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Arranged by:
Aisha Tabitha
Whannie Youngger Oeitama
Whennie Youngger Oeitama

Kadek Irayasa, S.Pd.



A. Introduction (Pendahuluan)

1. The economic condition of the community around Maccini Park ,

Tamalate Subdistrict, Makassar City (Kondisi ekonomi
masyarakat sekitar taman maccini )

2. maize has growth factors that are very dependent on the quality
and condition of the land (tanaman jagung memiliki faktor
pertumbuhan yang sangat tergantung pada kualitas dan
kondisi lahan.)

3. Maize plants have good photosynthetic activity, very low

photorespiration, low transpiration, and efficient use of water
(Tanaman jagung juga memiliki aktivitas fotosintesis yang
baik, fotorespirasi yang sangat rendah, transpirasi rendah, dan
efisien dalam penggunaan air)

B. Problem Detail (Rumusan Masalah)

the problem detail in this study is how is the land suitability zoning for the
cultivation of maize (Zea mays) in Maccini Park, Tamalate Subdistrict,
Makassar City?
C. Research Method (Metode Penelitian)

1. Type and Approach of Reseacrh (Jenis dan pendekatan

This research is non-experimental quantitative research that uses a
survey method.

2. Variables

1. Climate (temperature, rainfall, dry and wet months)

2. Soil (texture, permeability, solum, cation exchange capacity, pH,
organic carbon, rough material, depth, base saturation, thickness
and maturity of peat).
3. Drainage,
4. Erosion rate,
5. Types of rock,
6. Slope,
7. Danger levels of flood or inundation.
8. Land preparation

3. Data Collection Techniques (Teknik pengumpulan data)

Data collected in this study consist of secondary and primary data.

4. Data Analysis Techniques (Teknik Analisis Data)

using the scoring method by giving a score to each class, namely
class is very suitable (SI:4), class is sufficiently suitable (S2:3), class
is suitable marginal (S3:2), and class is not suitable (N:1) with the
number of a parameter used as many as 19, then to find out the
highest and lowest score, the calculation results are as follows: S1 (4
x 19 = 76), S2 (3 x 19 = 57), S3 (2 x 19 = 38), N (1 x 19 = 19). To
determine land suitability class for maize, it is obtained from:

i = (Effendi in Saidah, J.N., Arisanty, D. and Adyatma, S., 2016)

i = class width (interval)
R = interval distance (highest score - lowest score)
N = number of classes
By calculation, it is obtained as follows:
i = 57/4 = 14

Table 3. Scoring of land suitability class

Land Suitability Class Total Score Description
I 61-74 S1
II 47-60 S2
III 33-46 S3
IV 19-32 N
D. Data and Discussion (Hasil dan pembahasan)

Point Total Score Suitability Description
1 67 I S1
2 66 I S1
3 68 I S1
4 68 I S1

1. Point 1 (Titik 1)
The first research location is located at coordinates 05 o10'002''S and
119o24'261''E. After scoring and matching, this point is in class I or S1,
which according to FAO, S1 is land that does not have a significant barrier
to its sustainable use.

2. Point 2
The second location is located at coordinates 05 o09'961''S 119o24'129''E.
In general, this location is almost the same as point 1. This point is also in
the S1 category which means land does not have a significant barrier to its
sustainable use.

3. Point 3
The third research location is located at coordinates 05 o09'961''S
119o24'129''E. Based on scoring results, point 3 is in class I or S1. Cation
exchange capacity indicates the ability of soil to exchange the number of

4. Point 4
The last point in this research is located at coordinates 05 o09'904''S
199o24'102''E. The scoring result at this last point is the same as point 1,
point 2, and point 3 which is in class I or S1. This means that the land
does not have a significant barrier to its sustainable use.
E. Conclusion (kesimpulan)
This study concludes that Maccini Park is generally in the suitable
order (S) for planting maize, and based on the results of the analysis using
the scoring method, the four points researched are in class I or S1. To
overcome the obstacles such as water availability, it is necessary to water
maize plants and optimize irrigation lines.

F.Recommendation (Saran)
1. For the community to be able to optimize waterways and carry out
regular watering so that the land can be utilized properly.
2. For further researchers to be able to conduct further research on land
suitability for maize cultivation.

G. References
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