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Smart fencing system protecting crops from animals


Submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirement of B.E. degree in

Mechatronics Engineering of Anna University

Submitted by


Guided by

Professor of Mechantronics

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

(A Govt. Aided, Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University)


APRIL 2021

Smart fencing system protecting crops from animals


Submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirement of B.E. degree in

Mechatronics Engineering of Anna University

Submitted by


Guided by

Professor of Mechatronics

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

(A Govt. Aided, Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University)


APRIL 2021

(A Govt. Aided, Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University)



Certified that this is a bonafide record of the 14TMT880 Project & Viva
Voce done byABISHEK.T (17F003), PUSHPARAJ.S (17F066)of Eighth
Semester B.E., Mechatronics Engineering during the year 2020202.
Signature of the Guide Signature of H.D.MCT

Station: Madurai Date:

Submitted for Viva-Voce examination held at Thiagarajar College of

Engineering, Madurai – 625 015, on __________________.


This is to certify that the 14MT880 Project Report entitledSmartfencing system

protecting crops from animals being submitted byABISHEK.T 17F003

PUSHPARAJ.S 17F066 in partial fulfillment for the requirement of Bachelor of

Engineering Degree in Mechatronics Engineering, is a record of bonafide work. The

results embodied in this report have not been submitted to any other university or

institute for the award of any degree or diploma.

Dr. M.


Station: Madurai Date:



We take this opportunity to express our gratitude and deep regards to our
guide Dr. M. Palaninatharaja M.E., Ph.D., Professor and Head of the
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Thiagarajar college of
engineering. We are extremely grateful to him for providing his valuable
suggestion in completing the project.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to Dr. S.Mercy
Shalinie, M.E., Ph.D., Principal In-charge, Thiagarajar College of
Engineering for providing all the necessary facilities for completing the

We express our thanks to Mr.Parthasarathi, Assistant Professor faculty of

Mechatronics Engineering Department for his valuable advice. We also
thank all our friends and classmates who have directly or indirectly helping
us in completing this project work.




Title Page i
Bonafide Certificate ii
Certificate iii
Acknowledgement iv
List of contents v
List of figures vii
List of tables viii
List of symbols ix
Abstract x


1.1 Motivation 11

1.2 WemesDi mini 12

1.3 Specification and features 14
1.4 Wemes Di Mini Picture 15
1.5 PIR sensor 16
1.6 PIN Diagram for PIR Senor 17

Literature Summary 21

2.1.1 Study based on ESP8266 22

2.1.2 Study based on PIR 23
2.1.3 Study based on IOT 23
2.1.4 Study based on wi-fi 23
3.1 Problem description 25
3.2 Objectives 26

5.1 Introduction 28

5.1.1 Joining wemos di mini and PIR

5.1.2 Layout 23
5.1.3 Coding on ardunio IDE
5.1.4 Output
6.1 Discussions 31
6.2 Results 34
7.1 Future Works 36




1.1 Wemos di mini 1

1.2 PIR sensor 5






This paper outlines how to alert the human ebings who live near the agricultual
fields due to the entry of animals forest side areas. Because of the
overpopulation human beings are supposed to build their house in forest side
areas and they do agriculture near their house since they do agriculture near
forest side areas wild animals can enter into their agricultual fields and may
destroy it. The protection for agricultural fields is developed and presented here,
which indentifies the animals and send messages to the owner of the field by
using wemos di mini and PIR thorugh IOT(Internet of things).

These estimationsc can be used in any type of the agricultural fields. Here the
animals have been sensed by height, weight through PIR sensor.

This paper also deals with safety of human beings.



More than 45% of our countries are covered with the forest area. As becasue
of increase in population, there is a need for more space for human living and
also peopl rely on words from forest and the products such as heating fuel, paper
production etc. Adding on to these,humans started deforestation and this had led
to intervention of animals dwelling. Since, agricultural lands were closer to forest
areas wild animals intervend the agricultural reforms and this leads to loss of
human and agricultural yeilds. To overcome this, farmers established fence to
protect their lands by different ways by iron fence, wood fence, electric fence,
solar fence,aluminium fences, chain link fences, steel fences,temporary fences,
vinyl fences, wood fences.


The need for the smart fencing system has been increased very much higher.

Motivation of this idea is to protect agricultural fields,crops and animals from

wild animals those wholive near forest side areas. Sending them a messges

when animals enter into the agricultural fields they can go at time and male

animals to move out from the agricultural fields and then they can even protect

themsleves from wild animals. Here by using wemos di mini and pir sensor

through iot animals is indentified. So that humans can protect their agricultural

land and can yeilds lots of product that could make them profit.


This is wemos di small scale wifi web of things advancement board based
ESP8266,it is a smaller than normal wifi board dependent on ESP8266EX. 11
computerized input/yield sticks, all pins have interupt/PWM/12C/one wire
upheld( anticipate D0) 1analog info ( 3.3v max input) and a miniature usb
association.The wemos di mini is a great board to develop wifi based oit projects.
It is uses the popular ESP8266 module for its iot operation. Can be handily
modified through usb and requires no extra developer. Utilize this attempted and
tried equipment stage to assemble your iot projects withour stressing over
equipment plan and manufactureThis board lets you jumstart your iot
development by letting you concentrate all your time and effort on software

Wemos DI mini is like a little arduino for a great price. It is based around the
ESP8266, has one analogue part and 11 digital ports. It is programmed via mocro
USB(remote flash via wifi).You can use it with the Ardunino IDE(nodeMCU or

It runs from 5V or 3.3V. Logic levels are 3.3V for all ports.

In the event that you utilize the ardunio IDE,there are a great deal of excample
outlines previously gave. This makes life generally simple to have the option to
do what you need. They function admirably with TMP36,DS18B20,RasPio
motivating RGB,LEDs, PIR movement sensors,BME280 barometric pressing
factor/temperature/humaity sensors

Microcontroller ESP-8266EX

Operating Voltage 3.3V

Digital I/O Pins 11

Analog Input 1(Max input: 3.2V)


Clock Speed 80MHz/160MHz

Flash 4M bytes

Length 34.2mm

Width 25.6mm

Weight 10g

The operating voltage of ESP-8266EX is 3.3V. The digital input pins will be 11
pins. The Analog Input pins will 1 their maximum input is 3.2V. The clock speed
of the ESP-8266 is 80MHz/160Mhz. The flash of wemos di mini will be in 4M
bytes . The length of the wemos di mini will be 34.2 and width will be
25.6. Their average wieght will be 10g

Pin Function ESP-8266 Pin



A0 Analog input, max 3.3V input A0




D3 IO, 10k Pull-up GPIO0

D4 IO, 10k Pull-up, BUILTIN_LED GPIO2




Pin Function ESP-8266 Pin

D8 IO, 10k Pull-down, SS GPIO15

G Ground GND

5V 5V -

3V3 3.3V 3.3V


✓ The ESP8266 12E chips comes withf 17 GPIO pins. Not all GPIOs are
uncovered in all ESP8266 advancement sheets, some GPIOs are not prescribed
to utilize, and others have very specifi capacities.

✓ At the occasion, there are a wide assortment of improvement sheets with the
ESP8266 chip that contrast in the quantity of accesible GPIOs, size, structure

✓ The most broadly utilized ESP8266 sheets are the ESP01,ESP8266-12,NODE

MCU pack and the wemos di small.

Best pins to use-ESP8266

✓ One significant thing to see about ESP8266 is that the GPI0 number doesn't
coordinate with the name on the board silkscreen. For example,DO
corresponde to GPIO16 and DI relates through GPlO5

✓ The following table relates the correspondence between the names on the
silkscreen and the GPIO number similarly as what pins are the marvelous
use in your exercises, and which moves ones you ought to be continue.The
pin feature in green are OK to utilize. The ones featured in yellow are OK
to utilize, yet you need to focus since they may have startling conduct
principally at boot. The pins featured in red are not prescribed to use as data
sources or yields.

Label GPIO Input Output Notes

no PWM or I2C
D0 GPIO16 no interrupt HIGH at boot
used to wake up from deep
often used as SCL (I2C)

often used as SDA (I2C)

D3 GPIO0 pulled up OK
connected to FLASH
button, boot fails if pulled
D4 GPIO2 pulled up OK

HIGH boot



D8 GPIO15 pulled to SPI (CS)
GND Boot fails if pulled HIGH

OK RX pin
HIGH at boot
OK HIGH at boot
TX pin debug output is done at
boot, boot fails if pulled


Pins utilised During Boot

▪ The ESP8266 can be kept from booting if a few pins are pulled LOW or
HIGH. The accompanying rundown shows the condition of the
accompanying pins to BOOT.
▪ GPIO2:pins is high on BOOT, boot failure if pulled LOW
▪ GPIO16: pin is high at BOOT
▪ GPIO0: boot failure initiated if pulled LOW
▪ GPIO15:boot failure if pulled HIGH
▪ GPIO3: pin is high - BOOT
▪ GPIO1: Pin is high - BOOT, boot failure initiated if pulled LOW
▪ GPIO10: Pin high at BOOT ▪ GPIO9: Pin is high at BOOT

Pins are high at BOOT

The ESP8266 can be held back from booting if a couple of pins are pulled
LOW or HIGH. The going with overview shows the state of the going with pins
on BOOT.


Additionally, the other GPIOs, expect GPIO5 and GPIO4, can output a low
voltage signal during boot.

Analog Input

The ESP8266 just backings simple perusing in one GPIO. The GPIO is callled
ADCO and it is generally set apart on the silkscreen as A0.

The most extreme information voltage of the ADCO pins in 0 to 1V in the event
that you are utilizing the ESP866 exposed chip. On the off chance that you are
utilizing an advancement board like the ESP8266 12E NodeMCU pack, the
voltage input range is 0 to 3.3V in light of the fact that those sheets contain an
inside voltage divider.

On-board LED

Most of the ESP8266 development boartds have a build in LED. This is usually
connected GPlO2

The LED works with inverted logic. Send a HIGH signal to turn it off, and a
LOW signal to turn it on


When the RST pin is pulled LOW, the ESP8266 resets. This is the same as
pressing the on board RESET button


When GPIO is pulled low, it sets the ESP8266 into bootloader mode. This is the
same as pressing the on board FLASH or BOOT switch.


GPIO16 can be utilized to awaken the ESP8266 from profound rest. To awaken
the ESP8266 from profound sleep,GPIO16 ought to be associated with the RST


The ESP8266 doesnot have hardware 12C pins, but it can be implemented in
software. So you can use any GPIOs as 12C. usually , the following GPIOs are
used as 12C pins are:




The pins used as SPI in the ESP8266 are

▪ GPIO15: CS

PWM Pins

▪ ESP8266 permits programming PWM is all IO pins. GPIO0 to GPIO6.

PWM flags on ESP8266 have 10 cycle goal.Interrupt Pins

The ESP8266 supports interrupts in any GPIO, except GPIO16.

1.3. Specification and Features :-

• 11 digital input/output pins, all pins have interupt/pwm/12C/one-wire

supported(expect D0)
• 1 analog input (3.2V max input)
• Micro USB connection
• Use BRT (bias resistor transistor), easier into flash mode 30% increase
in radiating area, more stable.
• Dimensions: 35 * 26*8(L*W*H)mm.
• Weight : 10gm
• Board colour : blue

• Compatile with ardunio
• Compatible with NodeMCU
• Compatible with micropython



PIR sensors are more complicted than a large number of different sensors

clarified in these instructional exercises like photocells, FSRs and slant

switches in light of the fact that there are various factors that affecet the sensors

information and yield. To start clarifying how a fundamental sensor functions,

we will utilize this fairly pleasant chart.

The PIR sensor itself has tow spaces in it, each opening is made of a specail

material that is touchy to IR. The focal point utilized here isn't actually doing a

lot thus we see that the two openings can see out past some distance

fundamentally the affectability of the sensor. At the point when the sensor is

idle,both spaces identify a similar measure of IR,the encompassing sum

transmitted from the room or dividers or outside. At the point when a warm

body like a human or creature cruises by, it first catches one portion of the PIR

sensor, which causes positive differential change between the two parts.

At the point when the warm body leaves the detecting territory, the converse

occurs, whereby the sensor creates a negative differntial change. These change

beats are what is recognized.

PIR sensors are decently genric and for the most part vary simply in cost and
affectability. By far most of the veritable charm happens with the optics. This is
an extremely shrewd idea for collecting : the PIR sensor and equipment is fixed
and two or three dollars. The point of convergence two or three pennies and can
change the broadness,range, identifying plan, with no problem.In the chart up
top, the focal point is only a peice of plastic, however that implies that the
discovery territory is only two square shapes. Generally we might want to have
an identification region that is a lot bigger. To speck that, we utilize a
straightforward focal point a particularly those found in a camera: they
consolidates an enormous region like a scene into a little one on film or a CCD
sensor. For reasons that will be aparent soon, we might want to make the PIR
focal points little and dainty and flexible from chepa plastic, despite the fact
that it might add bending. Hence the sensors are really.

The PIR sensor represents inactive infrared sensor. It is a minimal expense

sensor which can recognize the presence of people or creatures. This sensor has
three yield pins vcc,ouput and ground . since the yield pin is 3.3v TTL rationale
it tends to be utilized with any stage like ardunio, raspherry,PIC,ARM,8051 and
so forth..

The module can be controlled from volage 4.5V to 20V at the same time,
ordinarily 5V is utilized. When the module is controlled permit the module to
caliberate itself for few minutes,2 minutes is a very much settled time. At that
point merit the yield on the yield pin. Before we investigate the yield we need to
realize that there are two working modes in this sensor, for example, repeatable
(H) and non-repeatable(L) and mode. The repeatable mode is the default mode.

The yield of the sensor can be set by shorting any two pins on the left of the
module . you can likewise see two orange shading potentiometers that can be
utilized to set the affectability and time which will be clarified further beneath.

Repeatable(H) mode

In repeatable(H) mode the yield pin Dout will go high (3.3V) when an individual
is distinguished inside range and goes low after a specific time is set pay OFF time
control potentiometer. In this mode the yield pin will go high regardless of
whether the individual it actually present inside the reach or has left the territory.
The sensivity can be set utilizing the affectability controlled potentiometer.

Non- Repeatable(L) mode

In I mode the yield pin Dout will go high 3.3V when an individual is identified inside
range and will remain high as long as he/she remains inside the restriction of the
sensors range. When the individual has left the region the pin will go low after the
specific time which can be set utilizing the potentiometer. The affectability can be set

utilizing the affectability control potentiometer.

Pyroelectric sensors are by and large used to recognize work infrared illumination
date to their high sensitivities at room temperature. Notwithstanding, they require
the utilization of metallic bundles to protect the delicate component from warm
unsettling influences and electromagnetic clamor, making their scaling down
troublesome. Besides, it is hard for the pyroelectric sensors to distinguish a fixed
human body in light of the fact that the surgace charge produced on the
pytoelectric component disapperas gradully when the human body is positioned.
Thermopile infrared sensors, which are utilized in far off thermoemtry, are
additionally available,but they require similar warm disengagement procedures
and can't react to quick signals. As the sensitivty of thermopiles is one significant
degree lower than pyroelectric infrared sensors, the use of thermopiles is
subsequently restricted to closeness detecting

HgCdTe (MCT) is grounded framework, which ahs been the domiant framework
for mid and longwavelength infrared photon locators. Sequentially associated
MCT photovoltic locators on CdZnTe substrates have alos been created to build
the yield voltage (Piotrowski and Gawron,1995; Piotrowski and Razeghi, 1995).

However,MCT experiences shakiness issues because of high fume pressing
factor of Hg and the CdZnTe substrate isn't promptly accessible in huge sizes.

Pyro electric infrared movement finder. Pyroelectric sensors are made of a

translucent material that creates a surface electric charge when excposed to warm
as infrared radiation. At the point when the measure of radiation striking the
precious stone changes,the measure of charge likewise changes and would then be
able to be estimated with a touchy field impact semiconductor incorporated into
the sensor. The sensor components are delicate to radiation over a wide reach so a
channel window is applied to restrict approaching radiation to the 8 to 14 territory
which is generally touchy to human body radiation. This kind of infrared sensor is
economical and is effectively mangeable.

The are two significant materials present in the sensor one is the pyroelectirc gem
which can recognize the warmth signature from a living being people/animls and
the other is a Fresonal focal points which can enlarge the scope of the sensor.
Indeed the while shading things is only a lense that is utilized to broaden the scope
of the sensor, on the off chance that you eliminate the lense you can track down
the Pyroelectric sensor inside it covered inside a defensive metal projecting.

Pin Configuration

Pin Name Description


1 Vcc Input voltage is +5V for typical
applications. Can range from 4.5V- 12V

2 High/Low Ouput
(Dout) Digital pulse high (3.3V) when triggered
(motion detected) digital low(0V) when
idle(no motion detected

3 Ground Connected to ground of circuit

PIR Sensor Features

• Wide range on input voltage varying form 4V

to 12V (+5V recommended)
• Out put voltage is high/low (3.3V TTL)
• Can distinguish between object movement and human movement
• Has to operating modes .repeatable(H) and non-repeatable(H)
• Cover distance of about 120 degree and 7 meters
• Low power cosumption of 65mA
• Operating temperature from -20degree to -80degree celsius

2D model of the sensor

Pyroelectric infrared sensor,IRA series, exhibit high sensitivity and reliable

performance made possible by Murata ceramic technology and hybrid ic
techinques exertise developed over many years, IRA-E900 series realizes cost
benefits and higher perfromance with a new infrared sensor elements fo
improved material parameters and fabrication. IRA-E900 series is available in
two types, IRA-E9102TI has enhanced immunity to RFI( Radio Frequency

Here PIR Sensor is prepared by the latent infrared sensor PIR is an electronic
sensor that measues infrared IR.Light emanating from objects in its field of view.
They are regularly utilized in PIR based movement dectectors PIR sensors are
ordinarily utilized in security alerts and programmed lighting applications

A PIR sensor can recognize changes in the measure of infrared radiation

impinging upon it,which shifts relying upon the temperature and surface
characteriscs of the articles before the sensor.

At the point when an article, like an individual, passes before the backgroung, like a
divider, the temperature at thea point in the sensors field of view will ascend from
room temperature to body temperature,and then back once more. The sensor changes
over the subsequent change in the approaching infrared radiation into an adjustment
of the yield voltage, and this trigerrs the location. Items o comparative temperature
however extraordinary surface charactersitics may likewise have an alternate infrared
discharge pattern,and consequently moving them as for the foundation may trigge the


PIR sensors are somewhat conventional and generally change just is cost and
affectability. The majority of the genuine enchantment occurs with the optics. This
is a very smart thought for assembling: the PIR sensor and hardware is fixed and
costs a couple of dollars. The less costs a couple of pennies and can change the
broadness, range, detecting design, without any problem.

At the point when a warm body or creatures and people cross the PIR sensor ti
may recognize them by the infrared raidation by the warmth source development.

PIRs come in numerous design for a wide assortment of utilization. The most
well-known models have various fresnal lenies or morror fragments, a viable
scope of around 10 meters ,and a field of viewbelow 180 degree. Models with
more extensive fields of view,including 360degree, are accessible, commonly
intended to mount on a roof.

Practical Implementation

At the point when a PIR sensor is designed in a differential mode, it explicitly gets
appropriate as a movement identifier gadget. In this mode when a development is
recognized with the view of the sensor, a couple of corresponding heartbeat are
prepared at the yield pin of the sensor. To execute this yield signal for a pratical
setting off of a heap like a hand-off or an information lumberjack or a caution
gadget alert , the differential sign is redressed utilizing a scaffold rectifier and took
care of to a transitorized transfer driver circuit. The contacts of their hand-off
close and open because of the signs from the PIR, enacting the joined burden
across its contacts, recognizing the location of an individual inside the
foreordained limited region.

Product design
The PIR sensor is normally mlunted on a printed circuit board containing the
fundamental hardware needed to decipher the signs from the actual sensor. The
total gathering is usally contained inside a lodging, mounted in an area where the
sensor can cover the region to checked.

The lodging will for the most part have a plastic window through which the
infrared energy can enter. Notwithstanding frequently being just transculent to
apparent light, infrared energy can arrive at the sensor through the window on the
grounds that the plastic utilized is straightforward to infrared radiation. The plastic
window decreases the opportunity of unfamiliar articles dust, bugs and so forth…
from clouding the sensor field of view harming the instrument as well as causing
bogus alrams. The window might be utilized as a channel, to restrict the frequency
to 8-14 micrometers, which is nearest to the infrared radiation transmitted by
people. It might likewise fill in as a centering instrument

It is significant that the focal point be mounted a central length away from the PIR
locator. A fresnel focal point is utilized in light of the fact that it is minimal
expense, it is not difficult to mount, and it very well may be made of a plastic that

doesn't lessen IR signals.

The different faceting and sub-lenses create a range of detectors areas,

interleaved with each other. That is why the lens centers in the facets above are
inconsistent every other one points to a different half to the PIR sensing

Element window of sensing material

The RE 200B is an aloof infrared sensor intended to get heat radiation of

frequency in a band around 10 microns. It contains two dynamic components
designed as adjusted differential arrangement went against type. This outcomes is
acceptable remuneration of natural temperature and astounding affectability for
little chnges of a spatial temperature design. Warm signals far under one
microwatt are adequate to trigger an adequate yield voltage change.

On the off chance that the dynamic components of the PIR sensor are presented to
an adjustment of the surounding temperature field, electrical charges are
separtated inside the sensor components. The voltage across the sensors controls a
J-FET source adherent impedance converter and accordingly regulates the yield
current of the PIR finder.

The unique affectability of the sensor is constrained by the optical exchange

attributes of the window for the situation and has been improved to get radiation

of the human body.

Infrared is the segment of the electromagnetic range that falls among microwaves
and noticeable light. Infrared has frequency longer than visisble light however
more limited than microwaves.

Humans,at ordinary internal heat level, sweep most unequivocally in the infrared,
at an approxiamte frequency 10

The yield voltage is a component of the measure of infrared radiation IR detected

at the information. Unfortunatley, the yield is likewise influenced by vibration
,radio impedance, and daylight.

The detecting components are associated with the end goal that one deducts from
the other.

This course of action makes any sign basic the two components to be dropped. A
body passing before the sensor actuates initial one and afterward the other
component while vibration, and other foundation signals, influence the two
components at the same time and are dropped. The format of the two components
considers most extreme affectability along a solitary hub.

Connecting to PIR

Most PIR modules have a 3 pin association along the edge or bottoms. The pin
out may shift between modules so triple look at the pin. It is frequently
silkscreen on directly close to the association at any rate, our is. One pin will be
ground, another will be signal and the last one will be power. Force is normally
3-5VDC info however might be pretty much as high as 12V. In some cases
bigger modules don't have direct yield and rather work a transfer wherein case
there is ground, power and the two switch associations.



This undertaking is expected to use in the spots like banks and other securty
proposed places. This circuit is interfaced with the alert framework that
incorporates IC UM 3561. The UM3561 is a coordinated circuit that takes
computerized input and creates multi tones, for example, an emergency vehicle
or fire motor or police alarms. Thus,if a person is identified by the PIR sensor
cicuit then the advanced yield is created by it. This computerized yield is taken
care of to the IC UM3561 that produces the alarm or caution.

As a result of the little actual size of the sensor components, a fresnel focal point
is commonly positioned before the PIR sensor to degree the reach just as
extending the field of view by meltiplying and centering the IR energy onto the
little sensor components. Thusly, the shape and size of the focal point decide the
general discovery point and survey territory. The style of focal point is regularly
picked dependent on the application and decision of sensor position in the climate.
In light of this data, for best results,the sensor ought to be put so development is
across the sensor rather than straight into the sensor and away from wellspring of
high or variable warmth such in AC vents and lights.


Many smart fencing system identification methods have been proposed by

many researchers. This Section analyzes traditional approaches and also the
recent development in the analyses of the prediction method.

2.1 Various reasearches on analyis of smart fencing system

In this chapter we go through into the different work carried out previously by
researchers and obtain meaningful insights for our project proposed.

Agriculturists require assortment of information and administrations to enhance

trim generation in view of land, edit, atmosphere conditions, fund accessibility,
water system offices and so on. Distributed computing is required in
agribusiness as it is impractical for ranchers to manage specialist co-ops on an
individual premise.

They require far reaching and financially savvy specialist organizations with
various administrations. For this situation distributed computing may offer
information as an administration (DaaS), it costs less when contrasted with the

settled administrations which are charging on a settled premise regardless of
usage of administration

Distributed computing furnishes sharing of assets with shabby cost. Distributed

computing specialist co-op may likewise offer administrations like
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as
a Service (SaaS) with moderate cost. Distributed computing has been utilized
for capacity of horticulture information by Government and private

Utilization of IOT alongside Cloud Computing can help a considerable

measure to Indian ranchers to build the creation by giving the right
correspondence amongst objects and charging as indicated by the use of

2.1.1 Study based on wemos di mini
The ESP12-E NodeMCU Kit is quite possibly the most
utilized ESP8266 improvement sheets. It highlights 4MB
of glimmer memory,access to GPIO pins, and one simple
to computerized conventor(ADC) pin with 10 digit goal.
The board has an inherent voltage controller and you can
control up the module utilizing the smaller than expected
USB attachment or the Vin pin.

Transferring code to the board is pretty much as simple as

transferring code to the Arduino, there's no requirement for
a FTDI developer, as it accompanies ausb-to-chronic
converter worked in.

This is the board we utilize all the more regularly in our Wi-Fi and IoT projects. It
is adaptable and it's extraordinary for fledglings. This module is an incredible
decision. Investigate the connections underneath to discover the ESP8266 12-E
NodeMCU unit on your #1 store.
2.12 Study based on PIR sensor
PIR sensors are also known as PID or Passive Infrared Detectors. Thus, the PIR
sensor can detect infrared radiation that is emitted by particles.

By and large, PIR can recognize creature/human development in a necessity range,

which is dictated by the spec of the particular sensor. The actual locator doesn't
produce any energy yet latently gets it, recognizes infrared radiation from the
2.13 Study based on IOT(internet of things)
Internet of Things, IoT alike its name; can be referred to as the Internet of
everything. It can also be regarded as an Industrial Internet. It can be defined as
the latest technology that has proven its existence worldwide in terms of a
network of machines or the devices that can interact with each other. This is the
most significant area that needs to be worked on for the future technology, and
has gradually received a lot of attention from various users and industries.
According to the study, by 2020, 50 billion products will be connected to the

2.1.4 Study based on wi-fi
In wireless data transmissions processes, data loss is an important factor that
reduces the robustness of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In numerous
reasonable designing applications, information misfortune remuneration
calculations are then needed to keep up the vigor, and such calculations are
normally founded on compressive detecting with a huge memory of
microcontrollers required. This paper presents an improved calculation, in light
of irregular demodulator, to beat the trouble of microcontroller-reliance in the
conventional information misfortune calculations. The recently evolved
calculation exhibits the accompanying benefits: low space intricacy; low gliding
point estimations; and low time intricacy. Consequently, it is more appropriate
to be inserted into conventional hubs, contrasting and the customary calculations.
In this paper, a WSN dependent on WiFi is additionally produced for confirming
the adequacy and plausibility of the proposed calculation. Field probe Xinghai
Bay Bridge is finished. Trial results show that the WSN works appropriately and
consistent. Besides, the information misfortune can be remunerated adequately
and proficiently using the current calculation.

Survey on smart fencing system

Author and year Problem Solution
Azamjon Muninov&Dae Animals that enter into the While the animals enter into
young Na in 2nd APRIL agricultural fields and the farms with GPS collars by
2019 destroy the crops. warning signals it indicates
to the owner

Mr. J. Arun pandian. M.E., Loss and injuries to human By using IOT wild animals can
(PhD)MATLABEXPO2018 life be detected and may protect
the crop and humans

Sannikommu umamaheswari In any case, this kind of These disadvantages can
21 December 2020 framework has burdens be removed using PIR
like restricted scope of
sign and helpless view.

Charlie Perkins & Mike 802.11 is a wireless By using Apple's Bonjour

McBride October 16 2017 broadcast medium which protocol we can rectify it.
works well for unicast
and has become
ubiquitous in its use. With
multicast, however,
problems arise over wifi



Based on the literature survey, the following problem were identified in In

agricultural field animals are entering and destroying the field crops so we used
pir sensor to detect the animals entering the field

New small, low-powered devices modeled after the human brain can help make
security smarter by being able to distinguish between a person sneaking around
and trees simply rustling in the wind.

Video cameras can only go so far, especially in monitoring every inch of an

expansive perimeter, such as an airport. Yet smart surveillance can be critical, as
demonstrated by the suicide bombing in Moscow's Domodedovo Airport on Jan.
24 ,2011 that killed 35 people.One problem is that video analysis can create false
positives when there is significant background movement because of weather.
Sight lines can be obscured by trees, structures and vine-covered fences

3.1 Objectives

Based on the literature survey and problems identified, the objectives are
refined as follows.
• By smart fencing system we can able to be in timely and effective
reaction. This means lower risk and prevention of larger damages of
crops in the fields, then the detection of intruder inside the agricultural
field is identified and protected.
• To protect the crop from animals through smart fencing system
• Over the previous years data and correspondence innovations have been
presented in agribusiness, enhancing sustenance creation and
• The huge test confronting the security in farming is the communication
between security gadgets and to give them knowledge to control other
electronic gadgets, for example, cameras, repellers and so on to upgrade
security in different fields
• Our fundamental reason for extend is to create restrictive fencing to the
ranch, to maintain a strategic distance from misfortunes because of
creatures. These restrictive fencing shield the harvest from harming that
by implication increment yield of the product. The create framework
won't destructive and damaging to creature and also individuals



Power fencing system is used all over the world. The electric fences are
formed around the farm field. Continuous power is being sent across the fence.
When any wild animal try to trespass the farm, it gets a shock from the fence.
This shock may even kill the animals. It is not possible to supervise the animals

at night.So by using wemos di mini and pir sensor through iot the owner of the
agricultural lands will recieve a messages that some animals have entered into
agricultural lands. By this information the owner might go at time before the
animals can destroy the fields.

There are lots of ways of existing methodology like iron fence,wood

fence,eletric fence, solar fence,etc..



In order to overcome loss of humans on inclusion with other living beings,

new system has been proposed, a smart fencing system. This development
enhances the farm field protection by fencing. Firstly, the messages will be
received by owner when animals enter into the field by the use of the PIR sensor.
The PIR sensor and wemos di mini will be placed where there is frequent
trespassing of animals.

5.1 Joining wemos di mini and PIR
Here we connect a PIR module to a Wemos Mini. A passive infrared sensor
(PIR sensor) is an electronic sensor that measures infrared (IR) light radiating
from objects in its field of view.

An individual PIR sensor detects changes in the amount of infrared radiation

impinging upon it, which varies depending on the temperature and surface
characteristics of the objects in front of the sensor. When an object, such as a
human, passes in front of the background, such as a wall, the temperature at that
point in the sensor’s field of view will rise from room temperature to body
temperature, and then back again. The sensor converts the resulting change in the
incoming infrared radiation into a change in the output voltage, and this triggers
the detection. Objects of similar temperature but different surface characteristics
may also have a different infrared emission pattern, and thus moving them with
respect to the background may trigger the detector as well.

PIRs come in numerous arrangements for a wide assortment of utilizations. The
most widely recognized models have various Fresnel focal points or mirror
fragments, a compelling scope of around ten meters (thirty feet), and a field of
view under 180 degrees. Models with more extensive fields of view, including
360 degrees, are accessible—commonly intended to mount on a roof. Some bigger
PIRs are made with single portion reflects and can detect changes in infrared
energy more than 100 feet from the PIR.

1. Vcc to 5v
2. Ground to ground
3. Output to D7

Soldering the Headers

In board we insert the male to female board and we must solder. Then insert
male to male connecting pins to wemos di mini and we need to solder. Then we
should connect pins for PIR sensor after that we need to connect wires from
ground to ground, vcc to 5v and output to D0

Install the IDE:

• From the Arduino website, download & install the latest Arduino IDE
(v1.8 ). Available for Windows, Mac, Linux & ARM.

• From File > Preferences, add a Boards Manager

From Tools > Board > Board Manager, search for D1 mini and install

Here after installing wemos di mini in ardunio ide we need to select the wemos
di mini in the board manager,after clicking that we need to slect the flash size
for 4mb in name OTA-1019kb

Here after selecting the board in the board manager as wemos di mini then we
need to select the port as com 1 or com 2 which is used to set up an wemos di
mini in the ardunio ide software


• From File > Examples > ESP8266 open the Blink Sketch
• Double check the pin asignment (For the D1 mini it should be <pin#
• Verify the Sketch (check mark)
• Upload the code to the module (right arrow) The LED on the device
should blink!

After programming in the ardunio ide we need to check the error and need to
upload the programme in ardunio ide after the wemos di mini programmed it
will show led on and pir sensor connected with the wemos di mini will identify
the motion that given by animals or humans

Basic setup for wemos di mini+

The WEMOS board comes with 3 different types of headers.

1. Male

2. Female

3. Female/Male (long female)

• I utilize a breadboard to patch these on. It helps keep
everything adjusted. I think that its better that utilizing the
assistance. You would like to be cautious since you may
soften the plastic of the breadboard on the off chance that
you heat up the pins to a lot.

• For the motivation behind my venture and future

activities I will utilize the Female headers. These will
permit me to introduce safeguards. The WEMOS board has
various safeguards and I will utilize the Temp and Relay
safeguard in a future form.

• When Soldering you need to ensure you don't utilize a lot weld, it will bring
about a bundle of patch on your pin. On the off chance that you use to minimal
patch or insufficient warmth you can chance no interfacing them completely.
Investigate my last picture to perceive what great weld joint resembles.

Open the serial monitor window in the Arduino IDE and unblock and block the

Thus any animal motion will be detected and give information to the owner



As because of increase in population, there is a need for more space for

human living and also people rely on woods from forest and the products such as
heating fuel, paper production etc. Adding on to these, humans started
deforestation and this has led to intervention of animal dwelling. Since,
agricultural lands were closer to forest areas wild animals intervened the
agriculture reforms and this leads to loss of humans and agricultural yields. To
overcome this, farmers established fence to protect their lands by different ways
by iron fence, wood fence, electric fence, solarfence,aluminium fences, chain
link fences, steel fences,temporary fences, vinyl fences, wood fences.


The Need for the smart fencing system has been incresed very much higher .
Motivation of this idea is to protect agricultural fields ,crops and animals from
wild animals those who live near forest side areas. Sending them a messages
when animals enter into the agricultural fields they can go at time and make
animals to move out from the agricultural fields and then they can even protect
themselves from wild animals. Here by using wemos di mini and pir sensor

through iot animals is indentified. So that humans can protect their agricultural
land and can yeild lots of product that could make them profit.


⚫ The problem of crop destruction by wild animals has become a serious

problem for the farmer. Effective solution and urgent attention are needed
to solve this serious problem. To solve the problem of farmer we have
designed a smart earlier detection and protection system with the help of

⚫ Compared to the previous fencing systems, Smart fencing system gives us a

wider range of accessibility and increased invulnerability to the external

⚫ Therefore by the wemos di mini ,PIR sensor we can detect the animals that
enter into the agricultural fields.

⚫ We can also protect the human lives from the dangerous animals




Smart Fencing system was proposed, designed and successfully

implemented in this paper.Sincethere are over population in world people are
supposed to live near forest side areas so they need to do agriculture for their
basic needs. Most of the people were killed and harmed by the wild animals and
they destroy their agricultural land so we can now detect the animals and make
our agricultural lands safe before they destroy our agricultural land.In the current
scenario, the survey reports that farmers are being affected due to massive
destruction of agricultural fields by wild animals.This has caused a reduction in
the manual work atanytime.


The future holds a possibility in the development of this project. Here we can use
this is any type of agricultural field . In future we need to put a iron fence around
the agricultural field and keep the connection of wemos di mini and PIR sensor
thorough IOT send information to owner.


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