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You can say it better

Jinna Norely Barahona Fajardo

Manuel Alejandro Marchena Trejo

John Abelardo Bailarin Bailarin

Institution University Digital of Antioquia

English II

Teacher: Jaime Alberto Naranjo

Septiembre 19 del 2021


Step 1, sitution 2

- You gonna go to the movies tonight?

- Sorry, can you repeat, please?
- Are you going to go to the movies tonight?
- Yes, we are. If you want to come you need to be punctual because you are always
tardy. You don’t respect other people’s time.
- Just forget it. I won’t go.

Situation problems

1. Yes, we are. If you want to come you need to be punctual because you are always
tardy. You don’t respect other people’s time.

Lack of accurate communication.

2. Just forget it. I won’t go.

Your response is strong and offensive.

Step 2, The work was done on a web page genially.

Step 3

- You gonna go to the movies tonight?

- Yes, I will pick you up at 08:00 pm, i will be punctual.
- Ok, I`ll be ready at the agreed time.
- Thank you.
- Thank you for accepting the invitation.

Speak in the first person, Take responsabilite for your feeling



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