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7/15/2021 Enabling Assessment - MEB23 - Enabling Assessment - DLSU-D College/GS

Enabling Assessment 1/4
7/15/2021 Enabling Assessment - MEB23 - Enabling Assessment - DLSU-D College/GS

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7/15/2021 Enabling Assessment - MEB23 - Enabling Assessment - DLSU-D College/GS

Question 1
One of the following is not included in the conditions for a strike to be morally acceptable.

Response: state of the business

Question 2
It is one of the rights of the workers according to the social teaching of the Church.

Response: To go on strike as a last resort in fighting for their rights.

Question 3
To play and recreate is one of their rights.

Response: children

Question 4
Based on the social teaching of the Church, the following are general categories of social insurance except _______ .

Response: house insurance

Question 5
Based on the Church teaching, which statement is correct?

Response: The Church teaches that there must be a "living wage" and "family wage".

Question 6
Wage sufficient for the needs of an average individual worker.

Response: individual wage

Question 7
Work may be described as any serious and ____________ activity.

Response: purposeful

Question 8
One of the following is not a duty of workers based on the teaching of the Church.

Response: duty to accept only the work related to his profession

Question 9
An equitable return for the worker's service.

Response: just wage

Question 10
Voluntary organization of workers for the protection of their rights.

Response: trade unions

Question 11
Based on the Church teaching, one of the following is not a characteristic of human work.

Response: meaningful and fun

Question 12
Based on the teaching of the Church, which statement is acceptable.

Response: The right to free association is the root of the right to form trade unions. 3/4
7/15/2021 Enabling Assessment - MEB23 - Enabling Assessment - DLSU-D College/GS

Question 13
It is often blamed as the root cause of child labor.

Response: poverty

Question 14
The refusal to work on the part of organized workers.

Response: strike

Question 15
One of the following is not included in the criteria for a just wage.

Response: economic status of the worker 4/4

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