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Instructional Plan (iPlan)

Name of Teacher Grade/Year Level

Learning Area: Quarter:

Content Standard:

Performance Standard:


Lesson No. Duration (minutes / hours)

Key Understanding to be developed:

Resources Needed

Elements of the Plan Methodology

Preparations Motivation/Introductory Activity
- How will I make the learners This part introduces the lesson
ready? content.. it is serves as a warm-
- How do I prepare the up activity to give the learners
learners for the new lesson? zest for the incoming lesson and
(Motivation /Focusing an idea about what it to follow.
/Establishing Mind-set /Setting One principle in learning is that
the Mood /Quieting /Creating learning occurs when it is
Interest - Building Background conducted in a pleasurable and
Experience – comfortable atmosphere.
Activating Prior
Knowledge/Apperception -
Review – Drill)
- How will I connect my new
lesson with the past lesson?
Presentation Activity
- (How will I present the new This is an interactive strategy to
lesson? elicit learner’s prior learning
- What materials will I use? experience. It serves as a
- What generalization springboard for new learning. It
/concept /conclusion illustrates the principle that
/abstraction should the learning starts where the learners
learners arrive at? are. Carefully structured
(Showing/ Demonstrating/ activities such as individual or
Engaging/ Doing /Experiencing group reflective exercises, group
/Exploring /Observing discussion, self-or group
- Role-playing, dyads, assessment, dyadic or triadic
dramatizing, brainstorming, interactions, puzzles, simulations
reacting, interacting or role-play, cybernetics
- Articulating observations, exercise, gallery walk and the
finding, conclusions, like may be created. Clear
generalizations, abstraction instructions should be
- Giving suggestions, reactions considered in this part of the
solutions recommendations) lesson.
Essential questions are included
to serve as a guide for the
teacher in clarifying key
understandings about the topic at
hand. Critical points are
organized to structure the
discussions allowing the learners
to maximize interactions and
sharing of ideas and opinions
about expected issues. Affective
questions are included to elicit
the feelings of the learners about
the activity or the topic. The last
questions or points taken should
lead the learners to understand
the new concepts or skills that
are to be presented in the next
part of the lesson.

This outlines the key concepts,
important skills that should be
enhanced, and the proper attitude
that should be emphasized. This
is organized as a lecturette that
summarizes the learning
emphasized from the activity,
analysis and new inputs in this
part of the lesson.
Practice Application
- What practice This part is structured to ensure
exercises/application activities the commitment of the learners
will I give to the learners? to do something to apply their
(Answering practice exercise new learning in their own
- Applying learning in other environment.
situations/real-life situations
- Expressing one’s thoughts,
feelings, opinions, beliefs
through artwork, songs, dances,
- Performing musical
numbers/dances, manipulative
activities, etc.)


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