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A 1:34 Listen to the conversation about movies. Check the correct description of each movie.
1 2 3
a romantic film an animated an unforgettable
a documentary police story movie
about Brazil a weird love story a weird police story
a horror movie an unforgettable an animated
comedy children’s film

4 5 6
a documentary a documentary a comedy
about cooking ham a movie only an animated film
a musical tragedy for adults a drama
a silly comedy an animated

B Complete the conversations. Choose the correct verbs and adverbial expressions,
and write the movie genres.
1 A: (Have you seen / Did you see) 3 A: Sally is such a fan.
a good How long (has she waited /
(just / lately)? did she wait) for this film to
B: To tell you the truth, no. come out on DVD?
But last night B: She’s waited (for / since) at
(we’ve seen / we saw) least six months.
a great .
4 A: I (didn’t see / haven’t seen)
2 A: How many times (have they seen / a as good as Twelve
did they see) War of the Worlds? Angry Men .
B: That remake of the old B: Really? I (lately / still)
movie? I think (didn’t see / haven’t seen) it.
(they saw it / they’ve seen it)
twice (still / so far).

C Complete each statement or question with for or since.

1 That film has played at the Metroplex two weeks.
2 The Talking Parrot has been available to stream online last Tuesday. For a dditional language practice . . .

3 I’ve loved animated movies I was a child.

POP • Lyrics p. 153
4 Have you been here more than an hour? TOP NOTCH

“Better Late Than Never”

5 I’ve been a fan of science fiction movies over thirty years. DIGITAL DIGITAL
6 I’ve been in the ticket line 6:30!

Write two paragraphs about violence in movies and on TV. Explain why some
p. 144
people think it’s harmful and why others think it isn’t.

• Paragraphs
• Topic sentences
• Guidance for this writing

24 UNIT 2

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