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Bibliography of F. K.

Lehman’s Published Works

Journal of Burma Studies, Volume 15, Number 1, June 2011, pp. 59-67 (Article)

Published by University of Hawai'i Press


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The Journal of Burma Studies Vol. 15 No. 1 (2011), pp. 59–67 © 2011 Center for Burma Studies
Northern Illinois University
Bibliography of F. K. Lehman’s Published Works 59

Bibliography of F. K. Lehman’s
Published Works
1963. The Structure of Chin Society. Urbana: University of Illinois
Press. (2nd ed. 1981. Calcutta: Firma KLM for Tribal Research
1967. “Kayah Society as a Function of the Shan-Burma-Karen
Context.” In Contemporary Change in Traditional Societies, vol.
1, ed. J. H. Steward, 1–104. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

1957. Review of Changing Society in India and Pakistan, by K. A.
Nazmul Karim. American Anthropologist 59: 366–67.
1959. Review of A Comparative Analysis of the Jajmani System, by T. O.
Beidelman. Journal of Asian Studies 19, no. 2 (Nov.): 102.
1961. “Anthropology in the Chin Hills.” Guardian Magazine, August.
1964. “Typology and the Classification of Social Systems.” In
Patterns and Process in Culture, ed. R. Manners, 376–98.
Chicago: Aldine Press.
1966. Review of The Golden Road to Modernity, by M. Nash.
Ethnohistory 13: 182–87.
1966. Review of Tiddim Chin: A Descriptive Analysis of Two Texts, by
E. J. A. Henderson. American Anthropologist 68: 1081–1082.
1967. Kinship. New Catholic Encyclopaedia. VIII: 200–204. New York:
1967. “Ethnic Categories in Burma and the Theory of Social
Systems.” In Southeast Asian Tribes, Minorities and Nations, Vol.
1, ed. P. Kunstadter, 93–124. Princeton: Princeton University
1968. Review of Les Paysans Arakanais du Pakistan Oriental, by L.
Bernot. American Anthropologist 70: 993–94.
1969. Review of Garo and Khasi, by C. Nakane. American
Anthropologist 71: 1155–1158.


1969. Review of A Ceremonial Ox of India, by F. Simmoons. Journal of

Asian Studies 29: 198–99.
1970. Review of Pronominal Reference in Thai, Burmese and Vietnamese,
by J. Cooke. Journal of Asian Studies 29: 733–34.
1970. Some Diachronic Rules of Burmese Phonology: The Problem
of the ‘Palatal’ Finals. Occasional Papers of the Wolfenden Society
on Tibeto-Burman Linguistics II: 1–34.
1970. “On Kachin and Chin Marriage Regulations.” Man 5: 118–25.
1971. Review of Loosely Structured Social Systems, ed. H. D. Evers.
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore) 2, no. 2: 230–32.
1971. Appendix on Burmese Orthography. In Buddhism and Society,
ed. M. E. Spiro, 479–81. New York: Harper & Row.
1972. Doctrine, Practice and Belief in Theravada Buddhism. Journal
of Asian Studies 31, no. 2: 373–80.
1972. Review of Buddhism and Spirit Cults in North East Thailand, by
S. J. Tambiah. Journal of Asian Studies 32, no. 3: 724–28.
1973. “Tibeto-Burman Syllable Structure, Tone, and the Theory of
Phonological Conspiracies.” In Issues in Linguistics: Papers
in Honor of H. and R. Kahane, eds. B. Kachru et al., 525–47.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
1973. “Prefixing, Voicing, and Syllable Reduction in Burmese.”
Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 3, no. 2: 104–20.
1973. “Some Remarks on the Grammar of Topic and Comment in
Burmese.” Papers from the VIth International Conference on Sino-
Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, University California, San
Lehman, F. K., and K. G. Witz. 1974. “Prolegomena to a Formal
Theory of Kinship.” In Genealogical Mathematics, ed. P.
Ballonoff, 111–34. Mouton: The Hague.
1974. Foreword to Mathematical Models in Social and Cognitive
Structures, ed. P. Ballonoff, vii–xviii. Urbana: University of
Illinois Press.
1975. Review of Sino-Tibetan: A Conspectus, by P. K. Benedict.
Language 51, no. 1: 215–19.
1975. Editorial Preface to Modern Literary Tibetan, by M. C.
Goldstein. Occasional Papers of the Wolfenden Society on Tibeto-
Burman Linguistics V.
1975. “Formal Approaches to Ethnicity.” In Comparative International
Studies, eds. R. L. Merritt and S. J. Brzesinski, 109–114. Urbana:
University of Illinois Press.
Bibliography of F. K. Lehman’s Published Works 61

1975. “Wolfenden’s non-Pronominal a-Prefix in Tibeto-Burman.”

Linguistics in the Tibeto-Burman Area 2, no. 1: 19–44.
1976. “On Falsification and Science Again” Journal of the Steward
Anthropological Society 8, no. 1: 53–66.
1977. “Kachin Social Categories and Methodological Sins.”
In Language and Thought: Anthropological Issues, eds. W.
McCormack and S. Wurm, 229–50.The Hague: Mouton.
1978. “On the Burmese Verbal Expletive pa (öø).” Papers from the
XIth International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and
Linguistics, University of Arizona, Tucson.
1978. “A Brief Note on the Reconstruction of *ma÷ in Tibeto-
Burman.” Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 7, no. 2: 24–38.
1978. Review of Componential Analysis of Lushai Phonology, by A.
Weidert. Language 54, no. 3: 719–22.
1978. Review of Lahu Grammar, by J. A. Matisoff. Journal of the
American Oriental Society 98, no. 3: 296–97.
1978. Symbols and the Computation of Meaning. In Anthropology for
the Future, eds. D. B. Shimkin, S. Tax, and J. W. Morrison, 181–
91. Urbana: University of Illinois Department of Anthropology
Research Series, No. 4.
1979. Aspects of a Formal Theory of Noun Classifiers. Studies in
Language 3, no. 2: 153–80.
1979. “Who are the Karen, and if so, Why?” In Ethnic Adaptation
and Identity: Karens on the Thai Frontier with Burma, ed. C. F.
Keyes, 215–55. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human
Issues (ISHI).
1979. Etymological Speculations on some Chin Words. Linguistics in
the Tibeto-Burman Area 4, no. 2: 1–6.
Lehman, F. K., and K. G. Witz. 1979. “A Formal Theory of Kinship:
The Transformational Component.” Committee on Culture and
Cognition, UIUC, Report No. 11.
1979. Review of History of Mizo in Burma, by B. Lalthangliana. Thu
Leh Hla 6, no. 9: 13–26.
1980. “On the Vocabulary and Semantics of ‘Field’’ in Theravada
Buddhist Society.” In Essays on Burma, ed. J. P. Ferguson,
101–111. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
1981. Ed., Military Rule in Burma since 1962. Singapore: Maruzen,
1982. “Verb-Stem Alternation in Chin.” Papers from the XVth
International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and
Linguistics, Peking University, Beijing.

1983. Review of Der Begriff Verwandtschaft in der modernen

Ethnosoziologie, by E.W. Müller, L’Exercise de la Parenté
American, by Françoise Héritier. Ethnologist 10, no. 2: 378–80.
1984. Review of Tribes of India, by Ch. von Fürer-Haimendorf.
American Anthropologist 11, no. 3: 612–13.
1984. Review of The Padaeng and Jengtung Chronicles, by Sao Saimöng
Mangrai. Journal of Asian Studies 43, no. 4: 811–12.
1984. “Remarks on Freedom and Bondage in Traditional Burma
and Thailand.” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore)
15, no. 2: 233–44.
1985. “Cognition and Computation.” In Directions in Cognitive
Anthropology, ed. Janet W. D. Dougherty, 19–48. Urbana:
University of Illinois Press.
1985. Review of Die Kulturen Kontinental Südostasiens, by E.
Sarkisyanz. Journal of Asian Studies 44, no. 4: 898–900.
1985. “Ergativity and the Nominal-Verbal Cycle: Internal Syntactic
Reconstruction in Burmese.” In Proceedings of the Conference
on Participant Roles: South Asia and Adjacent Areas, eds. Arlene
R. K. Zide, D. Magier, and E. Schillerpp, 71–81. Bloomington:
Indiana University Linguistics Club.
1985. “Quantifier Floating in Burmese and Lushai, with Some
Remarks upon Thai.” In Linguistics of the Sino-Tibetan Area:
The State of the Art, eds. G. Thurgood, J. A. Matisoff, and D.
Bradley, 264–78. Canberra: The Australian National University,
Research School of the Pacific.
1985. “Missing Nominals, Non-Specificity and Related Matters.”
Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 15, no. 2: 101–121.
1987. “A Selection of Rules by which American Students Learn a
Foreign Language.” SEASSI Journal for 1986 at Northern Illinois
University: 22–24. DeKalb, IL: Center for Southeast Asian
1987. “Burmese Religion.” The Encyclopedia of Religion, vol. 2, ed. M.
Eliade, et al., 574–80. New York: Macmillan.
1987. “Shan, Chin, Kachin.” The Encyclopaedia of Asian History. New
York: The Asia Society.
1987. “Monasteries, Palaces and Ambiguities: Burmese Sacred
and Secular Space.” In Anthropology from Sri Lanka, ed. T. N.
Madan. New Delhi: Sage Publications. (Reprint Contributions
to Indian Sociology 21, no. 1: 169–86.)
Bibliography of F. K. Lehman’s Published Works 63

1987. A Brief Overview of Burma Studies in the United States. In

Glimpses of the White Elephant: International Perspective on the
Study of Burma, eds. R. A. Morse and Helen Loerke, 27–32.
Washington, D.C: The Woodrow Wilson Center.
1987. Review of Heaven Born in Burma, by Maurice Maybury. Journal
of Asian Studies 46, no. 3: 700–02.
1987. “Some Seventeenth-Century Images from Burma.” Artibus
Asiae (Autumn) XLVIII, 1/2: 79–88.
1989. “Internal Inflationary Pressures in the Prestige Economy
of the Feast-of-Merit Complex: The Chin and Kachin Cases
from Upper Burma.” In Ritual, Power, and Economy: Upland-
Lowland Contrasts in Mainland Southeast Asia, ed. Susan D.
Russell, 89–102. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University, Center
for Southeast Asian Studies, Monograph Series on Southeast
Asia, Occasional Paper No. 14.
1989. “The Phonology of Standard Upper Burmese (Mandalay-
Sagaing Dialect), With Particular Reference to Its Implications
for Burmese Historical Phonology.” Paper presented at a
workshop on Burmese language and linguistics, annual
meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, and also at the
International Conference on Burma Studies, Northern Illinois
University, DeKalb, 1988.
1990. “Note on ‘Dehong,’ and Note on Mon Ethnonyms of their
Neighbours. Thai Yunnan Project Newsletter 11 (December):
1990. “Outline of a Formal Syntax of Numerical Expressions,
with Especial Reference to the Phenomenon of Numeral
Classifiers.” Linguistics in the Tibeto-Burman Area 13, no. 1:
1991. Complex Concepts. Cognitive Science 15, no. 2: 271–92.
1991. Review of Les Rituels de Possession en Birmanie, by B. Brac de
la Perriére. Anthropos 86, nos. 4/6: 589–90.
1991. “Empiricist Method and Intensional Analysis in Burmese
Historiography: William F. Koenig’s The Burmese Polity,
1752–1819.” Crossroads 6, no. 2: 7–120.
1992. “Chin.” Encyclopedia of World Cultures, ed. Paul Hockings, vol.
3, 62–68. Boston: G. K. Hall, for HRAF.
1993. “Kachin.” Encyclopedia of World Cultures, ed. Paul Hockings,
vol. 5, 114–119. Boston: G. K. Hall, for HRAF.

1993. “Computational Complexity in the Cognitive Modelling

of Cosmological Ideas.” In Cognitive Aspects of Religious
Symbolism, ed. Pascal Boyer, 74–92. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
1993. “The Relationship between Genealogical and Terminological
Structure in Kinship Terminologies.” Journal of Quantitative
Anthropology 4: 95–122.
1995. “Burmese to. and thei: Reconsidered as Second Order
Aspectuals.” In Proceedings of the Third Southeast Asian
Linguistics Conference, ed. Mark Alves, 119–28. Tempe, AZ:
Arizona State University, Program in Southeast Asian Studies.
1996. “Can God be Coerced? Structural Correlates of Merit and
Blessing in Some Religions of South East Asia.” In Blessing and
Merit in Mainland Southeast Asia in Comparative Perspective, eds.
Cornelia Ann Kammerer and Nicola Tannenbaum, 20–51. New
Haven, CT: Yale University Southeast Program, Monograph
No. 45.
1997. “Relative Clauses in Lai Chin, with Special Reference to
Verb Stem Alternation and the Extension of Control Theory.”
Linguistics in the Tibeto Burman Area 19, no. 1 (1996): 43–58.
1998. “Notes on Lai Chin Personal Pronouns and Overt Case
Marking.” Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 27, no. 2: 81–86.
1998. “On the Use of dah in Lai Chin and the Operator Syntax
of Functors.” In Papers from the Fifth Annual Meeting of the
Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, eds. S. Chelliah and W. de
Reuse, 211–32. Tempe: Arizona State University, Program for
Southeast Asian Studies.
1998. Review of Burmese Supernaturalism, by M. E. Spiro. Anthropos
93, nos. 4/6: 463–65.
1999. “On the Names ‘Chin’, ‘Lai’, and ‘Zo.’” Chin National Journal
7: 92–97.
1999. “Phunpi Min le Phunpi Holh Kong Ah (On National
Names and National Languages — in Lai Chin).” Saduhtha
[Publication for the Jubilee Centenary of the Lai Chin Baptist
Church, Halkha2]: 109–20.
1999. “Clark Edward Cunningham: An Appreciation.” In
Structuralism’s Transformations; Order and Revision in Indonesian
and Malaysian Societies, eds. Lorraine V. Aragon and Susan D.
Russell, xix–xxii. Tempe: Arizona State University, Program in
Southeast Asian Studies Monograph Series.
Bibliography of F. K. Lehman’s Published Works 65

2000. Foreword to Jingpo: The Kachin of China, by Wang Zhusheng,

xiii–xviii. Tempe: Arizona State University, Program for
Southeast Asian Studies Monograph Series.
2000. “Burmese [a grammatical sketch].” In Facts About the World’s
Languages, eds. Jane Garry and Carl Rubino, 105–110. New
York: H. W. Wilson.
2001. “Aspects of a Formalist Theory of Kinship: The Functional
Basis of its Genealogical Roots and Some Extensions in
Generalized Alliance Theory.” Anthropological Theory 1, no. 2:
Lehman, F. K. and David J. Herdrich. 2002. “On the Relevance
of Point Fields for Spatiality in Oceania.” Pacific Linguistics,
special issue: 179–97. Canberra: Australian National
2002. “Minimalist Inquiries, Larson Shell VP, and Object Agreement,
with Remarks on Ergativity and Unergative ‘Transitive’
Clauses in Lai Chin.” Papers from the Ninth Annual Meeting of
the Southeast Asian Linguistic Society: 91–102. Tempe: Arizona
State University, Program in Southeast Asian Studies.
F. K. Lehman and A. Ceu Hlun. 2002. “Number Marking in Lai
Chin and its Theoretical Consequences.” Papers from the Tenth
Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistic Society, 167–88.
Tempe: Arizona State University, Program in Southeast Asian
2003. “The Relevance of the Founders’ Cult for Understanding the
Political Systems of the Peoples of Northern South East Asia
and its Chinese Borderlands.” In Founders’ Cults in Southeast
Asia: Ancestors, Polity, and Identity, eds. Nicola Tannenbaum
and Cornelia A. Kammerer, 15–39. New Haven: Yale
University Southeast Asia Program.
2003. “On the So-called Nominaliser naak in Lai (Hakha) Chin,
with Remarks upon its Other Functions in Chin Languages
and Its Etymology.” Papers from the Twelfth Annual Meeting of
the Southeast Asian Linguistic Society, 107–11. Tempe: Arizona
State University, Program in Southeast Asian Studies.
F. K. Lehman and Giovanni Bannardo. 2003. “A Computational
Approach to the Cognition of Space and its Linguistic
Expression.” Mathematical Anthropology and Cultural Theory 1,
no. 2 (June): 1–82.

2003. Review of The Chittagong Hill Tracts: Living in a Borderland,

by W. van Schendel et al. Journal of Asian Studies 62, no. 4:
2004. Review of Strange Parallels: Southeast Asia in Global Context, c.
800–1830, by Victor Lieberman. Bulletin of Burma Research 2,
no. 2: 103–05.
2004. “On the ‘Globality Hypothesis’ about Social/Cultural
Structure: An Algebraic Solution.” Cybernetics and Systems 36,
no. 8: 803–16.
2004. “Zhú Qún Xìng Zhèng Zhì Yu Zhoìng Mian Bian Jing Mao Yi
de Huðð Doððng Xieng Taðði — Yige Ren Zhi Ren Lei Xue de
Tian Yie Kao Ca [‘Ethnicity, Politics and the Structure of Inter-
Ethnic Relations in the China-Burma Cross-Border Trade: A
Field Study from A Cognitive Anthropology Perspective’].” In
Xiì Nan Biìan Jiììang Min Zhu Yiìan Jiuìì [Ethnic Studies on the
Southwest Frontier], ed. Fang Tie, 68–78. Kunming: Yunnan
University Press.
2004. “The Read-Lehman Letters on Kinship Mathematics.”
Mathematical Anthropology and Cultural Theory 1, no. 4. http://
2004. “On the ‘Globality Hypothesis’ about Social/Cultural
Structure: An Algebraic Solution.” Cybernetics and Systems 36,
no. 8: 803–16.
2005. “Towards a Formal Cognitive Theory of Grammatical
Aspect and its Treatment in Burmese.” In Studies in Burmese
Linguistics, ed. Justin Watkins, 125–42. Canberra: Australian
National University.
2006. “Burmans, Others and the Community of Spirits.” Crossroads
18, 1: 127–32.
2006. “Research Methods and Mathematical Anthropology:
Prolegomena to the Logic and Place of Statistically Based
Methods.” Paper presented at annual meeting of the Society
for Anthropological Sciences, New Orleans.
2007. “Remarks upon Ethnicity Theory and Southeast Asia, with
Special Reference to the Kayah.” In Burma: Ethnic Diversity
Past and Present, ed. Mikael Gravers, 107–48. Copenhagen:
NIAS Press.
2007. “Introduction: Notes on Edmund Leach’s Analysis of Kachin
Society and its Further Applications.” In Reconsidering Political
Leach, eds. Mandy Sadan and Francois Robinne, xxi–lii.
Leiden: Brill Handbook of Oriental Studies.
Bibliography of F. K. Lehman’s Published Works 67

2007. Review of Mien Relations, by Hjorleifur Jónsson. Journal of

Southeast Asian Studies 38, no. 2: 401–03.
2008. “Anthropological Communities of Interpretation for Burma:
An Overview.” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 39, no. 2:
2008. “Formalism and Empiricism: On the Value of Thinking
Mathematically About Social Grouping and Corporateness.”
Structure & Dynamics (e-journal).
2009. “The Central Position Of The Shan/Tai Buddhism For The
Sociopolitical Development Of Wa And Kayah Peoples.”
Journal of Contemporary Buddhism 10, no. 1: 17–30.
2010. Cross-Comment on “The Structure of Dravidian Relationship
Systems by Mauro William Barbosa De Almeida. Mathematical
Anthropology and Cultural Theory 3, no. 3 (Aug) http://sealang.
2011. “Kinship Theory and Cognitive Theory in Anthropology.” In
A Companion to Cognitive Anthropology, eds. D. B. Kronenfeld,
G. Bennardo, and V. de Munck. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

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