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Project Feasibility Indicators

a. Market Analysis/ Demand-Supply Analysis

i. Supply Side - Discuss the availability of supply (no. of farmers, sources and volume of
production in terms of number of heads per type of livestock. Also, discuss if there is
a significant factor in the supply such as seasonality of the specific livestock)
Livestock Inventory
No. of Raisers
Backyard Commercial TOTAL
NOTE: Please present the inventory of livestock of the projected Project Influence Area (Barangays
covered or Municipal wide figures)

ii. Discuss the current situation of the growers without the intervention.
iii. Discuss the facilities present that offers the same intervention as the proposed
facility and the volume they currently cater.
Total livestock heads for
Capacity Gap
Location Type (no. of heads/yr) (no. of heads/yr)
(no. of heads/yr)
Cattle Swine Goat Cattle Swine Goat Cattle Swine Goat

iii. Demand Side - Discuss the farmer’s current situation/practice and their willingness
to use the facility (the number of farmers willing to use the facility, how many are
willing to use shift in the proposed intervention)
iv. Discuss the improvement in the capacity with the intervention of the proposed
facility and the volume that will be catered with the project
Total livestock heads for
Capacity Gap
Location Type (no. of heads/yr) (no. of heads/yr)
(no. of heads/yr)
Cattle Swine Goat Cattle Swine Goat Cattle Swine Goat

vi. Demand-Supply Analysis - Describe the gap (degree of the need) between the
desired (With Project) and current (Without Project) condition. (Include
discussion/comparison on how the facility will be beneficial to the commodity, as
presented in VCA, with the project and without the project.)

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