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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Mathematics Grade 8
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 1
Type of Activity : Concept Notes
Activity Title : Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
Learning Competency: Illustrates linear inequalities in two variables (M8AL-IIa-1)
Learning Target :1) Define linear inequalities in two variables.
2) Determine whether the given ordered pair is a solution of the given inequality.
Reference : Mathematics Learner’s Module; page 222

A linear inequality in two variables is an inequality that can be written in one of the following forms:
Ax + By < C Ax + By ≤ C
Ax + By > C Ax + By ≥ C

where A, B, and C are real numbers and A and B are both not equal to zero.
1. 4x – y > 1 3. 8x – 3y ≥ 14
2. x + 5y ≤ 9 4. 2y > x – 5

 The solution of a linear inequality in two variables like Ax + By > C is an ordered pair (x, y) that
produces a true statement when the values of x and y are substituted into the inequality.


Is (1, 2) a solution to the inequality

Yes, (1, 2) is a solution.


A. Which of the statements below show linear inequality in two variables?

4m + 5n > 9 x2 + y2 ≤ 10
9d < 12b 8y ≥ 6x

B. Determine whether the given ordered pair is a solution to the given inequality.

1.) y > 3x + 2 , (3, 4)

2.) –x + 2y ≤ 8 , (-2, -1)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Mathematics Grade 8
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 2
Type of Activity : Concept Notes
Activity Title : Linear Equations and Linear Inequalities in Two variables
Learning Competency : Differentiates linear inequalities in two variables from linear equations in two
variables (M8AL-IIa-2)
Learning Target : Differentiates between Linear equations and linear inequalities in two variables
Reference : Mathematics Learner’s Module; pages 222-223

An open sentence that makes use of the “=” symbol is called an equation. On the other hand, an open
sentence that makes use of any of these order relation symbols, <, >, ≠, ≤, ≥ is called an inequality.

Here are examples expressed in algebraic symbols and in sentences.

x=y+5 says that "X is equal to Y plus 5",

x<y+5 says that "X is less than Y plus 5", and

x>y+5 says that "X is greater than Y plus 5". 


Shown below are two sets of mathematical statements. Write LE for Linear equation and LI for Linear
inequality before each number.

_____ 1. y = 2x + 1 _____ 6. 10 – 5y ≥ 7x
_____ 2. y > 2x + 1 _____ 7. y = 6x + 12
_____ 3.10 – 5y = 7x _____ 8. y ≤ 6x + 12
_____ 4. 3x + 4y = 15 _____ 9. 9y – 8 < 4x
_____ 5.3x + 4y < 15 _____ 10. 9y – 8 = 4x
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Mathematics Grade 8
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 3
Type of Activity : Drill
Activity Title : Graph of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables (Part 1)
Learning Competency: Graphs linear inequalities in two variables (M8AL-IIa-3)
Learning Target : Illustrate and graphs the linear inequalities in two variables on the coordinate plane.
Reference : Mathematics Learner’s Module; page 222

The graph of a linear inequality in two variables is the set of

all points in the rectangular coordinate system whose
ordered pairs satisfy the inequality. When a line is graphed in
the coordinate plane, it separates the plane into two regions
called half- planes. The line that separates the plane is called
the plane divider.

Steps in graphing an inequality in two variables

1. Replace the inequality symbol with an equal sign. The resulting

equation becomes the plane divider.

2. Graph the resulting equation with a solid line if the original inequality contains ≤ or ≥ symbol. The solid line
indicates that all points on the line are part of the solution of the inequality. If the inequality contains > or <
symbol, use a dash or a broken line which indicates that the coordinates of all points on the line are not part
of the solution set of the inequality.

3. Choose three points in one of the half- planes that are not on the line. Substitute the coordinates of these
points into the inequality. If the coordinates of these points satisfy the inequality or make the inequality true,
shade the half-plane or the region on one side of the plane divider where these points lie. Otherwise, other
side of the plane divider will be shaded.

Graph the inequality y ≥ -x + 1
y = -x + 1
let x = 0
y=1 , (0, 1)

let y = 0
0 = -x + 1
x=1 , (1, 0)

Get 1 ordered pair from the shaded region. Like

(1, 2) then substitute it to y ≥ -x + 1.
So, 2 ≥ -1 + 1
2≥0 true

Graph y < 2x + 4 on the coordinate plane.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Mathematics Grade 8
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 4
Type of Activity : Drill
Activity Title : Graph of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables (Part 2)
Learning Competency : Graphs linear inequalities in two variables (M8AL-IIa-3)
Learning Target : Identify the coordinates of points on the graph which satisfy the inequality.
Reference : Mathematics Learner’s Module; pages 226-227


Identify the coordinates of points on the graph which satisfy the inequality. Write the letter of the correct

1. y < 2x + 2
a. (0, 2)
b. (5, 1)
c. (-4, 6)
d. (8, -9)
e. (-3, -12)

Answer: b, d, and e since these coordinates

found on the shaded region.

Identify the coordinates of points on the graph which
satisfy the inequality.
Write the letter/s of the correct answer
1. 3x ≥ 12 – 6y
a. (1, -1)
b. (4, 0)
c. (6, 3)
d. (0, 5)
e. (-2, 8)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Mathematics Grade 8
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 5
Type of Activity : Concept Notes
Activity Title : Translating verbal sentences into mathematical inequalities.
Learning Competency: Solves problems involving linear inequalities in two variables (M8AL-IIa-4)
Learning Target : Translate verbal sentences into mathematical inequalities.
Reference : Mathematics Learner’s Module; page 232

Symbols Meaning

< is less than

> Is greater than

≥ is greater than or equal to, at least, minimum

≤ is less than or equal to, at most, maximum


Write each statement as linear inequality in two variables.

1. The sum of 20-peso bills (t) and fifty peso bills (f) is greater than Php 420.
Answer: t + f > 420

2. The difference between the weight of Diana (d) and Princess (p) is at least 26.
Answer: d – p ≥ 26

Write each statement as linear inequality in two variables.

1. Five times the length of a ruler (r) increased by 2 inches is less than the height of Daniel

2. In a month, the total amount the family spends for food (f) and educational expenses (e)
is at most Php 8,000.

3. The price of a motorcycle (m) less Php 36,000 is less than or equal to the price of a
bicycle (b).

4. A dozen of short pants (s) added to half a dozen of pajamas (p) has a total cost of not
greater than Php 960.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Mathematics Grade 8
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 6
Type of Activity : Skills: Exercise / Drill
Activity Title : Real- life Problems Involving Linear Inequalities in Two Variables.
Learning Competency: Solves problems involving linear inequalities in two variables (M8AL-IIa-4)
Learning Target : Solve real- life problems involving linear inequalities in two variables.
Reference : Mathematics Learner’s Module; pages 233 - 234


Give your complete solutions or explanations.

1. The difference between Connie’s height and Janel’s height is not more than 1.5 ft.
a. What mathematical statement represents the difference in heights of Connie and Janel?
Define the variables used.

b. Based on the mathematical statement you have given, who is taller? Why?

c. Suppose Connie’s height is 5 ft and 3 in, what could be the height of Janel? Explain your


a. Let C be the height of Connie

Let J be the height of Janel
c – j ≤ 1.5
b. Connie, since the difference of their heights is positive
c. 63 – j ≤ 18
63 – 18 ≤ j
45 ≤ j
Thus, the height of Janel is not less than 3 ft and 9 in.

Exercise: Solve and give your complete solution.

1. The total amount Jurene paid for 5 kilos of rice and 2 kilos of fish is less than Php 600.
a. What mathematical statement represents the total amount Jurene paid?
Define the variables used.
b. Suppose a kilo of rice costs Php 35. What could be the greatest cost of a kilo of fish to the
nearest pesos?
c. Suppose Jurene paid more than Php 600 and each kilo of rice costs Php 34. What could be the
least amount she will pay for 2 kilos of fish to the nearest pesos?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Mathematics Grade 8
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 7

Type of Activity : Exercise/ Dril

Activity Title : Solving systems of linear inequalities in two variables
Learning Competency : Solves a system of linear inequalities in two variables (M8AL-IIb-1)
Learning Target : To solve the systems of linear inequalities in two variables by graphing.
Reference : Mathematics Learner’s Module pp. 272- 273

To graph the solution to a system of inequalities, follow this procedure:

1. Draw the graph of each inequality on the same coordinate plane. Shade the appropriate half-plane.
Recall that if all points on the line are included in the solution, it is a closed half plane, and the line is
solid. On the other hand, if the points on the line are not part of the solution of the inequality, it is an
open half plane and the line is broken.
2. The region where shaded areas overlap is the graphical solution to the system. If the graphs do not
overlap, then the system has no solution.

Graph the solution to this system of inequalities.

The solution to the system is the region with both shadings

Solve the following systems of inequalities graphically then give three ordered pairs satisfying the inequalities.
Show that the ordered pairs satisfy the inequalities.

1.) 2. x + y ≥ 7 2.) y > 2x – 9

3x – y ≤ 10 y < 4x + 1
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Mathematics Grade 8
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 8
Type of Activity : Exercise/ Drill
Activity Title : Solve Then Decide
Learning Competency : Solves problems involving systems of linear inequalities in two variables
Learning Target : To solve the word problems involving systems of linear inequalities in two
Reference : Mathematics Learner’s Module pp. 293 - 303

Word Problem Solving Strategies

 Read through the entire problem.
 Highlight the important information and key words that you need to solve the problem.
 Identify your variables.
 Write the equation or inequality.
 Solve.
 Write your answer in a complete sentence.
 Check or justify your answer.

1.) Keith has P 5000 in a savings account at the beginning of the summer. He wants to have at least P2000 in
the account by the end of the summer. He withdraws P 250 each week for food and movie tickets.
a.) Write an inequality that represents Keith’s situation.
b.) How many weeks can Keith withdraw money from his account? Justify your answer.
a.) Let w = number of weeks
5000 – 250w ≥ 2000
b.) Solve the inequality
5000 – 250w ≥ 2000
5000 – 5000 – 250w ≥ 2000 – 5000 Subtract 5000 from both sides
−250 w −3000
≥ Divide -250
−250 −250

w ≤ 12 Reverse your sign since you divided by

a negative number
5000 – 250w ≥ 2000
5000 – 250(12) ≥ 2000
5000 – 3000 ≥ 2000
2000 ≥ 2000
Conclusion: Any number of weeks less than 12, his account would stay above P2000.00

2.) Sarah is selling bracelets and earrings too make money for summer vacation. The bracelets cost P200 and
earrings cost P 300. She needs to make at least P4800.00
a.) Write an inequality to represent the income from the jewellery sold
b.) How many bracelets and earring could Sarah sell?
SOLUTION: Let x = number of bracelets sold
y = number of earrings sold
200x + 300y ≥ 4800
 Graph the inequality and shade the region that would satisfy the inequality.
To graph this, find the x and y –intercepts.
For x – intercept For y – intercept N
o. 16
Let y = 0 let x = 0
200x + 300(0) = 4800 200(0) + 300y = 4800 f
200 x 4800 300 y 4800 e
= =
200 200 300 300 a
x = 24 y = 16 r
i No. of Bracelets sold 24

Therefore, Sarah could sell at least 24 bracelets and at least 16 earrings

Solve the following problems
1. Mary and Rose ought to buy some chocolates and candies. Mary paid Php 198 for 6 bars of chocolates and
12 pieces of candies. Rose bought the same kinds of chocolates and candies but only paid less than Php
100.00. Suppose each piece of candy costs Php 4, how many bars of chocolates and pieces of candies could
Rose have bought?
2. The total amount Cora paid for 2 kilos of beef and 3 kilos of fish is less than Php 700.00. Suppose a kilo of
beef costs Php 250. What could be the maximum cost of a kilo of fish to nearest pesos?
3. Ronald needs to earn at least Php 2,500 from his two jobs to cover his weekly expenses. This week, he can
work for at most 42 hours. His job as a gas station attendant pays Php 52.50 per hour while his job as parking
attendant pays Php 40 per hour. Given this condition, can Ronald be able to meet his target of earning Php
2,500? Why or why not?
4. Jane is buying squid balls and noodles for her friends. Each cup of noodles costs Php15 while each stick of
squid balls costs Php 10.00. She only has Php 70 but needs to buy at least sticks of squid balls. Find the least 3
possible number of sticks of squid balls and cup of noodles that Jane can buy. Justify your answer.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Mathematics Grade 8
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 9

Type of Activity : Concept Notes

Activity Title : Definition of Function and Relation
Learning Competency: Illustrates a relation and a function (M8AL-IIc-1)
Learning Targets : To define function and Relation
References : Mathematics Learner’s Module pp.138-144

A relation is any set of ordered pairs. The set of all first coordinates is called the domain of the relation.
The set of all second coordinates is called the range of the relation.
 Representations of Relations
Illustrative Example
Suppose you are working in a fast food company. You earn Php 40 per hour. Your earnings are
related to the number of hours of work.
1. How much will you earn if you work 4 hours a day? How about 5 hours? 6 hours?
7 hours? Or 8 hours?
2. Express each in an ordered pair.
3. Based on your answer in item 2, what is the domain? What is the range?

1. The earning depends on the number of hours worked. An amount of Php 160 is earned for
working 4 hours a day, Php 200 for 5 hours, Php 240 for 6 hours, Php 280 for 7 hours and Php
320 in 8 hours.
2. (4, 160), (5, 200), (6, 240), (7, 280), and (8, 320)
3. The domain of the relation is {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}. The range of the relation is {160, 200,
240, 280, 320}.

Aside from ordered pairs, a relation may be represented in four other ways: (1) table, (2)
mapping diagram, (3) graph, and (4) rule.
x y
-2 -4
The table describes clearly the behavior of the value of y as the value of x changes. Tables
can be generated based on the graph. Below is an example of a table of values presented -1 -2
horizontally. At the right is also a table of values that is presented vertically.
0 0
Mapping Diagram
1 2

Subsequently, a relation can be described by using a diagram as 2 4

shown at the right. In this example, -2 is mapped to
-4, -1 to -2, 0 to 0, 1 to 2, and 2 to 4.


At the right is an example of a graphical representation of a relation. It

illustrates the relationship of the values of x and y.

Exercises. Answer the following questions

1. Suppose the bicycle rental at the Rizal Park is worth Php 20 per hour. Your sister would like to rent
a bicycle for amusement.
a. How much will your sister have to pay if she would like to rent a bicycle for 1 hour?
2 hours? 3 hours?
b. Based on your answers in item 1, write ordered pairs in the form (time, amount).
c. Based on your answers in item 2, what is the domain? What is the range?
d. How are rental time and cost of rental related to each other?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Mathematics Grade 8
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 10

Type of Activity : Concept Notes

Activity Title : Identifying Relations which are Functions
Learning Competency : Verifies if a given relation is a function(M8AL-IIc-2)
Learning Targets : To determine whether a given mapping diagram is a function or mere relation.
To give some real life relationships which describe function.
Reference : Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics
Soledad Jose-Dilao et al pp. 4-6
A function is a special type of relation. It is a relation in which every element in the domain is mapped to
exactly one element in the range. Furthermore, a set of ordered pairs is a function if no two ordered pairs have
equal abscissas.

Samples 1 and 3 are functions while sample 2 is a mere relation because domain -3 is repeated.
To define a function in a given real life situation, we will consider the one –to –one correspondence,
many-to-one, and one –to – many relationships. One – to-one and many –to-one are examples of a
function while one- to- many is an example of relation.

Examples: The relationships indicated in the family tree may also be represented by arrow diagrams as shown

One – to- Many Correspondence Many- to- One Correspondence One - to- One Correspondence

EDUARDO Piolo Piolo

Cathy Cathy

Eduardo is the father of Piolo, Piolo, Jocelyn and Cathy are Eduardo married to Mary shows
Jocelyn, and Cathy. This the children of Mary. This one-to- one relation which
illustrates one-to-many which is shows a many-to-one
a relation. relation. shows a function.

Horizontal and Vertical Lines

If every vertical line intersects the graph no more than once, the graph represents a function.

Examples below are graphs that represent function

The horizontal line represents a function. It can be described by the equation y = c, where c is any
constant. It is called a Constant Function. However, a vertical line which can be described by the equation x
= c is not a function.
A relation may also be represented by an equation in two variables or the so-called rule.
Example 1. The rule 3x + y = 4 represents a relation. If we substitute the value of x = -2 in the
equation, then the value of y would be:
3x + y = 4
3(-2) + y = 4 Subsituting x by -2.
-6 + y = 4 Simplification
-6 + y + 6 = 4 + 6 Addition Property of
y = 10 Equality

Similarly, if x = -1, then y = 7, and so on. Thus, we can have a set of ordered pairs
{…, (-2, 10), (-1, 7), (0, 4), (1, 1), (2, -2),...}. Besides, a rule is a function if it can be written in y = f(x).

Example 2
Tell whether the rule 3x + y = 4 a function or not.

3x + y = 4
3x + y + (-3x) = 4 + (-3x) Why?
y = -3x + 4 Why?

The rule above is a function since it can be written in y = f(x); that is, y = -3x + 4.

Note that all functions are relations but some relations are not functions.
A. Determine whether the mapping diagram/ graph/ ordered pair/ rule is a function or a mere relation.

1.) 2.)
P 1,200
Trigonometry 520
Microwave Oven P 1,600
Algebra 575
P 1,900
Chemistry 610

Geometry 680
3. 4.

5. y = 3x + 9
6. y = -2x – 7
7. x + y = 10
9. {(0, -2), (1, 1), (3, 7), (2, 4)}
9. {(-2, 2), (-1, 1), (0, 0), (1, 1)}
10. {(-2, 8), (-1, 2), (0, 0), (1, 2), (2, 8)}

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Mathematics Grade 8
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 11

Type of Activity : Concept Notes

Activity Title : Minds On
Learning Competency: Determines dependent and independent variables (M8AL-IIc-3)
Learning Targets : To classify the variables as independent or dependent.
References : Mathematics Learner’s Module pp. 155-156

Variables may be dependent or independent. Dependent variable depends on the independent variable
while independent variable controls the dependent variable.

Illustrative examples: Classify the variables as independent or dependent.

1. time and salary
Independent variable: time
Dependent variable: salary
2. number of workers and time spent in working
Independent variable: number of workers
Dependent variable: time spent in working

In an equation where y is expressed in terms of x, the variable x is considered the independent variable
because any value could be assigned to it. However, the variable y is the dependent variable because its value
depends on the value of x.
1. y = 3x + 9
2. Y = 5x- 4

A. Classify the variables as independent or dependent.
1. the number of hours boiling and the number of ounces of water in pot
Independent variable: ______________
Dependent variable: _______________

2. the distance covered and the volume of the gasoline

Independent variable: ______________
Dependent variable: _______________

3. the number of hours studied to grade on test

Independent variable: ______________
Dependent variable: _______________

4. height of a plant to the number of months grown

Independent variable: ______________
Dependent variable: _______________

B. Fill in the blanks

a. I consider time as a/an ________________ variable because it ___________________ the salary.
b. I consider salary as a/an ______________ variable because it __________on the number of hours worked.
C. I consider the number of hours boiling as a/an ___________ variable because it ___________ the number of
ounces of water in pot.
d. I consider the number of ounces of water in pot as a/an ____________ variable because it ___________ on the
number of hours boiling.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Mathematics Grade 8
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 12

Type of Activity : Concept Notes

Activity Title : Determining the Domain and Range of the Function
Learning Competency : Finds the domain and range of a function (M8AL-IId-1)
Learning Targets : To determine the domain and range of the given function
Reference : Mathematics Learner’s Module pp. 158-159

The domain of the function is the set of all permissible values of x that give real values for y.
Similarly, the range of the function is the set of permissible values for y or f(x) that give the values of x real

Illustrative Examples
A. Find the domain and the range of each graph below.
a.) b.)

In (a), arrow heads indicate that the graph of the function extends in both directions. It extends to the left and
right without bound; thus, the domain D of the function is the set of real numbers. Similarly, it extends
upward and downward without bound; thus, the range R of function is the set of all real numbers. In symbols,
D = {x|x ∈ ℜ}, R = {y|y ∈ ℜ}

In (b), arrow heads indicate that the graph of the function is extended to the left and right without bound, and
downward, but not upward, without bound. Thus, the domain of the function is the set of real numbers, while
the range is any real number less than or equal to 0. That is,
D = {x|x ∈ ℜ}, R = {y|y ≤ 0}

B. Determine the domain of each function below.

1. f(x) = 3x
In f(x) = 3x, there is no value of x that makes the function f undefined. Thus, the domain of f(x) = 3x is
the set of real numbers or {x|x ∈ ℜ}.

2. f(x) = √ x−2
In f(x) = √ x−2, the domain of the function is the set of values of x that will not make √ x−2an
imaginary number . Examples of these values of x are 2, 2.1, 3, 3.74, 4, 5 and so on. However, x = 1 cannot be
because it can give the value of the function
√ 1−2 = √−1
Which is an imaginary number where the calculator yields an Error or a Math Error. The Numbers between 1
and 2 neither work. Thus, the domain of the function is x is greater than or equal to 2, or
{x|x ≥2}. To get a real number number, the radicand must be greater than or equal to 0. That is, x – 2 ≥ 0
which gives x ≥2 if simplified.

The value of the function will not be a real number if it is an imaginary number or undefined.

A. Determine the domain and the range of the functions below.

1.) 2.) 3.)

B. Find the domain of each function.

1. g(x) = 5x + 1
2. g(x) = x – 7
3. g(x) =√ x−8
4. g(x) =
3 x −5
5. g(x) =
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Mathematics Grade 8
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 13

Type of Activity : Concept Notes

Activity Title : Definition of a linear function
Learning Competency : Illustrates a linear function (M8AL-IId-2)
Learning Target : To define a linear function f(x) = mx + b
Reference : Mathematics Learner’s Module pp. 172- 173

A function is linear if and only if its equation can be written in the form y = mx + b or f(x) = mx + b,
where m and b are real numbers.
It is also defined as a function of first degree or the highest exponent of the variable x is 1.
Its graph is a line with slope m and y-intercept b. If m ≠0, then the degree of the function is 1.
If m = 0 and b ≠0, then the degree of the function is 0.
If m = 0 and b = 0, then the degree of the function is not defined.

Illustrative Example 1
Is the function f defined by f(x) = 2x + 3 a linear function?
If yes, determine the slope m and the y-intercept b.

Yes, the function f defined by f(x) = 2x + 3 is a linear function since the highest exponent (degree) of x is one
and it is written in the form f(x) = mx + b. The slope m is 2 while the y-intercept b is 3.

Illustrative Example 2
Is the function h defined by h(x) = x2 + 5x + 4 a linear function?

The function h is not a linear function because its degree (the highest exponent of x) is 2, not 1.


Determine whether each is a linear function or not. Check Yes if it is a linear function and No if it is not. Write
the degree of the function. For linear functions, identify its slope m and y-intercept b.

Function Degree Yes No m b

1.) f( x) = 5x + 1

2.) f(x) = -6x – 7

3.) f(x) = 10x2 + 7x

4.) f(x) = 2 ( x – 3)

5.) f(x) = 3x2 – 5x + 1

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Mathematics Grade 8
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 14

Type of Activity : Concept Notes

Activity Title : Describe Me (Part I)
Learning Competency : Illustrates a linear function (M8AL-IId-2)
Learning Target : To describe linear function using the set of ordered pairs.
Reference : Mathematics Learner’s Module pp. 175- 176

A linear function can be described using the set of ordered pairs.

Illustrative Example
Determine the values of the function f if f(x) = 2x – 1 at x = -3 and 2. Give their meanings and ordered pairs.
If x = -3, then f(x) = 2x – 1 becomes
f(-3) = 2(-3) – 1
f(-3) = -6 – 1
f(-3) = -7, which means the value of f at x = -3 is -7.
Or, if x = -3, then y = -7.
This gives the ordered pair (-3, -7). Recall that an ordered pair can be written (x, y).

If x = 2, then f(x) = 2x – 1 becomes

f(2) = 2(2) – 1
f(2) = 4 – 1
f(2) = 3, which means the value of f at x = 2 is 3.
Or, if x = 2, then y = 3. This gives the ordered pair (2, 3).


A. Determine the values (a) f(-3), (b) f(1), and (c) f(4) in each of the following functions.

1. f(x) = 2x

2. f(x) = 2x + 1

3. f(x) = -3x – 4

4. f(x) = 2 – 3x
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol
Mathematics Grade 8
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 15

Type of Activity : Concept Notes

Activity Title : Describe Me (Part 2)
Learning Competency : Illustrates a linear function (M8AL-IId-2)
Learning Target : To describe linear function using graphs.
Reference : Mathematics Learner’s Module pp. 175- 176

Determine the values of the function f if f(x) = x + 1 at x = -3 and 0. Tabulate, then graph.
If x = -3, then f(x) = x + 1 becomes
f(-3) = -3 + 1
f(-3) = -2, which means the value of f at x = -3 is -2.
Or, if x = -3, then y = -2. This gives the ordered pair (-3, -2). Recall that an ordered pair can be written (x, y).

If x = 0, then f(x) = x + 1 becomes

f(0) = 0 + 1
f(0) = 0 + 1
f(0) = 1, which means the value of f at x = 0 is 1
Or, if x = 0, then y = 1. This gives another ordered pair (0, 1).

A linear function can be described using its graph.

This implies that the graph of the function f will pass through the points (-3, -2) and (0, 1) Out of the values, we
can have the table below:
x -3 0
f(x) -2 1

Given the functions below, evaluate the following: f(-2), f(-1), f(0), f(1) and f(2). Complete the table of values
of each function below. Draw the graph in a graphing paper.
a. f(x) = x + 5


b. f(x) = 2 – 3x

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Mathematics Grade 8
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 16

Type of Activity : Concept Notes

Activity Title : Describe Me (Part 3)
Learning Competency : Illustrates a linear function (M8AL-IId-2)
Learning Target : To describe function using equation.
Reference : Mathematics Learner’s Module pp. 181 -183

Linear Equations
Aside from the sets of ordered pairs and the graph, a linear function f defined by f(x) = mx + b can also
be represented by its equation where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

Illustrative Example:
Question 1:
Does the equation 3x + 2y = 6 describe a linear function?
If yes, determine the slope and the y-intercept.

The equation 3x + 2y = 6 can be solved for y:
3x + 2y = 6 Given
3x + 2y + (-3x) = 6 + (-3x) Addition Property of Equality
2y = -3x + 6 Simplification
½ (2y) = ½ (-3x + 6) Multiplication Property of Equality
y = -32x + 3 Simplification

The function f(x) = -32x + 3 or y = -32x + 3 can be expressed in the form 3x + 2y = 6 with slope m = -32 while
the y-intercept b = 3.

Question 2:
Does the equation x2 + y = 6 describe a linear function?

No, because the degree is 2.

Determine whether the equation is a linear function. If yes, determine the slope and the y – intercept.
1.) y = 2x + 1

2.) 5x – 2y + 6 = 0

3.) 3x2 + 6x – 1 = 5

4.) 2y + 2x = 6
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Mathematics Grade 8
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 17

Type of Activity : Concept Notes

Activity Title : Solving real-life problems involving linear functions and pattern
Learning Competency : Solves problems involving linear functions (M8AL-IIe -2)
Learning Target : To solve real-life problems involving linear functions and pattern.
Reference : Title – Algebra I Workbook page 123

Buddy invested P 10,000 on a venture and earns P 500 per month. What will be his profit on the
investment after one year?


The table shows the growth of Buddy’s profit.

Number of 0 1 2 3 4
months (x)

Profit (y) 10 000 10 500 11 000 11 500 12 000

Thus, the relation will be y= 500x + 10 000.

Hence, his profit after one year or 12 months is:

y = 500x + 10 000 = 500(12) + 10 000 = P 16 000


1. A bicycle rider rode at an average speed of 18 km per hour. Make a table of the distance
travelled against the number of hours spent and write an equation representing this relation.

2. A newspaper company sold 5 000 copies of its newspaper at P 15 per copy on Monday. The
cost for making each newspaper is P7 and a fixed cost of P 1 5 500 is paid for storage.
Determine the profit of the newspaper company on Monday.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 Mathematics
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 18

Activity Type : Concept Notes

Activity Title : If-Then Statements (1)
Learning Competency : Determines the relationship between the hypothesis and the conclusion of
an if-then statement (M8GE-IIf-1)
Learning Target : Identify the hypothesis and conclusion of if-then statement
Reference : Mathematics 8 Learner’s Module, pages 321 – 324

 An if-then statement or a conditional statement is composed of two clauses: the if- clause and the
then- clause. We can denote a letter for each clause, p for the if- clause and q for the then-clause. The
statement is in the form “If p then q.” Conditional statements are formed by joining two statements
and q using the words if and then. The p statement is called the hypothesis and the q statement is the
This is noted as
 A simple flow of reasoning from the if-clause to the then-clause is called simple implication.

1.) If you get good grades, then you will get into a good college.
The part after the "if": you get good grades - is called a hypothesis and the part after the "then" - you
will get into a good college - is called a conclusion.

2.) If a polygon is a rectangle, then its opposite sides are parallel.

Hypothesis: A polygon is a rectangle.
Conclusion: Its opposite sides are parallel.

Identify the hypothesis and the conclusion in the following if-then statement.
1. If a shape is a triangle, then it is a polygon.
Hypothesis: _______________________________________
Conclusion: _______________________________________

2. If a number is even, then it is divisible by two.

Hypothesis: ________________________________________
Conclusion: ________________________________________

3. If two angles are congruent, then they have the same measure.
Hypothesis: ________________________________________
Conclusion: ________________________________________

4. If two angles are right angles, then they are congruent.

Hypothesis: ________________________________________
Conclusion: ________________________________________

5. If the lines are parallel, then they do not intersect.

Hypothesis: ________________________________________
Conclusion: ________________________________________
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 Mathematics
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 19

Activity Type : Concept Notes

Activity Title : Rewriting Statement into If-Then Statement
Learning Competency : Transforms a statement into an equivalent if-then statement(M8GE-IIf-2)
Learning Target : Rewrites a statement into an equivalent if-then statement
Reference : Mathematics 8 Learner’s Module, pages 322- 324

There are some conditional statements not written in the if-then statement form therefore we need to
transform it.


1. Opposite sides of a rectangle are parallel.

If-then form: If a quadrilateral is a rectangle, then its opposite sides are parallel.

2. A triangle is a polygon with three sides.

If-then form: If a polygon is a triangle, then it has three sides.

Convert each statement in if-then form.
1. Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health.
If-then form: _____________________________________

2. Angles in a linear pair are supplementary.

If-then form: ________________________________________

3. A quadrilateral has four sides.

If-then form: ________________________________________

4. The sum of the measures of complementary angles is 90°.

If-then form: ________________________________________

5. Two intersecting lines lie in one plane.

If-then form: ________________________________________
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 Mathematics
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 20

Activity Type : Concept Notes

Activity Title : Inverse, Converse and Contrapositive
Learning Competency: Determines the inverse, converse, and contrapositive of an if-then statement
Learning Target : Formulate the inverse, converse and contrapositive of an implication.
Reference : Mathematics 8 Learner’s Module, pages 325-327
: n-statement

 If we exchange the position of the hypothesis and the conclusion we get a converse statement.

 If we negate both the hypothesis and the conclusion we get an inverse statement.

 If we negate a converse statement, this is called a contrapositive statement.

If-then Statement If p, then q

Converse If q, then p
Inverse If not p, then not q
Contrapositive If not q, then not p

Study the table below.

Statement If-then form Converse Inverse Contrapositive

• A triangle is If an object is a If an object is a If an object is not If an object is not a

a polygon. triangle, then it polygon, then it a triangle, then it polygon, then it is not
is a polygon. is a triangle. is not a polygon. a triangle.

A. Fill up the table below.
Statement If two angles are congruent, then they have the same measure.

Statement Three non-collinear points determine a plane.


Statement A rectangle has four right angles.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 Mathematics
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 21
Activity Type : Concept Notes
Activity Title : Inductive Reasoning
Learning Competency : Uses inductive or deductive reasoning in an argument(M8GE-IIh-1)
Learning Target : Define inductive reasoning and state the rule used in the given statements.
Reference : Mathematics 8 Learner’s Module, pages 329- 331

 Inductive reasoning takes specific examples to make a general rule, generalizations, or conclusions
 Three stages:
1. Look for a Pattern Look at several examples. Use diagrams and tables to help you discover a pattern.
2. Make a Conjecture Use the examples to make a general conjecture.
3. Verifies the Conjecture Use logical reasoning to verify that the conjecture is true in all cases.

1. Describe a pattern in the sequence of numbers. Predict the next number.
a. 1, 4, 16, 64, . . .
a. Each number is four times the previous number. The next number is 256.

Answer the following.

1. Describe a pattern in the sequence of numbers. Predict the next number.

2, 6, 18, 54, . . .

2. My math teacher is strict.

My previous math teacher was strict.
What can you say about all math teachers?

3. 1 × 10 = 10
2 × 10 = 20
3 × 10 = 30
5 × 10 = 50
24 × 10 = 240
2345 × 10 = ______.

4. Every time Jackie visits her doctor she receives excellent services. With this she believes
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 Mathematics
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 22
Activity Type : Concept Notes
Activity Title : Deductive Reasoning
Learning Competency : Uses inductive or deductive reasoning in an argument (M8GE-IIh-1)
Learning Target : 1. Define deductive reasoning.
2. Draw conclusion from the given statement.
Reference : Mathematics 8 Learner’s Module, pages 353-354

 Deductive reasoning is a type of logical reasoning which begins using basic and general statements to
prove more complicated statements. It uses accepted facts to reason in a step-by-step manner until we
arrive at the desired statement.

Complete the table below:

Statement Conclusion

Example: Filipinos are hospitable. Therefore, he is hospitable.

Bonifacio is a Filipino.

1. If the points are collinear, then they

lie on the same plane.

Points R,M,andN are collinear .

2. A quadrilateral is a polygon of four

Rectangle has 4 sides.

3. Smoking can cause cancer. Tomas is

4. An angle is acute if its measure is

between 0 degree and 90 degrees.
Angle B is acute.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 Mathematics
Second Quarter
L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y No. 23

Activity Type : Concept Notes

Activity Title : Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
Learning Competency : Uses inductive or deductive reasoning in an argument(M8GE-IIh-1)
Learning Target : Distinguish inductive and deductive reasoning.
Reference : Mathematics 8 Learner’s Module, pages 329-331
Concept Notes:

 Inductive reasoning is judging by experience while deductive reasoning is judging by logical



Draw conclusion from each given situation and identify the kind of reasoning used.

Example: 5, 10, 15, 20. The next number is ___.

Answer: 25 since the numbers are multiples of 5 Inductive Reasoning

1. Coplanar points are points on the same plane. X, Y, Z are coplanar.


2. Regular polygon is equilateral. BELEN is a regular pentagon.


3. A child’s teacher in preschool was a female, in his grades 1 and 2 his teachers were both female. The
child may say___________

4. Filipinos are peace- loving people. Julia is a Filipino. Therefore____________.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 Mathematics
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 24

Activity Type : Concept Notes

Activity Title : Parts of Deductive Reasoning
Learning Competency: Uses inductive or deductive reasoning in an argument(M8GE-IIh-1)
Learning Target : Provides formal arguments that explain results of a phenomenon or a situation.
Reference : Mathematics 8 Learner’s Module, pages 329-331

The parts of a deductive reasoning are:

• Hypothesis – the statement which is accepted or known at the beginning
• Conclusion – the statement drawn from the hypothesis.


Supply a valid conclusion for the given hypothesis on the first blank and the corresponding reason on
the second blank.

Example: If ∠B is a right angle,

Then, its measure is 90 degrees. Because the measure of a right
angle is 90.

1. If m∠3 + m∠4 = 180

Then _______________ ______________

2. If PM bisects ∠APO
Then _______________ ______________

3. If BP ⊥ BC
Then _______________ ______________

4. ΔBOS is isosceles.
Then _______________ ______________
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 Mathematics
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 25

Activity Type : Concept Notes

Activity Title : Properties of Equality and Congruence
Learning Competency : Writes a proof (both direct and indirect) (M8GE-Iii-j-1)
Learning Target : Justify the given statement by identifying the properties used.
Reference : Mathematics 8 Learner’s Module, pages 333-334

In proving theorems, the properties of equality and congruence are the bases for reasoning.
Properties of Equality
Addition Property of Equality (APE)
For all real numbers a, b, c and d, if a = b and c = d, then a + c = b + d
Subtraction Property of Equality (SPE)
If a = b and c = d, then a – c = b – d.
Multiplication Property of Equality (MPE)
If a = b, then ac = bc
Division Property of Equality (DPE)
If a = b then a/c = b/c
Substitution Property of Equality
If m∠A = 60, m∠B = 60 then m∠A = m∠B
Distributive Property
a(b + c) = ab + ac
Properties of Congruence
Reflexive Property : AB´ ≅ AB
Symmetric Property If ∠A ≅ ∠B then ∠B ≅ ∠A
Transitive Property If ∠A ≅ ∠B and ∠B ≅ ∠C then ∠A ≅ ∠C

Justify each statement by giving the Property of Equality or Property of Congruence used.

´ = BK
1. If TX ´ , then BK
´ = TX

2. 8(m + n) = 8m + 8n

´ = 12 and PR
3. If CT ´ = 20, then PR
´ + CT ´ + 12 = 20.

4. m∠HIT = m∠HIT

5. If ∠S ≅ ∠P, ∠B ≅ ∠S, then ∠P ≅ ∠B

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 Mathematics
Second Quarter
A C T I V I T Y No. 26

Activity Type : Concept Notes

Activity Title : Proofs
Learning Competency : Writes a proof (both direct and indirect) (M8GE-Iii-j-1)
Learning Target : Identify the proof applied.
Reference : Mathematics 8 Learner’s Module, pages 353-354

One of the tools used in proving is reasoning, specifically deductive reasoning.

A proof is a logical argument in which each statement you make is supported/ justified by given
information, definitions, axioms, postulates, theorems, and previously proven statements.
Proofs can be written in different ways:
1. Paragraph Form/ Informal Proof:
The paragraph or informal proof is the type of proof where you write a paragraph to explain
why a conjecture for a given situation is true.
1. Two-Column Form/ Formal Proof/ Direct Proof
One column for statement and another for reason
2. Flowchart Form:
A flowchart-proof organizes a series of statements in a logical order, starting with the given
statements. Each statement together with its justification is written in a box. Arrows are used to
show how each statement leads to another. It can make ones logic visible and help others follow
the reasoning.
3. Indirect Proof
An indirect proof usually is paragraph form, the opposite of the statement to be proven is
assumed true until the assumption leads to contradiction.

From the choices below, select the appropriate proof being described. Write the letter of the correct
answer before the number.

a. direct proof b. formal proof c. indirect proof d. two column proof

1. The method of proof by contradiction is____________.

2. A kind of proof in which the steps are written out in complete sentences. Identical in content, but
different in form, from a two-column proof.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 Mathematics
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 27
Activity Type : Exercise
Activity Title : Direct Proof / Two-Column Form
Learning Competency : Writes a proof (M8GE-IIh-j-1)
Learning Target : Write formal arguments as a series of statements that make a proof.
Reference : Mathematics 8 Learner’s Module, pages 333-334

In proving theorems you have to follow these steps:

• Read and understand the theorem
• Label the hypothesis as given and the conclusion as Prove
• Draw the figure and label the parts correctly.
• Write the proof which consists of the statements and reasons
Two-Column Form/ Formal Proof:
Given: m∠SEP = m∠TER S
Prove: m∠1 = m∠3 1 T
E 2
3 P

Statement Reason
1. m∠SEP = m∠TER 1. Given

2. m∠SEP = m∠1 + m∠2 2. Angle Addition Postulate

3. m∠TER = m∠2 + m∠3 3. Angle Addition Postulate

4. m∠1 + m∠2 = m∠2 + m∠3 4. Substitution Property

5. m∠2 = m∠2 5. Reflexive Property

6. m∠1 = m∠3 6. Subtraction Property

Supply the missing reasons.
Prove that if two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then the alternate interior angles are congruent. Show the proof.
Given: á || b́ with transversalt́ cutting á and b́ . 1 5
Prove: ∠2 ≅ ∠6 2 6
3 7
4 8
Statement Reason
1. m∠2 + m∠7 = 180 1. Definition of Supplementary angles
m∠7 + m∠6 = 180
2. m∠2 + m∠7 = m∠7 + m∠6 2.
3. m∠7 = m∠7 3.
4.m∠2 = m∠6 4.
5.∴ ∠2 ≅ ∠6 5.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 Mathematics
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 28

Activity Type : Concept Notes

Activity Title : Steps in Writing Geometric Proof
Learning Competency : Writes a proof (M8GE-Iii-j-1)
Learning Target : Explain the need for defined terms previously introduced
Reference : Geometry-Proof


1. Set up a two-column proof format. The the left-hand column should be labeled "Statements" and the
right-hand column labeled "Reasons."
2. Copy the diagram onto your paper, especially if the teacher requires you to do so.
3. List your givens as the first step in your statements column. Under the reasons column, you should
write "given."
4. Translate the givens into useful information. For each given, you'll want to think what you could do
with that knowledge. At this point in the proof, most of your reasons will be definitions.
Example: If the one of the givens is "Point C is the midpoint of AB," your statement would read "AC =
CB" and your reason would be "Definition of midpoint," or the full theorem: If a segment has a
midpoint, then it divides the segment into two congruent parts.
5. Transfer every congruency statement you've found so far, including the givens, into the diagram. 
Example: Congruent sides get marked with hash marks; congruent angles are marked with arcs.
6. Take another look at the "Prove" line of your problem. If it's the same as your last statement, then
you are finished.


Answer the question below.

1. Explain the importance of remembering and understanding the definition of terms in Geometric
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Grade 8 Mathematics
Second Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 29

Activity Type : Concept Notes

Activity Title : Postulate and Theorem
Learning Competency : Writes a proof (both direct and indirect) (M8GE-Iii-j-1)
Learning Target : Differentiate between postulate and theorem.
Reference : Mathematics 8 Learner’s Module, pages 353-354
Concept Notes:
• Postulate is a statement that is assumed true accepted without proof.
1. Substitution Postulate If y = x +7 and x = 8, then y = 8 + 7
2. Addition Postulate If a = b and c = d, then a + c = b + d.
3. Subtraction Postulate If a = b and c = d, then a – c = b – d.
4. A line contains at least two points.
5. A plane contains at least three non-collinear points.
6. Through any two points, there is exactly one line.
7. Through any three non-collinear points, there is exactly one plane.
8. If two points lie in a plane, then the line joining them lies in that plane.
9. If two planes intersect, then their intersection is a line.
• Theorem is a statement accepted after it is proved deductively.

1. Pythagorean Theorem c 2 = a 2 + b2
2. If two lines intersect, then they intersect in exactly one point.
3.  If a point lies outside a line, then exactly one plane contains both the line and the point.
4. Theorem 3: If two lines intersect, then exactly one plane contains both lines.

Exercise: Answer the following.

1. Discuss briefly the difference between postulate and theorem.
2. Identify whether the statement “two points determine a line” is a postulate or theorem.

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