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The Headline of Cinderella

The Truth is EXPOSED!

By KC and Harrison

Well hello I'm KC Brogan and today we will be exposing the

truth about Cinderella. I'm here today with my friend Harrison Huff
who will be helping me with this adventure. Now we have booked
a special interview with the person herself, Cinderella! Now all of
you will be able to get your questions answered here, live. Come
with us as we sit down with Cinderella in her childhood home
(door creaks open.)
“Hello? Ah you must be here for the interview, come on in!”
said Cinderella in her silky blue dress and glassy slippers almost
looking the same as the ones she wore at the ball (we walked into
her home).
“Wow this place looks as good as new!” I said.
“Yeah, it looks amazing,” said Harrison. (We all sit on her
royal blue couch.)
Now, a lot of our viewers want to know what happened to
your stepsisters and where they are now.
“Oh my stepsisters, I've decided to take pity on them and
they have their own houses with personal helpers,” said
“Another question our viewers have been dying to ask is,
what happened to your doves?” asked Harrison.
“My lovely doves are still here with me, let me go get them
for you!” (She gets up and walks away for a few moments.)
“Here they are,” she said (she sits back down with two lovely
white doves on both shoulders).
“Here they are. Their names are Snowy and Bell,” said
Cinderella,'' Would you like to hold them?”
''YES!” I said (I take the one on her right shoulder, snowy.)
“Wow,” I said “they are very beautiful.” (I give back Snowy.) “Also
a question I have been wanting to ask is, what have you done
with your Step-Mother?” asked Harrison.
“Oh my step mother still lives with my father. They still deny
that I am royalty. They have been saying it even more since the
king died and I became the queen along with my husband,” said
“Oh and going along with the topic, your husband, how is
he?,” asked Harrison.
“Well, ever since his father died, he has been in a bit of a
bad mood, although, we still go on our morning walks. He seems
to be getting over it every day,” she said.
“I am so sorry for your loss ma’am” said Harrison.
“No worries, he lived a great life and he is now buried at The
Great Fairytale Graveyard,” she said in a calm voice. “My
husband has been thinking about making some changes to the
“May we hear some of the ideas?” I asked.
“Why of course you can!” she said, “the thing he has been
talking about the most is making it so women can rule the
kingdom. Another thing he has been talking about is putting a
public donation center for the poor,” she said.
“Wow those are some great ideas and they would be great
for the town,” I said.
“Yeah I agree,” said Harrison.

(there was a knock on the window.)

“Huh, I wonder what that is,” I say.

“Oh I bet it's nothing, probably just the branch hitting the
window. It's quite windy out today,” said Cinderella.
(Harrison and I walked over to the window and lifted up the
window covers.) There, standing in front of us, were two pigeons
with blood filled beaks and an eye hanging out from one.)
“What the heck is this?,” asked Harrison (I turned around
and saw with shock, the doves sitting on Cinderella’s shoulder).
“Hey I think we should get out of here” Harrison whispered
“Yeah I agree.” (We begin to walk to the door).
“WAIT DON'T GO OUT THE DOOR!,” screamed Cinderella.
(Harrison and I froze).
“Why not?” I asked. (We hear Cinderella mumble something)
“What?” said Harrison. “Is it your sisters?”
“No, it's a threat, you see. I promised my stepmom that I
would give her some of my riches if I ever got a lot of money. She
decided every year on the same day that I promised her she
would go into town and she would hurt people until she got her
money. Even though I send her 100 gold coins every year she still
is ungrateful and says that she will continue until I give up the
throne to her.” (Harrison and I gasped in shock)
”Yeah I know. So I got my guards to make sure she never
shows her face here again but it seems she found a way to still
get to me. So if you go out that door, the pigeons will attack you”
(we look back at the camera and say) “Oh my god.”
We said “Ok people, we are going on a little break,” I said
(screen music plays. We open back in a dark basement).
“Hello everyone, we might be in a different location but that
doesn't mean we won't continue the interview,” said Harrison.
“So we might be in here for a while but I think the guards are
taking care of the situation.” (We hear a blood curdling scream).
“Well there's not much we can do in this situation,” I said.
“We have called the authorities so they should be on their way
now.” I said,”For the time being we are currently hidden in the
“Now, other than not giving your mother the money she
asked for, is there any other thing that may have provoked her
into action?” I asked.
“No, I'm not sure this is the only thing I have done to her that
made her very upset.” Cinderella softly said. “She was always
very greedy so there was probably something else I did.”
“Well I hear horse hooves so the authorities should be here
any moment. Personally, I can't wait to get out of this dingy
basement!” I said.
“I hope we all get out of here alive,” Harrison said. “I wanna
see my family again!” (We all hear some squawking and someone
“It's safe to come out,” one of the authorities yells. (A
knocking sound is heard on the door).
“Come in!” (A blind woman, with both her eyes plucked out,
walks through the door. She looked as if she came straight out of
a nightmare).
“Hello sister,” she said in a raspy voice. “Did you hear about
the attack?,” she asks, swinging around her walking stick trying to
find her sister.
“Oh hello sister, yes, in fact that was actually us. We were
the ones who got attacked,” said Cinderella kindly.
“How come you have come here?”
“Well I wanted to visit you and I heard about the attack so
that is why I came,” said the sister.
“And you said “we”, so who are you with?”
“I am KC and this is my partner Harrison,” I said.
“Okay, I will be on my way. make sure to stay safe,” she
walked back out with her helper and walked home.
“Okay now that this is all sorted out, can we head back to
your living room?” Harrison asked.
“Of course let's go!” said Cinderella. (We walk back to the
living room and wrap up the interview).
“Ok ma’am I think we are going to head home. It's getting
late and you know with all that's happened today, Harrison and I
want to get back to headquarters and get paid for all of this
trauma,” I said.
“Yeah.” Harrison said.
“Okay,” said Cinderella, “you can go home and stay safe.
Goodbye!” (We walk out).
“Well people at home, we are going to wrap this up. Tune in
next week to see another live interview with the well known Wolf
and three little pigs, we can’t wait to hear both sides of their
stories!” I said.
“That's all for now folks! See ya next time!”
(end music plays)
(glitches) (deep hidden voice)
”Or will you...” (deep evil laughter)
(music glitches and starts playing again)

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