AV5 - 1921005388 - Nguyễn Thị Kiều Diễm - Writing task 2

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Children's life nowadays are quite different from the past due to advances in technology

and healthcare. That's why children are having a lot of negativity in their lifestyle leading
to an unhealthy lifestyle because sitting for hours in front of the computer, eating
unbalanced meals. Some people believe that schools and parents are respoonsible for
solving this problem. And I partially agree with that opinion of them.
Being the primary caretakers, parents an make impressive impacts on their children.
More specifically, children in the formative age are not yet aware of attitudes and
behaviors, parents need to have a healthy eating lifestyle for children to imitate.
Moreover, physical activities can help children balance in life. For instance, parents
should provide children's meals with lots of green vegetables and limit fat, or spend time
participating in sports with children on weekends.
On the order hand, schools also play a viral role in helping their students acquire good
lifestyle. Too much homework leads to children not having time to participate in
extracurricular activities, which help children gain good skills and understand healthier
lifestyles. For example, schools should organize more extracurricular classes for children,
sports activities so that children can change their lifestyle more positively.
Furthermore, I think governments and health authorities have a responsibility to teach
people create a healthy lifestyle for children. For example, by giving courses to new
parents on how to bring up their children.
To sum up, I believe that government can affect children's lifestyle by many ways.
However, the responsibility for bringing up children with a complete health lifestyle lies
with the people who are in regular contact with them, in other words their parents and
their schools.

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