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Example 3 - Unrestrained beam with end moments Sheet 3 of 10 Rev

3000 3000 3000

140 kN 70 kN
3.7 kN/m
Design loads

137 126

Shear force kN

95 106

Bending moment kNm


Figure 3.2

3.4 Buckling length (Lcr)

Since the beam is unrestrained between the supports, there is only one segment
to consider in this example, with a length equal to the beam length.
BS EN 1993-1-1 does not give guidance for determining buckling lengths. For
beams, the buckling length should be taken as being equal to the span length
unless the designer considers the beam to be restrained.
Lcr = 9.0 m

3.5 Section Properties

457  191  67 UKB in S275.
From section property tables:
Depth h = 453.4 mm P363
Width b = 189.9 mm
Web thickness tw = 8.5 mm
Flange thickness tf = 12.7 mm
Depth between fillets d = 407.6 mm
Plastic modulus, y-y axis Wpl,y = 1 470 cm3
Area A = 85.5 cm2
Modulus of elasticity E = 210 000 N/mm2 3.2.6(1)

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Example 3 - Unrestrained beam with end moments Sheet 4 of 10 Rev

For buildings that will be built in the UK, the nominal values of the yield NA.2.4
strength (fy) and the ultimate strength (fu) for structural steel should be those
obtained from the product standard. Where a range is given, the lowest
nominal value should be used.

For S275 steel and t  16 mm BS EN 10025-2

Yield strength fy = ReH = 275 N/mm2 Table 7

3.6 Cross section classification

235 235 Table 5.2
    0.92
f y 275

Outstand of compression flange

b  t w  2r 189.9  8.5  2  10.2 
c   80.50 mm
2 2
c 80.5
  6.34
tf 12.7

The limiting value for Class 1 is  9  9  0.92  8.28
6.34 < 8.28
Therefore, the flange is Class 1 under compression.
Web subject to bending
c = d = 407.6 mm
c 407.6
  47.95
tw 8 .5

The limiting value for Class 1 is  72  72  0.92  66.24
47.95 < 66.24
Therefore, the web is Class 1 under bending.
Therefore, the cross section is Class 1 under bending.

3.7 Partial factors for resistance

 M0 = 1.0 NA.2.15
 M1 = 1.0

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Example 3 - Unrestrained beam with end moments Sheet 5 of 10 Rev

3.8 Cross-sectional resistance

3.8.1 Shear buckling
The shear buckling resistance for webs should be verified according to 6.2.6(6)
section 5 of BS EN 1993-1-5 if:
hw  Eq (6.23)
 72
tw 
 = 1.0 BS EN 1993-1-5
hw = h  2 t f  453.4   2  12.7   428.00 mm NA,2.4

hw 428.0
=  50.35
tw 8.5

 0.92
72 = 72   66.24
 1.0
50.35 < 66.24
Therefore the shear buckling resistance of the web does not need to be

3.8.2 Shear resistance

Verify that: 6.2.6(1)
V Ed Eq (6.17)
 1.0
V c, Rd

Vc,Rd is the design plastic shear resistance (Vpl,Rd).

Av ( f y / 3 )
V pl.Rd 
 M0
Av is the shear area and is determined as follows for rolled I and H sections
with the load applied parallel to the web.
A v  A  2 bt f  t f t w  2 r  but not less than h w t w
= 85.5  10 2   2  189.9  12.7   12.7   8.5  ( 2  10.2 )  = 4093.57 mm2

h w t w  1.0  428  8.5  3638.00 mm2

Therefore, Av = 4093.57 mm2

The design plastic shear resistance is:

Av ( f y / 3 ) 4093.57  ( 275 / 3 ) 6.2.6(2)

V c,Rd  V pl,Rd    10 3  650.0 kN Eq (6.18)
 M0 1.0

Maximum design shear occurs at A, therefore the design shear is

VA,Ed, = 137 kN

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Example 3 - Unrestrained beam with end moments Sheet 6 of 10 Rev

V A,Ed 137
  0.21 < 1.0
V c,Rd 650
Therefore the shear resistance of the section is adequate.

3.8.3 Resistance to bending

Verify that: 6.2.5(1)
Eq (6.12)
M Ed
 1.0
M c,Rd

At the point of maximum bending (A), check if the presence of shear reduces
the bending moment resistance of the section.
V c,Rd 650
  325.0 kN
2 2
Shear force at maximum bending moment VA,Ed, = 137 kN
137 kN < 325.0 kN
Therefore no reduction in bending resistance due to shear is required. 6.2.8(2)

The design resistance for bending for Class 1 and 2 cross-sections is: 6.2.5(2)
W pl,y f y 1470  10 3  275
M c,Rd  M pl,Rd    10 6  404 kNm Eq (6.13)
 M0 1.0
M A,Ed 260
  0.64 < 1.0 Eq (6.12)
M c,Rd 404

Therefore the bending resistance of the cross section is adequate.

3.9 Buckling resistance of member in bending

If the lateral torsional buckling slenderness (  LT ) is less than or equal to  LT,0
the effects of lateral torsional buckling may be neglected, and only
cross-sectional verifications apply.
The value of  LT,0 for rolled sections is given by the UK National Annex as NA.2.17
 LT,0 = 0.4

Wy f y
 LT 
M cr

Wy  Wpl,y For class 1 or 2 cross sections.

BS EN 1993-1-1 does not give a method for determining the elastic critical
moment for lateral-torsional buckling (Mcr). Here the ‘LTBeam’ software
(which can be downloaded from the CTICM website) has been used to
determine Mcr.

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Example 3 - Unrestrained beam with end moments Sheet 7 of 10 Rev

When determining Mcr the following end restraint conditions have been applied
to the beam.
LTBeam symbol Definition Restraint applied (fixed/free)
v Lateral restraint Fixed
 Torsional restraint Fixed
v’ Flexural restraint Free
’ Warping restraint Free

The value for the elastic critical moment obtained from ‘LTBeam’ is:
Mcr = 355.7 kNm

1470  10 3  275
 LT   1.07
355.7  10 6

1.07 > 0.4 (  LT,0 )

Therefore the resistance to lateral-torsional buckling must be verified.

Verify that:
M Ed
 1.0 Eq (6.54)
M b,Rd

The design buckling resistance moment (Mb,Rd) of a laterally unrestrained beam
is determined from: Eq (6.55)
M b.Rd   LT W y
 M1
Wy = Wpl,y for Class 1 and 2 cross-sections
 LT is the reduction factor for lateral-torsional buckling.

For UKB sections, the method given in for determining  LT for rolled
sections may be used. Therefore,
1 1
 LT  but  1.0 and  Eq (6.57)
 LT   LT 2    LT 2  LT

 
 LT  0.5 1   LT  LT   LT,0    LT 2  
From the UK National Annex,  LT,0  0.4 and   0.75 NA.2.17

h 453.4
  2.39
b 189.9
2< 2.39 < 3.1, therefore use buckling curve ‘c’ NA.2.17
For buckling curve ‘c’, LT = 0.49 NA.2.16 &
Table 6.5

03-Unrestrained beam with end moments_meb.doc 26

Example 3 - Unrestrained beam with end moments Sheet 8 of 10 Rev

 LT  0.5 1  0.49  1.07  0.4   0.75  1.07 2    1.09

 LT   0.60
1.09  1.09  0.75  1.07  2

1 1
  0.87
 LT 1.07 2
0.60 < 0.87 < 1.0
 LT  0.60 

To account for the shape of the bending moment distribution, LT may be
modified by the use of a factor ‘f’’.
 LT
 LT,mod  but  LT,mod  1.0 Eq (6.58)

f  1  0.5 1  k   1  2  LT   but f  1.0

 0.8
 

1 NA.2.18
kc 

C1 may be obtained from either tabulated data given in NCCI, such as Access Steel
Access Steel document SN003, or determined from: document SN003
M cr (actual bending moment diagram)
C1 
M cr ( uniform be nding moment diagram)
As a value for C1 for the bending moment diagram given in Figure 3.2 of this Access Steel
example is not given in the Access Steel document SN003 the value for C1 will document SN003
be calculated.
Applying a uniform bending moment to the beam the value of Mcr determined
from the ‘LTBeam’ software is:
M cr  134.2 kNm

C1   2.65
kc   0.61

f  1  0.5  1  0.61   1  2  1.07  0.8  2   0.83

0.60 Eq (6.58)
 LT,mod   0.72 < 1.0
The design buckling resistance moment (Mb,Rd) of a laterally unrestrained beam
is determined from:

03-Unrestrained beam with end moments_meb.doc 27

Example 3 - Unrestrained beam with end moments Sheet 9 of 10 Rev

M b,Rd   LT W y
 M1 Eq (6.55)

 LT   LT,mod
M b,Rd  0.72  1470  10 3   10 6  291 kNm
M A,Ed 260 Sheet 2
  0.89 < 1.0
M b,Rd 291
Eq (6.54)
Therefore the design buckling resistance moment of the member is adequate.

3.10 Vertical deflection at serviceability limit state

The vertical deflections should be verified.

Page references in
3.11 Blue Book Approach Section 3.11 are
to P363 unless
The design resistances may be obtained from SCI publication P363. otherwise stated.
Consider the 457  191  67 UKB in S275

3.11.1 Design bending moments and shear forces

The design bending moments and shear forces are shown in Figure 3.2
Design bending moment (at A) MA,Ed = 260 kNm
Maximum design shear force (at A) VA,Ed = 137 kN

3.11.2 Cross section classification

Under bending the cross section is Class 1. Page C-67

3.11.3 Cross sectional resistance

Shear resistance
Vc,Rd = 650 kN Page C-104
VA,Ed 137
=  0.21 < 1.0
Vc,Rd 650
Therefore the shear resistance is adequate

Bending resistance
Vc,Rd 650
  325 kN
2 2
V A, Ed  137 kN < 325 kN

Therefore there is no reduction in the bending resistance.

Mc,y,Rd = 405 kNm Page C-67

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