x 50 a. Definisi
mata, injeksi dalam Bentuk menit b. Sumber vaksin
penilaian: c. Manfaat
menyelsaikan Non Test: TS : 2 x 60
tugas sesuai 1. Makalah menit d. Cara pemberian
rubrik tugas 2. Presentasi BM : 2 x 60 3. Obat tetes mata
menit a. Definisi
5. Tugas 2 : b. Komponen obat tetes
Kajian mata
makalah c. Persyaratan
tentang tablet, d. Keuntungan dan
vaksin, obat kerugian
tetes mata, e. Cara pemakaian
obat salep 4. Obat salep mata
mata, dan a. Definisi
injeksi dan b. Komponen obat salep
presentasi mata
6. E-learning: c. Persyaratan
d. Keuntungan dan kerugian
https://lms.unis e. Cara pemakaian 5. Injeksi
a. Definisi
b. Macam-macam cara pakai
c. Persyaratan
d. Keuntungan dan kerugian
Students are able 1. Understanding Criteria: - 1. Form: 1. Tablets Exam 1,5
to explain 2. Answering Mastery of Lecture. a. Definition Assignment
logically, questions the material 2. Method: Small b. Kinds of tablets 10
critically, and group c. Components of tablet
3. Completeness and
systematically discussion, preparation
about tablets, and accuracy in discovery d. Ways of making
vaccines, eye correctness of explaining learning 2. Vaccines
drops, eye explanation 3. TM 2 x 50 a. Definition
ointments, 4. Accuracy in Assessment minutes. TS: 2 b. Vaccine source
injections completing form: x 60 minutes. c. Benefit
tasks Non-Test: BM: 2 x 60 d. Way of giving
minutes 3. Eye drops
according to 1. Papers
4. Assignment 2: a. Definition
the task rubric 2. Presentati Review papers b. Components of eye drops
on on tablets, c. Requirements
vaccines, eye d. Advantages and
drops, eye disadvantages
ointments, and e. How to use
injections and 4. Eye ointment
presentations a. Definition
5. E-learning: b. Components of eye
https://lms.uni ointment c. Requirements
d. Advantages and
e. How to use
5. Injection
a. Definition
b. Various ways to use
c. Requirements
d. Advantages and
XIV.2 Mahasiswa 1. Keterampilan Kriteria: 1. Bentuk: - Resep sediaan Krim Praktikum 5 Tim
mampu melakukan Penyelesaian Praktikum. Afektif 4
menganalisis dan praktikum resep 2. Metode:
membuat resep Project
2. Mengaplikasik
sediaan krim based
an alat Bentuk
laboratorium penilaian Cooperative
Test: Pre test learning
dan ujian 3. Praktikum: 1
praktikum x 170”
Non Test:
Mengisi modul
Students are able 1. Skills to do Criteria: 1. Form: - Cream preparation recipe Practicum Team
to analyze and practicum Recipe Practicum. 5
make cream 2. Applying completion 2. Methods: Affective 4
recipes Project
equipment Assessment based
form learning,
Test: Pre test Cooperative
3. Practical: 1
practicum x 170”
Non Test:
Filling the
Ujian Tulis dan Ujian Praktik
Written Exam and Practical Exam
MATERI PRAKTIKUM (Practicum Topic)
Materi Praktikum Pengampu
Practicum Topic

Pengenalan Dan Simulasi Pemakaian Alat Praktikum Tim Dosen

I Introduction and Simulation of the Use of Practical Team Teaching
Resep Sediaan Pulveres Tim Dosen
II Pulveres Prescription Team Teaching
Resep Sediaan Pulvis Tim Dosen
III Pulvis Prescription Team Teaching
Resep Sediaan Kapsul Tim Dosen
IV Capsule Prescription Team Teaching
Resep sediaan Salep Tim Dosen
V Ointment Prescription Team Teaching
Resep sediaan Krim Tim Dosen
VI Cream Prescription Team Teaching

Learning Contract
Nama MK Farmasetika Dasar
Course Name Basic Pharmaceutics
Kode FA105
Course Bobot (SKS) 3 SKS
Semester 1 (Ganjil)
Semester 1 (Odd)
Course’s Description
Mata kuliah Farmasetika Dasar berisi pokok-pokok bahasan yang memberi pengetahuan
tentang perkembangan obat dari masa kemasa, berbagai istilah yang tercantum dalam
Ketentuan Umum Farmakope Indonesia, menterjemahkan resep, menentukan nama-nama
bahan obat dan bahan tambahan serta bentuk sediaan farmasi; mengerti bentuk-bentuk
sediaan obat, beberapa sediaan galenik dan cara pembuatannya.
The Basic Pharmaceutics course contains topics that provide knowledge about the
development of drugs from time to time, various terms contained in the General Provisions of
Indonesian Pharmacopoeia, translating prescriptions, determining the names of medicinal
ingredients and additives as well as pharmaceutical dosage forms; understand the forms of
medicinal preparations, some galenic preparations and how to make them.
Graduates Learning Outcome
CPL 1 – Menunjukkan sikap bertanggungjawab di bidang keahliannya secara mandiri.
S9 Demonstrate a responsible attitude in their area of expertise independently.
CPL 2 – Menguasai konsep teoritis formulasi dan produksi sediaan farmasi.
PP11 Mastering the theoretical concepts of formulation and production of
pharmaceutical preparations.
CPL 3 – Mampu menunjukkan kinerja secara mandiri, bermutu, dan terukur.
KU2 Able to show performance independently, quality, and measurable.
CPL 4 – Mampu mengelola pekerjaan kefarmasian secara mandiri di supervisi apoteker,
KK6 memimpin dan mengelola pekerjaan kelompok, serta bertanggung jawab atas
pencapaian hasil kerja kelompok.
Able to manage pharmaceutical work independently under the supervision of
pharmacists, lead and manage group work, and be responsible for achieving
group work results.
CPMK 1 Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan sikap bertanggung jawab dalam proses
penggerusan, pengayakan dan pencampuran (S9).
Students are able to show a responsible attitude in the process of grinding, sifting
and mixing.
CPMK 2 Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan tentang sediaan obat dan Ketentuan Umum
Farmakope Indonesia (P11).
Students are able to explain about drug preparations and General Provisions of
Indonesian Pharmacopoeia.
CPMK 3 Mahasiswa mampu membuat Resep, copy resep dan etiket serta terampil
menggunakan alat dan bahan praktikum Farmasetika (KU2).
Students are able to make prescriptions, copy recipes and etiquette and are skilled
at using tools and materials for Pharmacy practicum.
CPMK 4 Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan sikap bertanggung jawab dalam proses
penggerusan, pengayakan dan pencampuran (KK6).
Students are able to demonstrate a responsible attitude in the process of grinding,
sifting and mixing.
CPMK 5 Mahasiswa mampu membuat sediaan farmasi (KK6).
Students are able to make pharmaceutical preparations.
Course Material
CPMK Proses penggerusan, pengayakan dan pencampuran
1 Grinding, sifting and mixing processes
CPMK Sediaan obat dan Ketentuan Umum Farmakope Indonesia
2 Drug preparations and general provisions of the Indonesian Pharmacopoeia
CPMK Resep, copy resep dan etiket serta Mengenal Alat dan Bahan praktikum
3 Farmasetika
Recipes, copies of recipes and etiquette as well as getting to know Pharmacy
practicum tools and materials
CPMK Proses penggerusan, pengayakan dan pencampuran
4 Process of grinding, sifting and mixing
CPMK Sediaan Pulvis dan Pulveres serta sediaan pil, granula, kapsul serta sediaan salep,
5 supositoria, dan pasta
Pulvis and Pulveres preparations along with pills, granules, capsules and
ointments, suppositories, and paste preparations
Sediaan emulsi dan suspensi serta sediaan saturasi, netralisasi, linimenta
Emulsion and suspension preparations as well as saturation, neutralization,
Primary References
1 Allen LV,Popovich NG,Ansel HC. 2014.Bentuk Sediaan Farmasetis & Sistem
Penghantaran Obat Edisi 9.EGC.
2 Ansel HC. 2008.Pengantar Bentuk Sediaan Farmasi Edisi Keempat.UIP.
3 Aulton ME, Taylor KMG. 2013.Aulton’s Pharmaceutics:The design and
Manufacture of Medicines.Elsevier.
Additional Referecens
1 Anief M. 2005.Ilmu Meracik Obat: Teori dan Praktik.UGM Press.
2 Depkes RI. 1979.Farmakope Indonesia Edisi III.Depkes.
3 Depkes RI. 1995.Farmakope Indonesia Edisi IV.Depkes.
4 Syamsuni. 2005. Farmasetika Dasar dan Hitungan Farmasi. EGC
Prerequisite Courses
Learning Media
Perangkat Lunak 1. Learning management system (lms) Universitas Sari Mulia:
Sari Mulia University Learning Management System (lms):
2. Platform pembelajaran online: zoom meeting, google meets, google
form, whatsapp.
Online learning platforms: zoom meeting, google meets, google
form, whatsapp.
3. Video pembelajaran.
Tutorial Video
Perangkat Keras 1. LCD dan screen.
Hardware LCD and screen.
2. White board dan perangkat penunjang.
White board and supporting devices.
3. Peralatan praktikum dan alat penunjang pembelajaran lainnya.
4. Practium materials and other learning support tools.
BOBOT PENILAIAN Partisipasi Aktif: 20%
Evaluation Percentage Participatory Activities
Penugasan: 30%
Ujian Tulis: 30%
Written Exam
Ujian Praktik: 15%
Practicum Exam
Hasil Proyek: 5%
Project Results
DOSEN PENGAMPU 1. apt. Noval, M.Farm. (NV)
Lectures 2. apt. Siti Malahayati, M.Farm (SM)
3. Mia Audina, M.Farm. (MA)
Additional Terms
1 Selama perkuliahan secara daring, mahasiswa diwajibkan mengaktifkan kamera,
kecuali mendapatkan ijin dari dosen yang bersangkutan untuk menonaktifkan
During online class, students are required to activate the camera, unless there is any
permission from the lecturer to turn off the camera.
2 Batas keterlambatan mahasiswa bergabung dalam perkuliahan daring/luring adalah
maksimal 15 menit, kecuali ada arahan dari dosen yang bersangkutan. Adapun bagi
mahasiswa yang terlambat dari 15 menit namun ingin tetap mengikuti perkuliahan
diharuskan untuk meminta ijin kepada dosen yang mengajar terlebih dahulu.
Ketidakhadiran mahasiswa tanpa alasan yang jelas adalah alpha.
The lateness limitation for student to join online/offline classes is 15 minutes at most,
unless there is any permission from the lecturer. As for students who are more than
15 minutes late but want to continue attending class, they are required to ask
permission from the lecturer first. The absence of students for no apparent reason is
3 Bagi mahasiswa yang sakit, surat sakit dapat diberikan setelah yang bersangkutan
kembali ke kampus, untuk sakit selama 1 hari wajib melampirkan surat sakit yang
ditulis oleh orangtua atau wali, sedangkan sakit lebih dari 1 hari wajib melampirkan
surat sakit dari dokter.
For students who are sick, a sick leave letter can be given after the student returns to
campus. If you are sick for 1 day, you must attach a sick leave letter written by your
parent or guardian, while if you are sick for more than 1 day, you must attach a sick
leave letter from a doctor.
4 Hanya terdapat 3 kategori ijin mendadak (< 1 hari) yang diperbolehkan, yaitu:
Adanya kematian/kabar duka keluarga, adanya anggota keluarga yang sakit, dan
mahasiswa yang bersangkutan terkena musibah atau kecelakaan. Mahasiswa tetap
berkoordinasi dengan ketua kelas ataupun kepada dosen pengajar untuk meminta
There are only 3 categories of sudden permits (< 1 day) that are allowed, namely:
The family grievance, family sick leave, and the accident happen. Students are
required to to coordinate with prefect or lecturer to ask for permission.
5 Bila ijin tidak termasuk kategori ijin mendadak, maka mahasiswa diharuskan
menyerahkan surat ijin ke bagian prodi selambatnya 2 hari sebelum ijin baik secara
langsung ataupun tidak langsung (misal melalui email), tergantung situasi
If the permit is not included in the sudden permit category, the student is required to
submit a leave letter to the pharmacy department at least 2 days before the leave,
either directly or indirectly (eg via email), depending on the situation.
6 Bagi mahasiswa yang ijin dikarenakan tugas kampus, diminta untuk melampirkan
Surat Tugas dari kampus dan berkoordinasi dengan bagian prodi khususnya
kemahasiswaan terkait Surat Tugas.
For students who are permitted due to campus assignments, are asked to attach a
Letter of Assignment from the campus and coordinate with the pharmacy
department, especially student affairs division regarding the Letter of Assignment.
7 Bagi mahasiswa yang tidak hadir praktikum dengan alasan apapun, mahasiswa
tersebut diharuskan mengulang praktikum pada pertemuan selanjutnya atau
For students who do not attend the practicum for any reason, the student is required
to retake the practicum at the next meeting or before.
8 Format surat ijin dan surat sakit (bukan surat dokter) wajib meliputi beberapa bagian
sebagai berikut:
The format of the leave letter (not a leave letter from doctor) must include the
following sections:
a. Tanggal dan perihal surat
Date and subject
b. Identitas mahasiswa yang ijin seperti nama, NIM, kelas dan Angkatan
Students ID: Name, NIM, Class, and Batch
c. Alasan ijin, tanggal dan lamanya ijin
Leave reason, date, and the length of leaves
d. Mata kuliah yang ditinggalkan selama ijin
The courses that were left behind during the absence
e. Surat ditulis oleh orangtua atau wali dengan adanya tanda tangan orangtua
atau wali di kertas A4
The letter is written by the parent or guardian with the signature of the
parent or guardian on A4 paper
9 Pemberian surat ijin yang dimaksud dalam poin (8), harus diserahkan dalam bentuk
fisik ke bagian akademik, namun apabila belum dapat bertatap muka akibat pandemi
Covid-19 atau hal lainnya, maka surat sementara diserahkan secara daring, dalam
format pdf.
The granting of the leave referred to in point (8), must be submitted in harcopy to
the academic division, but if the student has not been able to meet face-to-face due to
the Covid-19 pandemic or other things, then the temporary letter is submitted online,
in pdf format.
10 Batas alpha yang diperbolehkan untuk bisa mengikuti ujian sebanyak 25%,
sedangkan batas ketidakhadiran baik karena alpha, ijin, ataupun sakit adalah
sebanyak 5 kali pertemuan. Misal, mahasiswa A ijin 2 kali, alpha 1 kali, dan sakit 3
kali. Maka totalnya adalah 6 kali, sehingga mahasiswa tersebut tidak dapat mengikuti
ujian mata kuliah tersebut.
The alpha limit that is allowed to be able to take the exam is 25%, while the limit for
absence due to alpha, permission, or illness is 5 meetings. For example, student A is
family leave 2 times, alpha 1 time, and sick leave 3 times. Thus, the total leaves are 6
times, therefore the student cannot attend the exam for that course only.
11 Bagi mahasiswa yang tidak dapat hadir dalam pembelajaran dikarenakan tugas dari
Kampus, maka ketentuan poin (10) tidak berlaku.
For students who cannot attend the class due to assignments from the Campus, the
provisions of point (10) do not apply.
12 Bagi mahasiswa yang hadir pada perkuliahan namun tidak absen (lupa), maka wajib
meminta absen ulang pada hari yang sama dengan menyertakan bukti kehadiran
melalui sekretaris kelas atau mahasiswa penanggung jawab mata kuliah.
For students who attend lectures but forget to absent, then they must request a re-
absent on the same day by including proof of attendance through the class secretary
or the student in charge of the course.
13 Usai semua pertemuan perkuliahan tuntas, BAP dikumpulkan dalam bentuk hardfile
dan softfile kepada bagian akademik dengan memperhatikan ketentuan teknis dari
bagian akademik.
After all lecture meetings have been completed, BAP is collected in hardfiles and
softfiles to the academic division accompanied by supporting provisions
14 Bagi mahasiswa yang melakukan kecurangan saat ujian dalam bentuk apapun
(menyontek, mengerpe/membawa catatan, merekam atau memfoto soal ujian,
menulis soal ujian pada saat ujian, dll) maka nilai ujian adalah nol.
For those who cheated in the exam in any kind of form, so the score will be zero.
15 Bagi mahasiswa yang remedial nilai maksimal adalah 60 bila mahasiswa
mengerjakan soal remedial yang sama, Sementara nilai maksimum 70 bila
mahasiswa mengerjakan soal remedial yang berbeda sebanyak 50%.
For those who took remedial, the maximum score is 60 if the student works on the
same questions. Meanwhile the maximum score is 70, if the student works on the
different questions as much 50%.
Class Schedule
Hari/Tanggal Waktu (WITA) Dosen Pengampu
Date Time Lecture
Banjarmasin, …………………………
Dosen Pengembang RPS, Mahasiswa PJMK
The Lesson Plan Developer MK Farmasetika Dasar
Student in Charge of Pharmacology-
Toxicology I

(apt. Noval, M.Farm.) (…………………………………………...)

NIK. 1166042017095 NIM.

Ketua Jurusan Farmasi
Head of Pharmacy Department

(apt. Noval, M.Farm)

NIK. 1166042017095


Student Assignement Plan
MATA KULIAH Farmasetika Dasar
Course Basic Pharmaceutics
KODE FA105 Bobot (SKS) 3 Semester 1 (Ganjil)
Code Credit 1 (Odd)
DOSEN PENGAMPU 1. apt. Noval, M.Farm.
Lecturers 2. apt. Siti Malahayati, M.Farm.
3. Mia Audina, M.Farm.
Assignment format Assignment deadline
Kajian Makalah 1 minggu
Assignment title
Tugas 1: Kajian makalah tentang suspensi, saturasi, netralisasi dan pil.
Assignment 1: Review papers on suspension, saturation, neutralization and pills.
Tugas 2: Kajian makalah tentang tablet, vaksin, obat tetes mata, obat salep mata, dan injeksi.
Assignment 2: Review papers on tablets, vaccines, eye drops, eye ointments, and injections.
Course Learning Outcome
Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan tentang sediaan obat dan Ketentuan Umum Farmakope
Students are able to explain about drug preparations and General Provisions of Indonesian
Assignment Description
Mahasiswa membuat tugas kajian makalah dengan tema yang sudah ditentukan sebagai
pembelajaran mahasiswa dalam mencari referensi dan menganalisis yang dituangkan dalam
tulisan ke tugas kajian makalah.
Students make paper review assignments with predetermined themes as student learning in
finding references and analyzing what is stated in writing to paper review assignments.
Assignment execution method
1. Membentuk kelompok tugas yang masing-masing terdiri dari minimal 3 orang mahasiswa
dan maksimal 4 orang mahasiswa
Forming task groups, each consisting of a minimum of 3 students and a maximum of 4
2. Memilih dan mengkaji literature yang dapat dipertanggung jawabkan
Selecting and reviewing reliable literature
3. Membuat dalam kajian makalah dengan tulisan sendiri tanpa copy paste
Make a paper review with your own writing without copy paste
4. Mengikuti format dan ketentuan yang sudah ditentukan
Follow the format and conditions that have been determined
5. Kajian makalah dikumpulkan melalui LMS sesuai waktu yang sudah ditentukan
Paper reviews are collected through LMS according to the specified time
Form and External Format
1. Tugas dalam bentuk kajian makalah berdasarkan tema yang sudah ditentukan meliputi
Cover, Daftar Isi, BAB I (Latar belakang dan Tujuan), BAB II (Kajian Teoritis), BAB III
(Kesimpulan), Daftar Pustaka
Assignments in the form of review papers based on predetermined themes include Cover,
Table of Contents, CHAPTER I (Background and Objectives), CHAPTER II (Theoretical
Study), CHAPTER III (Conclusion), Bibliography
2. Dibuat menggunakan kertas ukuran A4, huruf Times New Roman, font 12 margin kiri 4 cm,
kanan 3 sm, atas 3 cm, bawah 3 cm, rata kiri kanan, dan nomor halaman untuk awal bab
berada di bawah, setelahnya pada bagian kanan atas
Made using A4 size paper, Times New Roman font, font 12, left margin 4 cm, right 3 cm,
top 3 cm, bottom 3 cm, left and right aligned, and page numbers for the beginning of the
chapter are on the bottom, after that on the top right
Indicators, Criteria, and Evaluation Percentage
Ada 5 aspek penilaian dalam pembuatan poster ilmiah meliputi: pencarian informasi, isi
makalah, penyampaian gagasan dari analisis masalah, sistematika penulisan dan tata bahasa.
Bobot penilaian terdiri dari 3 kategori, dengan nilai 3 (sangat baik), 2 (baik) dan 1 (kurang).
Ditotalkan dengan maksimal nilai sebesar 100
There are 5 aspects of assessment in making scientific posters including: information search,
paper content, conveying ideas from problem analysis, writing systematics and grammar. The
weight of the assessment consists of 3 categories, with a score of 3 (very good), 2 (good) and 1
(poor). Totaled with a maximum value of 100
Implementation Schedule
1. Tahap Penugasan Tugas 1: ; Tugas 2:
Assignment Assignment 1 : Assignment 2
2. Tahap Pengumpulan Tugas 1: ; Tugas 2:
Assignment Assignment 1 : Assignment 2
deadline Tugas 1: ; Tugas 2:
3. Tahap Evaluasi Assignment 1 : Assignment 2
Other Terms
Segala bentuk kendala penugasan dapat dikoordinasikan kepada dosen pengampu ataupun
dosen pengembang RPS.
All forms of assignment constraints can be coordinated with the supporting lecturer or RPS
developer lecturer.
1. Allen LV, Popovich NG, Ansel HC. 2014. Bentuk Sediaan Farmasetis & Sistem
Penghantaran Obat Edisi 9. EGC.
2. Anief M. 2005. Ilmu Meracik Obat: Teori dan Praktik. UGM Press.
3. Ansel HC. 2008. Pengantar Bentuk Sediaan Farmasi Edisi Keempat. UIP.
4. Aulton ME, Taylor KMG. 2013. Aulton’s Pharmaceutics:The design and Manufacture of
Medicines. Elsevier.
5. Depkes RI. 1979. Farmakope Indonesia Edisi III. Depkes.
6. Depkes RI. 1995. Farmakope Indonesia Edisi IV. Depkes.
7. Syamsuni. 2005. Farmasetika Dasar dan Hitungan Farmasi. EGC.
Aspek Penilaian Skor
Assessment Aspect Score
Sangat Baik Baik Kurang
Very good Good Enough
3 2 1
Pencarian informasi Informasi lengkap Informasi lengkap Informasi tidak
Information search dan terorganisasi namun tidak lengkap dan tidak
dengan baik terorganisasi dengan terorganisasi
baik dengan baik

Isi makalah Mampu Mampu Mampu

Paper content mendeskripsikan mendeskripsikan mendeskripsikan
secara lengkap dan secara lengkap dan secara lengkap dan
benar disertai benar, namun tidak benar, serta tidak
gambar atau alur disertai gambar atau disertai gambar atau
alur alur

Penyampaian gagasan Disampaikan Disampaikan dengan Disampaikan dengan

dari analisis masalah dengan teratur dan tidak teratur dan tidak teratur dan
Submission of ideas terukur sesuai terukur sesuai terukur serta tidak
from problem analysis dengan dengan sesuai dengan
permasalahan yang permasalahan yang permasalahan yang
terjadi terjadi terjadi

Sistematika penulisan Lengkap dan Lengkap, namun Kurang lengkap dan

Writing system sistematik kurang sistematik tidak sistematik

Tata Bahasa Bahasa komunikatif Bahasa kurang Bahasa tidak

Grammar dan pembahasan komunikatif, namun komunikatif dan
detail pembahasan detail pembahasan kurang

jumlah skor tiap aspek

Nilai Total= × 100
jumlah maksimum skor
Format Cover Tugas (CONTOH)




Disusun Oleh:


Nama lengkap NIM. F16…






Lampiran 2.
Format Isi Laporan



A. Latar Belakang
B. Tujuan



A. Teori
B. Analisis Kajian



Kesimpulan disajikan dalam bentuk paragraf.


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