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BRD 212 Midterm Requirement

KNOW: Analyze.

1. Focusing on the idea that News = Change, work out what are the biggest changes happening in
your local area at the moment that might find their way into a news bulletin.

2. From your own TV viewing and radio listening, which do you think are the most active pressure
groups in your area and how do they get their message across to the media? Do they come across
favorably or badly? Why?

DO: Application.

1. Watch a national and local tv/radio bulletins of comparable lengths on the same day and list the
stories in each.

Local (Paranaque City an in around Metro Manila)

 83% vaccination rate ACHIEVED!

Mayor Edwin Olivarez of Paranaque City announced that a total of 437 236 people or 83.69
percent of the 521 410-target population were fully vaccinated against COVID-19. In line with
this, 3 315 people inoculated with the first dose of the vaccine and 1 675 people with the second
dose as reported by the city government. Only three barangays in the city still have a high number
of active COVID-19 cases. Barangays BF has 214, Don Bosco has 166, and San Isidro has 102.
Despite of this, city residents were urged to continue following the basic health protocol put in
place by the Inter Agency Task Force (IATF) in order to achieve herd immunity as soon as

 Philheath cards to Indigent made available due to Belmonte

Over 197 indigent group or family who belonged to the poor family of Barangay Tatalon
were given a free PhilHealth cards. The city government provides them as well a free PhilHealth
contribution. Distribution of membership IDs of the beneficiaries was led by Mayor Joy
Belmonte, Congressman Bong Suntay, Councilor Marra Suntay, Councilor Irene Belmonte,
Social Services Development Department Head Fe Macale, Bgy. Tatalon Chairman Rodel Lobo,
Councilor Babes Malaya, and Mr. Egay Yap. 50 000 of indigent families were target to have
Philhealth in Quezon city so that the burden amongst those families will ease when one of their
family members hospitalized.

 COVID-19 cases in the Philippines down to 3 656, the lowest since July.
On Wednesday, October 20, the Philippines reported 3,656 new COVID-19 cases, the fewest
in almost three months. This decrease is part of a downward trend that began in September, when
the highly transmissible Delta type fueled a boom in numbers. A total of 2,735,369 cases have
been filed in the country. 67,061 of them are still working or are ill.

 Partido Federal ng Pilipinas (PFP) supports BBM

Several transportation organizations have declared their support for Ferdinand "Bongbong"
Marcos Jr., the standard-bearer of the Partido Federal ng Pilipinas (PFP). PFP Secretary General
Thompson Lantion and Executive Vice President Vic Rodriguez recently met with leaders of the
transportation groups to express their support for Marcos, for they believe that we need to join
the hands for change because he can lead us to unification.

 Ombudsman hits PCIJ over SALN amendments

OMBUDSMAN On Wednesday, Samuel Martires reprimanded the Philippine Center for

Investigative Journalism (PCIJ) for opposing proposed modifications to Republic Act (RA) 6713,
also known as the "Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees."

 The country could lose nurses

The president of the Private Hospitals Association of the Philippines Inc. (PHAPi), Dr. Rene
de Grano, warned that the country could lose more nurses in the next six months. Nurses' meager
pay and benefits are evidence of this neglect. Approximately 5 to 10% of nurses in private
hospitals left their jobs to seek greener pastures abroad. If this trend continues, hospitals'
operations will be crippled, according to de Grano.

2. Go through each story to see how it rates in your view in terms of relevance, significance,
immediacy, interest and entertainment. Award each story points out of three under each category,
where three is the maximum score (Very important, etc.) and zero is the lowest. Add up the totals
and see which bulletin scores the highest overall. Is that the one you preferred? If not, why do
you think it rated so highly?

83% vaccination rate ACHIEVED! Score
 Relevance 3
 Significance 3
 Immediacy 3
 Interest 2
 Entertainment 0

Total 11

Philheath cards to Indigent made

available due to Belmonte Score

 Relevance 2
 Significance 2
 Immediacy 2
 Interest 1
 Entertainment 0

Total 7

COVID-19 cases in the Philippines Score
down to 3 656, the lowest since July.
 Relevance 3
 Significance 3
 Immediacy 3
 Interest 3
 Entertainment 0

Total 12
Partido Federal ng Pilipinas (PFP)
supports BBM Score
 Relevance 2
 Significance 2
 Immediacy 2
 Interest 2
 Entertainment 0

Total 8
Ombudsman hits PCIJ over SALN Score
 Relevance 2
 Significance 2
 Immediacy 1
 Interest 0
 Entertainment 0

Total 5

The country could lose nurses Score

 Relevance 3
 Significance 3
 Immediacy 3
 Interest 3
 Entertainment 0

Total 12

3. Which stories did you find the most relevant and why? In what way is the relevance of those
stories determined by their geographical proximity to you? Which stories did you find the most
important and what made some stories more interesting than others? Why? Decide which you
think is the most controversial story in each bulletin and why.

The news about vaccination rate and how the Covid cases drops down, and the possible
lose of nurses are the most relevant and the most important because in this trying time, pandemic,
nothing more is important than being vaccinated for us to combat Covid 19 while the nurses must
have the sense of belongingness and feel valued for us to not to lose them because we need a
medical support, health should be our first priority. While the most controversial story are the
ones in politics because of the project and their platforms on how to help the country cope up to
increase the economic rate.

FEEL: Case Study.

1. A caller on the line to your newsroom says large quantities of lethal waste have leaked from a
nearby industrial plant. The toxic chemical is spilling into a reservoir that directly feeds the local
water supply. He says he is the manager at the plant and is urging you to put out a message
immediately warning people to stop drinking the water as it could poison them. What do you do?

Immediately air the news to warn the people in the nearby industrial plant and tell
them no matter how small the spill, do not allow any spilled material to enter any body of
water, including storm sewers or drains. Provide them what are the necessary precautions
that they need to do. It is just as important to know how to handle accidental chemical
spills and leaks as it is to know how to use the material correctly. A basic understanding of
a few basic guidelines governing hazardous chemical spills and leaks can go a long way
toward meeting that responsibility.

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