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SAPITULA, JERICHO ALFRED R. ------- LEADER ------- Lomboy, Sto.

Tomas , La Union

ARCIAGA, JHON BRYAN Z. -------094-B Purok 12 Irisan, Baguio City

BACOG, BERNARD Jr. T. ------- Purok 4 Lucnab, Baguio City

COGASI, JESSIE CHRISTIAN P. -------Purok 8, Upper Pinget, Baguio City

ESPIRITU, RYAN B. -------Luna Este, Umingan, Pangasinan

ISHAYA, JEREMIAH ------- 101 Quezon Hill Victoria Village, Baguio City

IMPER, MARY GALILEE G. ------- Amistad, Camp 7, Baguio City




There has been an increasing concern about the environment in which man
lives. Solid wastes, mount of rubbish, garbage and sewage are being produced
everyday by our urban society. In an attempt to dispose of these materials, man
has carelessly polluted the environment. In a traditional underdeveloped world, a
fact that partly reflects the sampling locations considered in the present work,
household wastes are completely biodegradable and homogenous. Consequently, both
biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials now constitute household wastes. In
the past, men thought the environment had an infinite capacity to devour his
waste without any ill effects. More recently, however, man’s health and welfare
are being affected by environmental pollution. These pollutants are substances
present naturally in the environment but when released in significant amount by
humans, become toxic. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more
than 20% of the world population (around 1.3 billion people) has no safe drinking
water and that more than 40% of all populations lack adequate sanitation
(Oastridge and Trent, 1999). Poor water quality is still a significant problem in
many parts of the world. It can often limit the use of these vital resources and
in more extreme cases can harm human and other life (Forum and Entwicklung,
2001). Water can be polluted by substances that dissolve in it or by solid
particles and insoluble liquid droplets that become suspended in it (Plant et
al., 2001). Even paper is sometimes a high-tech material. It’s not just a bunch
of fibers that are laid down and put together. It’s coated, bonded and got a
tremendous amount of technology built in it (Stu Borman, 2002).
This study was carried out at certain locations in Ondo state, in the
western part of Nigeria (Figure 1). The only stream passing through this area now
serves as a means for the inhabitants within and outside this location to dispose
their wastes indiscriminately based on the throw away culture and a disposal
method that reflects what could be referred to as ‘not-in mybackyard syndrome’. A
critical assessment of the wastes at the present location shows the presence of
plastics, bottles, metallic scraps, leather, iron, rubbers, pieces of clothes
(rags), empty cans, bones and a lot of other materials. Several wells are
situated around this location, some with rings (GR’s) and others without rings
(GT’s). The butchery located around the surface stream (SW) also calls for
concern for their direct dis-charge of wastes into the stream. Control locations
within the geographical location were equally assessed in order to compare data’s
obtained. The sampling was carried out in October, 2006. Sampling points were
chosen with the aim of collecting water samples at a place that truly represents
the water body (Wilde et al., 1999). Twenty four (24) representative sites
(Figure 1.0) were considered. Three other locations were considered as control,
one representing each of the sampling source type. Grab-samples of surface water
were collected using acid-washed plastic kegs. Underground water was collected
using pre-cleaned bottles to which a rope was attached. In both cases, an air
space equivalent to 1% of the container was left to allow for thermal expansion.
Parameters like pH, conductivities and turbidities were determined in the field
using calibrated Hannah pH meter, conductivity and turbidity meter respectively.
About 100 ml of each sample were acidified with 0.2 ml of concentrated H2SO4 and
later analyzed for metals. The rest samples were stored in the refrigerator at a
temperature of about 4°C prior to the analysis (American Public Health
Association (APHA), 1989; Campolo et al., 2002).
In conclusion, the level of metals and other physico-chemical parameters
observed in this study have shown that the majority of the water utilized from
the various natural sources examined is polluted. This was observed mainly to be
due to the indiscriminate dumping of wastes into the environment. This is a major
threat to human population, especially those within the area. Consequently, it is
therefore recommended that effecttive disposal mechanism of household waste in
Nigeria, and Ikare Akoko of Ondo state in particular, be introduced that would
enhance sustainable development. In addition, a program of effective monitoring
of water quality needs to be re-emphasized.


Improper MSW disposal and management causes all types of pollution: air,
soil, and water. Indiscriminate dumping of wastes contaminates surface and ground
water supplies. In urban areas, MSW clogs drains, creating stagnant water
for insect breeding and floods during rainy seasons. Uncontrolled burning of MSW
and improper incineration contributes significantly to urban air pollution.
Greenhouse gases are generated from the decomposition of organic wastes in
landfills, and untreated leachate pollutes surrounding soil and water bodies.
Health and safety issues also arise from improper MSWM. Insect and rodent
vectors are attracted to the waste and can spread diseases such as cholera and
dengue fever. Using water polluted by MSW for bathing, food irrigation and
drinking water can also expose individuals to disease organisms and other
contaminants. The U.S. Public Health Service identified 22 human diseases
that are linked to improper MSWM. Waste worker and pickers in developing
countries are seldom protected from direct contact and injury, and the co-
disposal of hazardous and medical wastes with MSW poses serious health threat.
Exhaust fumes from waste collection vehicles, dust stemming from disposal
practices and the open burning of waste also contribute to overall health
problems. People know that poor sanitation affects their health, especially
in developing and low-income countries, where the people are the most willing
to pay for environmental improvements (Rathi, 2006; Sharholy et al, 2005;
Ray et al., 2005; Jha et al., 2003; Kansal, 2002; UDSU, 1999; Kansal
et al., 1998; Singh et al., 1998; Gupta et al., 1998; Tchobanoglous et
al., 1993).

The decomposition of waste into constituent chemicals is a common

source of local environmental pollution. This problem is especially acute
in developing nations. Very few existing landfills in the worlds poorest
countries would meet environmental standards accepted in industrialized nations,
and with limited budgets there are likely to be few sites rigorously
evaluated prior to use in the future. The problem is again compounded by
the issues associated with rapid urbanization. A major environmental
concern is gas release by decomposing garbage. Methane is a by-product of
the anaerobic respiration of bacteria, and these bacteria thrive in
landfills with high amounts of moisture. Methane concentrations can reach
up to 50% of the composition of landfill gas at maximum anaerobic
decomposition (Cointreau-Levine, 1997). A second problem with these gasses is
their contribution to the enhanced greenhouse gas effect and climate change.
Liquid leachate management varies throughout the landfills of the developing
world. Leachate poses a threat to local surface and ground water systems. The
use of dense clay deposits at the bottom of waste pits, coupled with plastic
sheeting-type liners to prevent infiltration into the surrounding soil,
is generally regarded as the optimum strategy to contain excess liquid. In this
way, waste is encouraged to evaporate rather than infiltrate. Proper solid
waste management have to be undertaken to ensure that it does not
affect the environment and not cause health hazards to the people living
there. At the household-level proper segregation of waste has to be done and
it should be ensured that all organic matter is kept aside for
composting, which is undoubtedly the best method for the correct disposal of
this segment of the waste. In fact, the organic part of the waste that is
generated decomposes more easily, attracts insects and causes disease. Organic
waste can be composted and then used as a fertilizer.

The focus of the study was on impact of Solid waste due to non engineering
and non scientific disposal. It is found that with increase in the global
population and the rising demand for food and other essentials, there has been a
rise in the amount of waste being generated daily by each household. Waste
that is not properly managed, especially excreta and other liquid and solid waste
from households and the community, are a serious health hazard and lead to the
spread of infectious diseases.



Development in the 20th century has changed rural communities to cities and towns
to face a lot of environmental challenges. Such environmental issues are being
addressed at global, regional and local levels. One of the most current
environmental issues is on solid waste management from domestic, commercial and
industrial sources. Solid waste management problem was identified during the
United Nation Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Jenairo in 1992
and today emphasis is on reducing wastes. Also identified was the need to
maximize reuse and recycling of solid waste. Solid waste management is one issue
facing authorities in the fast-growing cities especially in developing
countries. In Africa solid waste disposal is given priority over water quality
according to the World Health Organization. In Kenya the most common waste
disposal method available is open dumping, incineration, composting and land
filling. Open solid waste dumping is common practice since it is quite economical
for municipal solid waste. Repercussions range from water
pollution, flooding, ugly sights of stinking and pest-infested piles of solid
waste and spread of diseases in urban areas.

This study used a descriptive survey design. Creswell describes descriptive

survey design is being cheap, easy and effective to conduct. The descriptive
survey design enabled the researcher to gather information, summarize and
interpret them for the purposes of clarification. The bottles were first cleaned
with 10% Nitric acid and rinsed with distilled water and then rinsed three times
with the sampled water at the sites. Electrical Conductivity was determined using
conductivity meter Jenway model 4076 and both of them had automatic temperature
compensation. A further 5 ml of concentrated nitric acid was added and the beaker
was covered with a watch glass while heating continued. Nitric acid continued to
be added until the solution appeared light colored and clear. Lastly, 2 ml of
concentrated hydrochloric acid was added and heated slightly to dissolve any
remaining residue. The solution was filtered and the filtrate was transferred to
a 100 ml volumetric flask to cool and the filtrate was made up to the mark with
distilled water. Buck scientific (210 VGF) flame atomic absorption
spectrophotometer machine was used in this analysis. Its parameters were set
according to the specifications given in the manufactures manual including lamp
current and fuel system of air/acetylene flame. The AAS machine had a picking
meter that indicated when the optimum conditions had been realized. Its
optimization was automatic. The elements and their wavelength (nm) ofanalysis in
air acetylene flame were at 283.3, 278.5, 213.8 and 228.3 for Pb, Mn, Zn and Cd
The Physical parameters measured show that other than the pH all other
concentration values exceeded the KEBS guidelines for drinking water. Hence the
water in the vicinity of the dumpsite presents significant threat to public
health. Any use of this water especially for domestic purposes should be
disallowed as its use will lead to waterborne diseases such as cholera and
typhoid. This makes water from the stream un- healthy for human consumption
especially during this season. Finally, the extent of contamination of
groundwater due to leachate percolation depends on distance of the water source
from the dumpsite and the sampling side. To be able to maintain portable water
which is free from microbial and chemical contaminants there is need to relook
the disposal and management of solid waste at the Nyambera dumping sites
especially in terms of sorting, disposal method and citing of disposal site with
regard to geology and hydrogeology of the area. A mechanism should be developed
for periodic assessments and monitoring of the concentration levels of the
pollutants in the surface water and wells in order to develop a model for
predicting pollution status for portable water at different seasons of the year.
There is need for further research on the safe distance between the dumping site
and the sources of portable water to reduce leachate pollution of this catchment.


Solid wastes are deposited on land in the majority of poor countries without
any sanitary land filling techniques in place. Precipitation that infiltrates
solid wastes deposited on land interacts with liquids already trapped in the
trash's fissures, causing the solid waste to leak chemicals. Inorganic and
organic solutes are dissolved in the leachate that results. The generated
leachate diffuses into the soil over time, changing the physico-chemical features
of water. Leachate from a solid waste disposal site is generally found to contain
major elements like calcium, magnesium, potassium, nitrogen and ammonia, trace
metals like iron, copper, manganese, chromium, nickel, lead and organic compounds
like phenols, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, acetone, benzene, toluene, chloroform
etc (Freeze and Cherry 1979). The concentration of these in the leachate and
water depends on the composition of wastes (Alker et al. 1995). During the
movement of leachate through the soil, some of the contaminants may be adsorbed
on to the soil medium. From the unsaturated zone to the groundwater table, the
leachate migrates. When leachate is mixed with ground water, a plume arises that
spreads in the direction of flowing ground water, contaminating the local ground
water. As contaminants permeate through the soil media, the degree of
contamination in the aquifers is determined by the rate at which they are
transported and the depository conditions at the location. The impact of leachate
percolation on ground water quality at a municipal solid waste disposal facility
in Perungudi, Chennai, was explored in the current study.

The Perungudi dump site is located towards the northern limit of a large
topographic depression termed as the Pallikaranai Depression which stretches
approximately 10 km north to south and is up to 3 km wide from west to east. The
area is low lying, close to sea and is connected to the sea via the Buckingham
canal and the Kovalam Estuary at the Southern end of the depression. The dump
site lies between 2 and 3 km west of the Buckingham Canal and is at 3.5 to 4.5 km
west of the Bay of Bengal coastline. The Perungudi dumping yard is in operation
since 1987. The total area used for dumping is around 58 ha. The entire area is
divided into several phases of dumping activity. The quantity of waste that is
currently dumped in the yard is in the order of 2,450 tons per day. A variety of
vehicles delivers the waste to the site resulting in a wide range of unloading
procedures like end tipping, side tipping and manual unloading. Unloaded waste is
tipped in conical piles and then spread out by bulldozers. No cover of any
description is placed over the spread waste to inhibit the ingress of surface
water or to minimize litter blow and odours or to reduce the presence of vermin
and insects. Rag pickers and scavengers on site regularly set fire to waste to
separate non-combustible materials for recovery. Since, there are no specific
arrangements to prevent flow of water into and out of landfill site, the
diffusion of contaminants released during degradation of land filled wastes, may
proceed uninhibited. The refuse is dumped in low lying areas haphazardly. As a
result, the adjoining land gets enriched in salts and trace metals. Dumped waste
comes in contact with water causing pollution depending upon environmental
conditions and solubility of metals. On the basis of the topographic survey, the
thickness of deposited municipal solid waste is in the order of approximately 2m
to 2.5 m spread over an area of 58 ha. Thus, the volume of solid wastes at
present amounts to 1.31×107 m3. As per water balance approach, the quantity of
leachate generated is estimated based on the quantum of maximum rainfall
intensity, run off coefficient of waste surface and evaporation losses. With the
maximum monthly rainfall at 400 mm, runoff coefficient of 0.5 and evaporation
losses of 150 mm, the quantity of leachate generated from the Perungudi dumping
area is obtained as 348,000 m3/year.

The quality of ground water around landfills has deteriorated due to high
concentrations of Total Dissolved Solids, Electrical Conductivity, Hardness,
Nitrates, Chlorides, and Sulphates. The most serious threat to groundwater is
uncontrolled landfills, when leachate from the fill is allowed to leak into the
surrounding and underlying earth. To reduce the impact of such landfills on
groundwater quality and the environment in general, proper design and
construction of these facilities is required to avoid pollution. Regular
monitoring over a long period of time is required to verify the impact of
seasonal fluctuations on pollutant concentrations throughout time. To handle high
volumes of waste and protect the environment, developing countries should rigidly
implement an integrated waste management method.

Effect of Open Refuse Dumpsite on the Quality of Underground Water Used for
Domestic Purposes in Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria.

In Urban parts of Nigerian cities, Poor housing sanitation and incompetence

of the public health sector, is fast increasing and it is characterized with
rapid population outburst. The more the increase in population, the more the
human activities and possibly the improper disposal of waste. This leads to
decrease in the environmental quality which accounts for 25% of all preventable
ill health in the world (WHO, 2002). In most cases, wastes are collected and
disposed in uncontrolled dumpsites sited near residential buildings. These wastes
are heaped up and/or burnt, polluting water resources and air.

Most human activities revolve around water bodies, and its quality in a long way
affects health and the socio-economic development of man. Anthropogenic factors
contribute highly to contamination of both surface and underground water (Singh &
Mosley, 2005). Water contaminants have been mainly biological and chemical in
origin (Smith, 2003; Uffia et al., 2013). The quality of underground water could
be compromised if it is not distant from constant source of pollution. The goal
of this work is to determine the adverse effects of waste dumpsites within Ado-
Ekiti metropolis on the physicochemical properties of the nearest wells and the
antibiotic resistance of the indicator bacteria isolated from the water.

Water samples were collected aseptically using sterile sampling bottles from
the nearest well to each of the dumpsites. The distance between the well and the
feet of the dumpsites, and the depth of the well was measured to the nearest
meter. Also, water samples that were collected in sterile water plastic
containers and were taken to the laboratory and analyzed within 3hrs of
collection. Freshly prepared doubled distilled water was used as control. Water
samples were analyzed for physiochemical qualities according to AOAC (2005).
Temperature was measured at the point of collection using a Digitron
Thermometer(used in checking the core temperature of objects other related
materials) (Model 275-K). Electrical conductivity was measured with a CDM 83
conductivity meter (Radio Meter A/S Copenhagen, Denmark). Turbidity and pH were
determined at site using Waterproof Scan 3+ Double Junction (Wagtech
International, UK). The level of heavy metals (Co, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn) in the well
water samples were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, Model 403
(Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, Connecticut, USA). All determinations were made in
duplicate. Water samples were collected from wells in sterile containers, from
all the located wells. In a sterile environment one milliliter of the samples was
introduced into 9 ml of sterile distilled water and gently agitated after which a
10fold serial dilutions were carried out. One ml of appropriate dilution was
aseptically plated, using pour plate technique, on Plate count agar (Oxoid), Bile
aesculin azide agar (Oxoid) and MacConkey agar (Oxoid) to determine the total
bacterial count, enterococcal load and coliform load respectively.

In essence or conclusion, the effect of dumpsite contaminates on the

physicochemical, mineral and microbial qualities of underground water samples
collected from twenty closest wells to municipal waste disposing sites were
investigated. Most of the physicochemical parameters of the water from the wells
were within the acceptable limits of both World Health Organization and Nigerian
Standard for Drinking Water Quality for drinking water. The pH values of the
water ranged between 5.86 and 7.84. The turbidity of the water samples was
between 1.0 and 8.0 NTU. The values of hardness and sulphate in the water samples
were higher than the Nigerian Standard for Drinking Water Quality. Apart for
hardness and sulphate, the values of physicochemical parameters were within the
set standard of Nigerian Standard for Drinking Water Quality. The nearness of the
wells to the dumping sites affects the quality of the water from the wells. There
is possibility of movement of resistant pathogens from the leachate from the
dumpsites into the well.
“Assessment of the Effect of Solid Waste Dump Site on Surrounding Soil and River

Water Quality in Tepi Town, Southwest Ethiopia”

Surface water contamination plays a significant role as a population

stressor because; human beings are dependent on water for their existence.
Rainfall events may alternately dilute toxicity or increase it if the rate of
transport increases the flow of contaminants to surface water. Rivers and streams
are sinks for municipal solid wastes.In Ethiopia, less than half of the solid
waste produced is collected and 95 percent of that amount is either
indiscriminately thrown away at various dumping sites on the periphery of urban
centers or at a number of so-called temporary sites and typically empty lots
scattered throughout the city.Open dumping of municipal solid waste is a common
practice in Ethiopia, and the problem of solid waste disposal is one of the major
problems of the community and municipalities.Solid waste generated in Tepi town
is disposed at an unapproved dump site having a size of 10,000 m3 and with an
average height of 2.5 meters. Waterways (natural surface drainage line) which
drain to the nearby agricultural field potentially pose adverse public health and
environmental impact. Moreover, the dump site is surrounded by stream. The area
around the dumpsite is free of informal settlers at the moment, and there is no
grazing land either. The dump site is operational and serves as the main landfill
site for Tepi town municipality. Although no settlers in the immediate vicinity,
it has been an established fact that solid waste poses various threats to public
health and adversely affects soil and water quality especially when it is not
appropriately disposed of.

Tepi is a town in Southwest Ethiopia and is located at 621 km south of Addis

Ababa with latitude and longitude of 7°12′N 35°27′E, respectively, and with a
mean elevation of 1,097 meters above sea level. An experimental study was used to
characterize the leachate quality and to determine the quality of soil and
surface water in the nearby dumpsite. The sample sites were selected by transects
through simple random sampling method towards gully erosion based on the United
States Environmental Protection Agency soil sampling protocol. What they did
first was collecting soil and water sample. For the soil samples, they were
disaggregated with mortar and pestle, finely powdered, and thoroughly mixed
together with other precautions to prevent contamination of the samples. Then,
air-dried soil sample were grinded crushed and sieved through a 2 mm sieve, and <2 
mm mesh size was used for analysis.

As for the water, they were taken from the places where the river has laminar
flow pattern in order to keep uniformity of samples and obtained at a depth of
10–15 cm below the surface water to avoid floating debris and filled into 1-liter
polyethylene bottles. After the collection and treatment of the sample, they used
analytical method for soil and water sample analysis.
As for the conclusion, the pH of soil was above 8 and basic which indicates
the influence of solid waste dumped in the area. Similarly, EC was lower in 60
meters and higher in 10 meters and 30 meters sample sites, and the organic matter
content of the soil showed a decreasing trend towards the dump site. The heavy
metals such as cadmium, zinc, lead, and copper in soils have been found to be
higher than EEPA and USEPA standards.The parameters exceeding the permissible
limits of EEPA and WHO standards included pH, TDS, turbidity, BOD5, COD,
manganese, and nickel. Consequently, the water of the stream has been polluted
physically and chemically through the indiscriminate disposal of solid waste and
discharge of leachate. So it is recommended that the soil in the study area needs
different phytoremediation technologies. Indiscriminate waste discharge should be
prohibited. Waste reduction, recycling, and reuse must be promoted, while at the
same time, there is a critical need for the construction of a sanitary landfill
or at least a controlled tipping site to manage the generated waste.



Over many decades, landfilling has been favoured as a method of waste disposal
for a number of reasons, often because it is probably the cheapest available
method and also as a result of the availability of holes in the ground.
Landfiling with municipal solid waste (MSW) is a common practice in many
countries of the world. Sanitary landfilling as a technique has replaced the pen
tipping which characterized landfill disposal before 1950s. Landfill sites are
now commonly ‘engineered’ and operated so that wastes are placed in layers 1- 2m
deep and compacted by metal-wheeled vehicles. An uncontaminated cover material,
usually soil, is spread over the wastes daily and blowing litter and pests
control (Douglas, 1992).

Groundwater forms that part of the natural water cycle present within underground
strata or aquifers. Of the global quantity of available freshwater, more than 98%
is groundwater stored in pores and fractures of rock strata. Also, an important
source for industry and agriculture uses as well as sustaining rivers
experiencing low flows. Moreover, it naturally feeds surface-waters through
springs and passages into rivers and it is often important in supporting wetlands
and their ecosystems. Thus, its removal and diversion can affect total flow. Slow
rate of groundwater flow and low microbiological activity limit any self-

Landfill practices because of its cost effectiveness have become the most
favourable choice particularly in Lagos, after previous attempt at incineration
failed. The untreated rubbish being placed in the landfill voids comprises
biodegradable solids such as vegetable, paper and metal, inert solids such as
glass and plastics and other unclassified materials constitute a great threat to
underground water quality. . Such contamination occur through leakage; which is
formed when rain water infiltrates the landfill and dissolves the solute fraction
of the waste and the soluble product formed as a result of the chemical and
biochemical processes occurring within the decaying wastes. The concentration
according to in recently emplaced wastes has been put as: Sulphate 460mg/L,
Magnesium 390mg/L, Chloride 2100mg/L, Iron 160mg/L, Sodium 2500mg/L and Calcium
1150mg/L. Also a tip of 1000m3 of rubbish has been calculated to yield 1.25
tonnes of potassium and sodium, 0.8 tonnes of calcium and magnesium, 0.7 tonnes
of chloride, 0.19 tonnes of sulphate and 3.2 tonnes of bicarbonate (Brown et al,
1992). Thus, it can be appreciated that disposal of waste in landfill sites can
produce large volumes of effluents with a high pollution potential. For this
reason, the location and management of these sites must be carefully controlled.
Such measure is becoming increasingly necessary in Lagos, where landfill method
is European Scientific Journal May edition vol. 8, No.11 ISSN: 1857 – 7881
(Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 4 widely used (Groundwater Resource in Lagos State.,
undated), with living residences fast developing in the vicinity of the landfills
and in some situation share fences with landfill sites and water supplied from
shallow and deep wells/boreholes) to find immediate present and future solutions
to the landfilling resultant problems.


The study was delimited to the settlements and areas around the Solous and
Olusosun landfills areas of Lagos State. Water samples were randomly collected
from underground water sources such as wells and boreholes. The water was
collected from 199 sq. meters – 1000 square meters distance from the Solous and
Olusosun landfill sites.

The materials and methods used were: Samples: Leachates and groundwater samples
were collected from Olusosun and Solous landfills and adjoining areas for
laboratory analysis. The samples were collected before the beginning of the
raining season to forestall possible dilution from per collating rainwater.
Leachates samples were scooped from the Southern base (downstream) of the
landfills from a narrow clay void. While three water samples distance were
obtained randomly at intervals distance of 80 – 100 meters from the landfill down
gradient. All the well depth shows water extraction from the first and second
aquifer horizon. Furthermore, a comprehensive physio-chemical and biological test
was conducted at the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA)
laboratories to determine the level of water pollution indicator parameters. The
leachates sample was tested at the waste water laboratory. The groundwater
samples were tested in the portable water laboratory to ascertain their
portability, while the Feacal Coliform test was carried in the microbiology
laboratory. In order to avoid staleness of samples, some of the pollution
indicator parameters analyzed was conducted within five hours of its collection.
The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was relied on for the
statistical analysis for the hypothesis testing.


The levels of nitrates in the samples are generally low and may not constitute
any danger to human health. However, it was discovered that the level of nitrate
was decreasing as we move away from the landfill site, which explains the
relatively high level of nitrate in the well sample. Iron is essential in human
diet because of its association with blood hemoglobin, and drinking water is not
considered to be an important source of iron. At level 0.3mg/l., the presence of
iron causes stains to laundry and plumbing fixtures and causes undesirable taste
(Uchegbu, 1998). Although, natural occurring groundwater is safe and free of
bacteria unless contaminated by humans (A. O. Ibiyemi, 2000; A.O Ibiyemi, 2001)
the level of iron in the samples is found to be below 0.03mg/l. The results
further showed that the P.H. value of the well samples (5.85) is acidic and is
less than the recommended WHO limits of 7–8.5. This suggests that there could be
harmful effects as a result of consumption of the well sample. The control well
maintains a PH value of 7.0 units which indicates that it is free from the
leachates flow. Thus, it can be concluded that the leachates arising from the
landfill site is responsible for the acidic level of the sample wells. In the
study, the researchers have been able to see that landfilling activities impact
negatively on not only groundwater quality (Iwugo, 1986). But other environmental
quality indicator parameters like odour, fire, surface water, aesthetics etc.
This has been so because the landfill is yet to be operated sanitarily.

Wells and boreholes in the surrounding of Solous landfill site must be monitored
and new boreholes and wells should be sampled on a regular basis. Government
should ensure that new landfills are sited far away from residential areas since
our people depend mostly on well water. More research work suggests that should
be commissioned by LASEPA, LAWMA and LSWC on leachates flow control pattern, in
the surroundings of Solous landfill site and indeed other landfill sites in the
state n order to ascertain levels of significance of concentration and suggest
anticipatory mitigating measures.

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