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1. 如原本手機採用手動方式安裝 Taikoo Mail 帳戶需先移除,不然會衝突而無

法順利自動套入 MDM 配發的郵件設定檔。
2. 若手機換機或重新回復方式,產生的 TaikooMail 也必須先刪除避免衝突
3. Intelligent Hub 狀態良好及描述檔也都安裝成功,但手機仍無法自動產生
TaikooMail 帳戶設定檔時,請通知 Allen 檢查主機端配置是否正確?
4. Android 因品牌眾多有些可能不支援,如需要可另配發 Boxer Mail APP 替代
使用 (通常此手機並無內建的原生郵件 APP)

1. 主管手機通常還需要安裝其它太古系統 APP 供使用,主要將 URL 輸入
即可透過 AD 驗證,若仍有問題請用戶找各相關系統負責窗口
2. (DIGIPASS or GA Token)看用戶所申請的是那種產品,DIGIPASS 最多
可註冊三組裝置,GA 則必須通知 Allen 清除原本舊的後才可重新再註冊
3. UOF(HR APP) 站台網址:
4. SlimPortalApp (EPF 系統)
Download Intelligent Hub
You must be using your iOS device to begin the enrollment process.

1. Install the Intelligent Hub app on your iOS device.

Enroll in MDM

1. When the app has finished downloading, tap Open.

Alternatively, you can open the Intelligent Hub app from your home
screen by tapping the Hub app.
2. Enter your Stanford email address and tap Next.

使用下列 email 啟動註冊程序

或是透過掃描 QR Code 方式

3. You may be prompted to log in with ID and password, followed by two-

step authentication.
Typically there is a delay before the next page displays.

4. Select the owner of the device and then tap Next.

5. Tap Accept to accept the terms and conditions.
6. A list of workplace services that are required before the app can be
installed displays. Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap Next.
7. Next, a message displays saying that the website is trying to open
Settings. Tap Allow.

8. When the Install Profile page displays, tap Install.

iPhone 新版本會將描述檔放置於設定/一般/選擇描述檔
9. Enter your passcode if you are prompted for it.
10. Tap Install.

11. A warning message saying that this profile allows an administrator to

remotely manage your device displays. Tap Install.
Note: This message is standard legal information from Apple and is
generated automatically. See the Additional iOS Privacy Information
page for more information about this warning.

12. When the Remote Management message displays, tap Trust.

13. If the Password Required prompt displays, enter your email password
and then tap OK.
14. When the profile has finished installing, the Profile Installed page
displays. Tap Done.

15. Tap Open to open the page in Hub.

16. Tap Done.
17. A message saying that Hub would like to send you notifications displays.
Tap Allow.
18. When the Privacy page displays, tap I understand.
19. When the data sharing page displays, tap I agree.

20. A page allowing you to access your account information displays. You
can navigate away from this page.

如描述檔安裝正確,將會自動產生 TaikooMail 郵件配置帳戶,只允許密碼欄位


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