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NIM : 210304502070


1. Make 4 sentences for each “to be” (am, is, are, was, were) that consist of
a) To be + noun
b) To be + adjective
c) To be + adverb
d) To be + verb-ing

a. To be + noun :
 I am simple women. ( Saya wanita yang sederhana).
 It is her cat. ( Itu kucingnya)
 They are the champions. (Mereka adalah juara).
 He was a brilliant boy. (Dia dulu adalah seorang pria yang cerdas.)
 They were nice and friendly people. ( Mereka [dulunya] adalah orang-orang baik
dan ramah.)
b. To be + adjective :
 I am sad. (Aku sedih)
 Dina’s smile is sweet. (Senyum Dina manis)
 You are young and free. (Dia masih muda dan bebas)
 She was rich and generous. (Dia [dulunya] kaya dan murah hati.)
 We were very surprised when opening a huge birthday gift. (Kami sangat terkejut
ketika membuka hadiah ulang tahun yang sangat besar.)

c. To be + adverb :
 I am at China town. (Saya di kota China.)
 My house is next to the supermarket. (Rumah saya ada di sebelah supermarket.)
 They are in my father office. ( Mereka berada di kantor ayah saya.)
 He was in a small village. ( Dia berada di sebuah desa kecil.)
 Your papers were inside that drawer. (Koran Anda [tadi] ada di dalam laci itu.)

d. To be + verb-ing :
 I am watching movie. ( Saya sedang menonton film.)
 She is studying math. ( Dia sedang belajar matematika.)
 They are making a science project. ( Mereka sedang membuat proyek sains.)
 He was reading a book in the living room. (Dia sedang membaca buku di ruang
 We were learning together. ( Kami [dulunya] sedang belajar bersama.)

2. Make “negative sentences” from the sentences in number 1

a) To be + not + noun :
 I am not simple women. ( Saya bukan wanita yang sederhana).
 It is not her cat. ( Itu bukan kucingnya)
 They are not the champions. (Mereka bukan juara).
 He was not a brilliant boy. (Dia dulu bukan seorang pria yang cerdas.)
 They were not nice and friendly people. ( Mereka [dulunya] bukan orang-
orang baik dan ramah.)

b) To be + not + adjective :
 I am not sad. (Aku tidak sedih)
 Dina’s smile is not sweet. (Senyum Dina tidak manis)
 You are not young and free. (Dia tidak muda dan bebas)
 She was not rich and generous. (Dia [dulunya] tidak kaya dan murah hati.)
 We were not very surprised when opening a huge birthday gift. (Kami
tidak terkejut ketika membuka hadiah ulang tahun yang sangat besar.)
c) To be + not + adverb :
 I am not at China town. (Saya tidak berada di kota China.)
 My house is not next to the supermarket. (Rumah saya tidak ada di
sebelah supermarket.)
 They are not in my father office. ( Mereka tidak berada di kantor ayah
 He was not in a small village. ( Dia tidak berada di sebuah desa kecil.)
 Your papers were not inside that drawer. (Koran Anda [tadi] tidak ada di
dalam laci itu.)

d) To be + not + verb-ing :
 I am not watching movie. ( Saya tidak menonton film.)
 She is not studying math. ( Dia tidak belajar matematika.)
 They are not making a science project. ( Mereka tidak membuat proyek
 He was not reading a book in the living room. (Dia tidak membaca buku
di ruang tamu.)
 We were not learning together. ( Kami tidak belajar bersama.)

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