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(08 MEI 2020)

73. What is the main idea of the text above?  Finding Main idea text  Keywords yang sering dibahas  a
(A) Living in a deprived area can lead to deprived area; depression/mental health; Men
major depressive disorder in men
 Untuk mencari tahu teksnya tentang apa bisa dengan
(B) Women tend to suffer from a major
membaca dari paragraph pertama dan pargraf terakhir:
depression more often than men do
(C) Males are found to be more prone to  Par.1 “Our study showed that living in a deprived area does
certain mental treatment in their affect mental health – at least in men. In fact, we found that
environment compared to women men living in the most deprived areas were 51% more likely to
(D) Genders play a big role in determining experience depression than those living in areas that were not
the intensity of people suffering from deprived.”  pada paragraph 1 diceritakan bahwa tinggal di
mood distraction “deprived area” (not having the things that are necessary for
(E) The effect of the residential atmosphere a pleasant life, such as enough money, food, or
on mental disorder from a gender good living conditions) bisa berefek pada mental health
approach is unreliable setidaknya untuk para pria. Dari penelitian tersebut diketahui
bahwa pria lebih beresiko depresi daripada “women” di
“deprived area”
 Pernyataan pada par 1 didukung di par 2 sampai 4
 Par. terakhir “High numbers of people are living in
deprivation around the world and depression is a leading
cause of disability on a global scale.”  dikatakan bahwa
banyaknya orang yang hidup dalam kondisi serba kekurangan
menjadi penyebab “disability on a global scale.”

 Maka dari teksnya kita tahu bahwa yang dibahas adalah

tinggal atau hidup dalam kondisi serba kekurangan memicu
depresi/mental disorder terutama pada pria (Living in a
deprived area can lead to major depressive disorder in men
Kunci: A
74. In which paragraph does the author  Soal menanyakan pada paragraf berapa penulis menyebutkan
mention the factors imposing men’s higher faktor-faktor yang mendorong “men” memiliki kemungkinan
possibility of suffering from depression? yang lebih tinggi terkena depresi daripada “women”
(A) Paragraph 1 and 2  Informasi untuk soal ini terdapat pada paragraph ketiga dan
(B) Paragraph 2 and 3 paragraph keempat
(C) Paragraph 3 and 4
 Par. 3 “A recent study investigating depression risks for men
(D) Paragraph 2 and 4
and women indicated that men are more affected by “failures
(E) Paragraph 5 and 6
at key instrumental tasks, such as expected work
achievements and failures to provide adequately for the
family”. Research shows that men seem to be more sensitive
to certain stressors in their environment compared to women,
such as those related to work and finances”  Pada par ke 3
diketahui bahwa “men” lebih beresiko deperesi karena dia
merasa gagal, seperti “work achievement” nya tidak seperti
yang diharapkan dan merasa gagal menyediakan kebutuhan
yang memadai untuk keluarga. Jadi jika dikaitkan dengan
“work and finance” pria itu lebih sensitive”

 Par.4 “A great many factors may be behind this, but in the UK,
men are three times more likely to die by suicide than
women and so root causes as to why men are struggling
should be investigated….”  menurut par 4 banyak faktor
yang menyebabkan semua itu terjadi. Maka diperlukan
penelitian lebih lanjut tapi di UK “Men” 3 kali lebih beresiko
bunuh diri daripada “women”

Kunci: C
75. It can be implied from the passage that  Imply  kesimpulan tersirat  bias disesuaikan dengan topiknya
____ atau dicari yang true based on the text/topic
(A) Why certain men and women suffer  Dikatakan di teksnya bahwa jadi dari paragraph 1 dan 2
from the hardship of living may help teksnya menjelaskan bagaimana si pria lebih beresiko
medical identify the cause of their terkena depresi/mental disorder di linkungan yang
mental disorder serba kekurangan (deprived area)
(B) Other culprits like low parental
 Lalu di paragraph ke 3 sampai 4 diceritakan karena
approach and marital dissatisfaction
pemicunya berkaitan dengan “work achievement and
may impact male’s mental distortion
finance” sedangkan wanita pemicu depresinya lebih ke
(C) Women are at a lower risk of
“relationship (low marital satisfaction) and social
depression than men in hectic areas
due to the swing of their mood
(D) People have tendency to suffer from  Maka bisa disimpulkan secara tersirat dari teks tersebut bahwa
psychological disturbance because of “Why certain men and women suffer from the hardship of living”
different gender treatments dapat membantu medis mengidentifikasi penyebab gangguan
(E) Diagnosing the way people get mental mereka.
impacted by the misery of life is an (B) salah karena di paragraph ke 3 dikatakan bahwa “. Factors such as
alternative of choosing the kinds of low parental warmth and low marital satisfaction, for example,
mental health curation
can really affect women’s mental health.
(C) Salah karena tidak diceritankan “in a hectic areas” dan tidak
diceritakan karena “the swing of their mood”
(D) Salah karena tidak diceritakan karena “gender treatments”
(E) Salah karena di paragraph terakhir dikatakan bahwa “Knowing
how men and women are affected by the hardship of living in
deprivation can help focus mental health treatment, and this is a
valuable step forward  jadi mengetahui bagaimaa pria dan
wanita “are affected by the hardship of living in deprivation
membantu berfokus pada “mental health treatments bukan
alternatif dari memilih “the kinds of mental health curation”

Kunci: A
76. Sentence “Again, further work is needed on the  Restated  Menyatakan kembali  mencari kalimat yang
effect of the residential environment on mental maknanya sama
health from a gender perspective” can be best  “Again, further work is needed on the effect of the
restated as _____ residential environment on mental health from a
(A) More studies are suggested to be conducted to gender perspective”  Penelitian lebih lanjut (work
prove how gender point of view impacts on pada konteks ini mengacu atau bermana
mental health in certain survival penelitin/study) diperlukan untuk mengetahui efek
(B) More studies are suggested to be conducted to lingkungan perumahan terhadap kesehatan mental
prove how mental health impacts gender in dari perspektif/sudut pandang gender.
certain genealogy
(C) More studies are prohibited to be conducted to  Maka kalimat yang maknanya sama adalah “More
prove how mental health impacts gender in studies are suggested to be conducted to prove how
certain residence someone’s living atmosphere gives impact on mental
health from gender view”
(D) More studies are suggested to be conducted to
prove how someone’s living atmosphere gives
impact on mental health from gender view
(E) More studies are suggested to be conducted to
prove how someone’s mental health gives Kunci: D
impact on someone’s living seen from gender
77. What is the main idea of the passage?  Main Idea text  mengacu ke seluruh isi teksnya
(A) The description of surface carry signals  Dengan membaca Kalimat pertama di setiap paragraph
between nerve cells in other parts of the brain  Bisa diketahui bahwa teksnya membahas tentang
and body. “Human Brain” yang disertai fungsi setiap bagian –
(B) The explanation about a bundle of axons, bagiannya (cerebrum,neocortex (frontal lobe, parietal
called the corpus callosum, connects the two lobe, occipietal lobe,temporal lobe), Hemisphere)
hemispheres. Kunci: C
(C) The overview about the structure and function
of the human brain.
(D) The findings of the important roles of parietal
lobe in integrating sensory information from
various parts of our body.
(E) The argument of the perception and
recognition of auditory stimuli in human brain.
78. The sentence “The parietal lobe is located at the  Restated  menyatakan kembali  mencari kalimat yang
upper rear of our brain, and controls our complex maknanya sama
behaviors, including senses such as vision, touch,  “The parietal lobe is located at the upper rear of our
body awareness and spatial orientation” In brain, and controls our complex behaviors, including
paragraph 5 can best be restated as ____ senses such as vision, touch, body awareness and
(A) The parietal lobe can be in at the upper rear spatial orientation”  Lobus parietal terletak di
of our brain, and controls our complex bagian belakang atas otak kita, dan mengendalikan
behaviors, excluding senses such as vision, perilaku kompleks kita, termasuk indera seperti
touch, body awareness and spatial penglihatan, sentuhan, kesadaran tubuh, dan
orientation. orientasi spasial.
(B) The parietal lobe is located near the upper
rear of our brain, and controls our complex  Maka yang maknanya sama adalah “The location of
behaviors, senses such as vision, touch, body parietal lobe is at the upper rear of our brain, and
awareness and spatial orientation. controls our complex behaviors, that is, senses such as
(C) The parietal lobe is located far from the upper vision, touch, body awareness and spatial
rear of our brain, and controls our complex orientation.”
behaviors, a part of senses such as vision,
touch, body awareness and spatial
(D) The location of parietal lobe is at the upper
rear of our brain, and controls our complex Kunci: D
behaviors, that is, senses such as vision,
touch, body awareness and spatial
(E) The upper rear of our brain is at the parental
lob, and controls our complex behaviors,
including senses such as vision, touch, body
awareness and spatial orientation.
79. It can be concluded from the passage that _____.  Conclude  menyimpulkan  Related to the
(A) Three main parts of human brain, the topic/main idea text
forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain, each with  Teksnya membahas tentang “Human Brain” yang
multiple parts, have significant roles in disertai fungsi setiap bagian – bagiannya
controlling human activity. (cerebrum,neocortex (frontal lobe, parietal lobe,
(B) The frontal lobe lies just beneath our forehead occipietal lobe,temporal lobe), Hemisphere)
 Maka bisa ditarik kesimpulan bahwa otak manusia
and is associated with our brain’s ability to
terdiridari 3 bagian utama yang masing2 memiliki
visual recognition, such as visual recognition,
“multiple parts and significant role” (A)
visual attention, spatial analysis.
(C) The right hemisphere is considered our
creative side, and the left hemisphere is
considered human mental activity.
(D) A deep furrow has functions to comprehend
spoken language, verbal memory, visual Kunci: A
memory and language production.
(E) Frontal lobes are involved with our
visuospatial processing, language
comprehension, the ability to construct, body
positioning and movement.
80. What most likely motivates the writer in writing  Soal tersebut menanyakan motivasi/yang mendorong
the passage? penulis menulisk teks tersebut  Related to the Topic or
(A) Not many people have much information main Idea
about the functions of parts of human brain.  Teksnya membahas tentang “Human Brain” yang disertai
(B) There is a mystery about what functions of fungsi setiap bagian – bagiannya (cerebrum,neocortex
human brain. (frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipietal lobe,temporal lobe),
(C) People’s information about human brain is
 Maka yang mendorong penulis menceritakan hal tersebut
adaklah karena belum banyak orang mengetahui banyak
(D) Many people have known about the tentang “human brain” dan fungsunya. (A)
functions of the brain.
(E) The information about functions about Kunci: A
human brain is not available.

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