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Artwork and Signature File for:

MAN-00799, “Manual, Selenia AEC Calibration”

Artwork consists of:

• (11) 8 ½ inch x 11 inch pages.


A. LIPPAY 08/20/07
A. LIPPAY 08/20/07
The content of this document is the
exclusive property of Lorad and may AW, SELENIA AEC CALIBRATION AW-01961 002
not, without prior written permission
of Lorad, be reproduced, copied or
used for any purpose whatsoever. ARTWORK SIZE A SHEET 1 OF 1
ENG-0034-T33, Rev. 001
Calibration Instructions

Title: Selenia AEC Calibration

35 Crosby Drive
Bedford, MA 01730-1401 Subject: Performing AEC calibration on Selenia systems
USA Number: MAN-00799 Rev: 002 Date: August 2007 Page: 1 of 11
Phone 781-999-7300
Units Affected: All Selenia systems version and above.

1 Purpose
Perform AEC calibration on Selenia systems.

2 Scope
These instructions apply to all Selenia systems with version and above.
(Excluding confirmatory test version

3 Estimated Time
This procedure will take one Field Engineer approximately 2 hours.

4 Conventions
Passwords can be found under “Selenia passwords” in the Oracle KnowledgeBase.

5 Procedure
5.1 Goaltab Creation
1. Stop the main application
a. Login as apps.
b. Select Edit > Standard Setup.
c. Set Compression Release Mode to Manual.
d. Select Set Technique Defaults.
e. Set default AEC compensation to 0 in Technique Setup window.
f. Select Close in the Technique Setup window.
g. Select Close in the Standard Setup window.
h. Open a new patient.
i. Set the exposure mode to Manual
j. Set the filter to Mo (Rh if Tungsten Tube is installed)
k. Set the Kvp to 28
l. Set the mAs to 65
m. Set focal spot to LARGE
n. Minimize the application.
o. Open the Task Launcher.
p. Click on Kill All.
q. Wait for all tasks to stop.

2. Launch AecCalTool
a. Close all open Terminal Windows then open a new one.
b. Type in the Terminal Window su then press Return.
Enter password when prompted.
c. Type in the Terminal Window
chmod <space> 666 <space> /opt/linx_mp/data/drapi.log, press Return.
d. Type exit, then press Return.
e. Type in the Terminal Window cd <space> /opt/users/dr then press Return.
f. Type in the Terminal Window then press Return.
g. Arrange the windows so that they are all fully visible with the AEC Calibration Tool on the top.

3. Take GoalTab exposures

a. Select Generate Goal radio-button in the AEC Calibration Tool.
b. Place the 4.0 cm acrylic block so that it completely covers the image receptor.
c. Place a 24x30 cm screening paddle in the unit.
Calibration Instructions

Title: Selenia AEC Calibration

35 Crosby Drive
Bedford, MA 01730-1401 Subject: Performing AEC calibration on Selenia systems
USA Number: MAN-00799 Rev: 002 Date: August 2007 Page: 2 of 11
Phone 781-999-7300
Units Affected: All Selenia systems version and above.

d. Lower the compression device so that the paddle is just touching the acrylic block.
e. Adjust the collimator to the LARGEST field size (24 x 29).

f. Click on the Enable Capture button in the AEC Calibration Tool window. The STATUS
should read “DRAPI Armed”.

• Do not hit the Enable Capture button until the status reads: “DRAPI Ready.”
• Do not click on the DRAPI status box as it may start flashing which will
require the AecCalTool application to be restarted.
• The status occasionally may need to have the mouse move over it to

g. Take an exposure.
h. Wait for Done Writing File to be displayed in the terminal window before continuing.
i. Wait for the following message to be displayed:
Press the Enable Capture button to Arm for Exposure
Initiate exposure X of Y by pressing x-ray switch

j. Click on the Enable Capture button in the AEC Calibration Tool window. The STATUS
should read “DRAPI Armed”.
k. Take an exposure.
Wait for Done Writing File to be displayed in the terminal window before continuing.

l. Wait for the following message to be displayed:

Press the Enable Capture button to Arm for Exposure
Initiate exposure X of Y by pressing xray switch

m. Click on the Enable Capture button in the AEC Calibration Tool window. The STATUS
should read “DRAPI Armed”.
n. Take an exposure.
Wait for Done Writing File to be displayed in the terminal window before continuing.
o. Wait for the following message to be displayed:
Press the Enable Capture button to Arm for Exposure
Initiate exposure X of Y by pressing xray switch

p. Click on the Enable Capture button in the AEC Calibration Tool window. The STATUS
should read “DRAPI Armed”.
q. Take an exposure.
r. Wait until the message “Averaging 4 goal images into GOALIMAG.img” is displayed.
s. Switch to the Terminal Window with the scrolling text and look for the following message:

AEC Calibration Procedure is complete.

t. Close both the AecCalTool and AWS console window.

u. Exit the apps user by clicking on the Exit button on the desktop toolbar.
v. Reboot the system by logging in as the reboot user.
Calibration Instructions

Title: Selenia AEC Calibration

35 Crosby Drive
Bedford, MA 01730-1401 Subject: Performing AEC calibration on Selenia systems
USA Number: MAN-00799 Rev: 002 Date: August 2007 Page: 3 of 11
Phone 781-999-7300
Units Affected: All Selenia systems version and above.

5.2 AEC 2D Dark Offset Calibration

This is a new method for Dark Offset Calibration, DO NOT SKIP!

1. Setup 2D Dark Offset Calibration

a. Login as apps. Wait until the system fully comes up before continuing.
b. Type from the Terminal Window netscape <space> http://brick then press Return.
c. Click on the Array link.
Allow the web page to load.
d. Click on the Array 2D Dark Offset Calibration link.
e. When prompted, login as root and enter the corresponding password.
Allow the web page to load.
f. Click the Remove Contact Map button.
g. Click the Remove Mag Map button.
h. Click the Start Contact Calibration button.
i. Click the Start Mag Calibration button.

2. Acquire the eight Contact calibration images:

a. Minimize the Netscape application and restore the Lorad application.
b. Cover the detector with lead.
c. Open a new patient.
d. Set the technique to Auto-Time.
e. Select any kV.
f. Select AEC position 1.
g. Acquire an image.

Most likely these image acquisitions will appear to fail because there is no
x-ray energy reaching the detector.

h. Clear the error message or Reject the image if it is created.

i. Repeat acquiring and rejecting images for AEC positions 2 through 7 and Auto. (Total of eight

Images are acquired at all AEC positions (1 thru 7 and AUTO) simply as a
means to be sure that eight shots are taken. The AEC position selected
does not impact the calibration.

3. Acquire the eight Mag calibration images:

a. Insert the Mag Stand into the gantry.
b. Make sure the detector is still covered with lead.
c. Set the technique to Auto-Time.
d. Select AEC position 1.
e. Acquire an image.
f. Clear the error message or Reject the image if it is created.
g. Restore the Netscape application and click Reload on the Netscape toolbar to refresh the
Calibration Instructions

Title: Selenia AEC Calibration

35 Crosby Drive
Bedford, MA 01730-1401 Subject: Performing AEC calibration on Selenia systems
USA Number: MAN-00799 Rev: 002 Date: August 2007 Page: 4 of 11
Phone 781-999-7300
Units Affected: All Selenia systems version and above.

h. Check to ensure that the first Mag shot is registered as a Mag and not as contact (Number of
mag shots is =1 and number of Contact shots =8). If it is registered as contact (Contact = 9),
restart the entire procedure starting with step 1 of this section.

i. Return to the Lorad application and repeat acquiring and rejecting images for AEC positions
2 through 7 and Auto. (Eight Mag shots total)

Images are acquired at all AEC positions (1 thru 7 and AUTO) simply as a
means to be sure that eight shots are taken. The AEC position selected
does not impact the calibration.

4. Complete the calibration

a. Minimize the Lorad application.
b. Restore the Netscape application and click Reload on the Netscape toolbar to refresh the
c. Verify that both the number of Contact and the number of Mag shots = 8.

If the Number of Calibration Shots for Both Contact Mode and

Magnification Mode do not equal 08, restart the procedure starting with
step 1 of this procedure..

d. Click the End Contact Calibration Button.

e. Click the End Mag Calibration Button.

5.3 Check AEC Calibration Settings

1. Type in the Terminal Window cd <space> /opt/users/dr then press Return.
2. Type in the Terminal Window then press Return.
a. Wait for both the array_dark_offset and the low_dose_scale values to be returned.

The array_dark_offset effective value should be set to 0.

The array_mag_offset effective value should be set to 0.
The low_dose_scale effective value should be set to 100.

3. If the AEC Calibrations settings do not match the above values, perform the following steps:
a. Type in the Terminal Window <space> 0 then press Return.
Wait for the connection to the brick to close before continuing.
b. Type in the Terminal Window <space> 0 then press Return.
Wait for the connection to the brick to close before continuing.
c. Type in the Terminal Window <space> 100 then press Return.
Wait for the connection to the brick to close before continuing.
Calibration Instructions

Title: Selenia AEC Calibration

35 Crosby Drive
Bedford, MA 01730-1401 Subject: Performing AEC calibration on Selenia systems
USA Number: MAN-00799 Rev: 002 Date: August 2007 Page: 5 of 11
Phone 781-999-7300
Units Affected: All Selenia systems version and above.

5.4 Check AEC Dose

1. Make sure the m4_tube.cfg file is up to date on the Selenia.
2. Open a new patient in the application.
3. Position the ACR Phantom on the breast tray.
4. Lower the 24x30 paddle until the thickness reads exactly 4.5cm.

Breast thickness must be exactly 4.5 cm. to ensure organ dose shown on
screen is correct.

5. Acquire the Auto-Filter exposure with the AEC Sensor set to Manual position 2.
6. Enter the organ dose (also referred to as AGD), the Exposure Index (EI), and the Exposure Index
minus 50 in the “low_dose_scale = 100” column of the table below. This data is for relative
comparisons to help assure the procedure is being performed correctly and to assist with any
trouble shooting should it be required.
7. Divide [(EI) - 50] by Dose. Enter in table.

Initial Final
low_dose_scale = 100 low_dose_scale= _______
EI (counts)
EI - 50
Dose (mGy)
(EI-50) / Dose

8. Verify that the organ dose displayed in the Preview window is correct for the selected tube type
and selected TEC table.
If the organ dose is out of this range, adjust the low_dose_scale by using
and repeat steps 4 thru 6 until the organ dose is in range. The table below illustrates the default
dose for the default TEC tables.

Nominal Dose
Nominal Dose
X-Ray Tube Type TEC ACR Phantom @
4.5 cm PMMA @ 28 kVp
Moly Table 0 1.60 +/-0.1 mGy N/A

Tungsten Table 0 1.00 +/-0.1 mGy 1.35 +/-0.1 mGy

The correction is linear. So if a 10% reduction is required, reduce the

low_dose_scale by 10%.

9. Enter the final organ Dose value in the “Final low_dose_scale=___” column.
10. Enter the final low_dose_scale value in the column header.
11. Enter the final exposure index number in the “Final low_dose_scale=___” column.
12. Enter the EI-50 value in the table.
13. Divide [(EI) - 50] by Dose. Enter this value in the table.
14. Verify that the two EI-50/Dose values are within 5% of each other.
(Take ±5% of larger number as the limits).
Calibration Instructions

Title: Selenia AEC Calibration

35 Crosby Drive
Bedford, MA 01730-1401 Subject: Performing AEC calibration on Selenia systems
USA Number: MAN-00799 Rev: 002 Date: August 2007 Page: 6 of 11
Phone 781-999-7300
Units Affected: All Selenia systems version and above.

5.5 Adjust limits in Exposure Index Graph

The illustration below has been extracted from the Selenia Operators Manual. It is the explanation of the
Exposure Index (EI) graph. After calibrating the AEC to the procedure in this document, it may be
necessary to adjust the location of the vertical lines in the graph that are used to identify regions 2 thru 6.

• The line at 250 is the dosageLowBound parameter in the siteconfig.cfg file.

• The line at 300 (not labeled) is the dosageLow parameter in the siteconfig.cfg file.
• The line at 400 (not labeled and not easily seen because the black line is covering it) is the
dosageHi parameter in the siteconfig.cfg file.
• The line at 500 is the dosageHiBound parameter in the siteconfig.cfg file.
Calibration Instructions

Title: Selenia AEC Calibration

35 Crosby Drive
Bedford, MA 01730-1401 Subject: Performing AEC calibration on Selenia systems
USA Number: MAN-00799 Rev: 002 Date: August 2007 Page: 7 of 11
Phone 781-999-7300
Units Affected: All Selenia systems version and above.

Use the following rules to calculate the values for the above mentioned parameters. These parameters
will have to be modified as described in the following steps. These parameters should be applied when
setting the parameters in the siteconfig.cfg file after recalibrating the AEC per the methods described in
this document.
1. Calculate parameters for Exposure Index graph
• The value centered in Region 4 should be the EI (counts) recorded in Final low_dose_scale
column in the table in section 4.6.

[EI (counts) = _______________ ]

• The dosageLow parameter should be the EI (counts) multiplied by 0.85 rounded to the
nearest 10. (Not less than 200)

[dosageLow = _______________ ]

• The dosageLowBound parameter should be set to 250 unless a lower value is calculated for
dosageLow. (Not less than 200)

[dosageLowBound = _______________ ]

• The dosageHi parameter should be EI (counts) multiplied by 1.15 rounded to the nearest
[dosageHi = _______________ ]

• The dosageHiBound set to the highest of 500 or the EI (counts) multiplied by 1.25 rounded
to the nearest 10.

[ [dosageHiBound = _______________ ]

2. Modify the siteconfig.cfg file if necessary;

a. Open the Netscape application.
b. Login to the Service Tools, enter service for the user
Enter password when prompted.
c. Click on the DROC link.
d. Click on the Software Configuration link.
e. Click on Browse Directory ./installed/apps link
f. Click on the Edit DirectRay Operator console application link.
g. Scroll down to the Site Config File group.
Click on the Edit configuration File:
h. Scroll to the Group: Site
i. Find <config parameters (int) for dosage meter>.
j. Modify, as required, the following parameters with the values calculated above;
dosageLowBound, dosageLow, dosageHi, dosageHiBound

It is important to recognize that the EI will represent a pixel count associated with the
calibrated dose and that the EI is a system dependant number. Therefore it is likely
that two systems calibrated in exactly the same manner will yield two different
Exposure Index numbers. This is expected due to system-to-system variations.

3. Click Update after making changes to Service tools.

4. Reboot the system to have the changes take effect.
Calibration Instructions

Title: Selenia AEC Calibration

35 Crosby Drive
Bedford, MA 01730-1401 Subject: Performing AEC calibration on Selenia systems
USA Number: MAN-00799 Rev: 002 Date: August 2007 Page: 8 of 11
Phone 781-999-7300
Units Affected: All Selenia systems version and above.

5.6 Verification of AEC Goaltab

1. Preparation:
a. Insert Selenia Detector Sub-System CD into the laptop.
b. Type in a Command Prompt Window md <space> c:\Goaltab then press Enter.
c. Type in a Command Prompt Window copy <space> d:\Goaltab\*.* <space> c:\Goaltab
then press Enter.
2. Make a network connection between the laptop computer and the Acquisition Station. This can be
done with a crossover cable or adding a hub on the network.
3. Run the getlogs script:
a. Type in an AWS Terminal Window cd <space> /opt/users/dr then press Return.
b. Type in a Terminal Window then press Return. The goaltab file is in the
/etc/boot/xray subdirectory of brickspy.tar.gz from the brick.
4. Transfer the logfiles from /tmp/logs subdirectory on the Acquisition Station to the c:\Goaltab
directory on your laptop computer using ftp software.
5. Navigate Windows Explorer on your laptop to the c:\Goaltab folder and double-click on the
ViewGoaltab.bat file.
6. Make sure the brickspy.tar.gz file is located in the same directory as the ViewGoaltab.bat.
7. This should bring up Internet Explorer (or other web browser) with the goaltab web page.
8. If the web page does not appear, then extract all of the files (with directory information) from the
brickspy.tar.gz directory into the same directory as the ViewGoaltab.bat.
9. Verify that the goaltab file is in the /etc/boot/xray subdirectory.
10. Double-click on the ViewGoaltab.bat file.

11. Compare the resulting webpage with the two figures below to make sure the goaltab was
correctly generated.
Calibration Instructions

Title: Selenia AEC Calibration

35 Crosby Drive
Bedford, MA 01730-1401 Subject: Performing AEC calibration on Selenia systems
USA Number: MAN-00799 Rev: 002 Date: August 2007 Page: 9 of 11
Phone 781-999-7300
Units Affected: All Selenia systems version and above.

5.7 Verification of AEC Function Performance

1. Open a new patient in the application.
2. Acquire the following exposures and record the exposure index for each exposure. Ensure that
none of the exposure indices exceed 10% of the mean exposure index (Selenia_Calculations.xls
may be used):

Auto-Filter, Sensor Position 2, 18x24 paddle, 2cm of BR12 or PMMA (Do not mix types)
Auto-Filter, Sensor Position 2, 18x24 paddle, 4cm of BR12 or PMMA (Do not mix types)
Auto-Filter, Sensor Position 2, 18x24 paddle, 6cm of BR12 or PMMA (Do not mix types)
Auto-Filter, Sensor Position 2, 18x24 paddle, 8cm of BR12 or PMMA (Do not mix types)
Auto-kV, Sensor Position 2, 10x10 mag paddle, Mo (Rh if Tungsten Tube), 4cm of BR12 or
PMMA (Do not mix types)

Exposure Index
Mode Type Thickness minus Pixel
Offset of 50
Auto Filter Contact 2
Auto Filter Contact 4
Auto Filter Contact 6

Auto Filter Contact 8

(See Note)
Auto kV Mag 4
Mean Pixel Value

Allowed Min Value (mean – (10% of mean))

Allowed Max Value (mean + (10% of mean))

Min Pixel Value

Max Pixel Value
The Min and Max Pixel must be within 10% of the Mean Pixel Value

Note: With a Tungsten tube, at 8 cm a correction of 10% is added to the exposure. This
is done to improve Contrast-to-Noise on thicker breast. Multiplying the EI by 0.9
removes the 10% gain thereby allowing for an accurate check of the AEC tracking
performance. Enter the <EI * 0.9> if you have a tungsten tube. For a system with a Moly
tube just enter the EI.
Calibration Instructions

Title: Selenia AEC Calibration

35 Crosby Drive
Bedford, MA 01730-1401 Subject: Performing AEC calibration on Selenia systems
USA Number: MAN-00799 Rev: 002 Date: August 2007 Page: 10 of 11
Phone 781-999-7300
Units Affected: All Selenia systems version and above.

5.8 Verification of AEC Exposure Compensation

1. Open a new patient in the application.
2. Position 4 cm BR12 material or acrylic on the breast tray.
3. Lower the 24x30 paddle until the thickness reads exactly 4 cm.
4. Set the Auto-Filter exposure technique.
5. Set the AEC Sensor set to Sensor position 2.
6. On your laptop open the Selenia_Calculations.XLS spreadsheet. (Selenia Detector Sub-System
7. Click on the QC Manual tab.
8. Make exposures with the AEC Exposure Compensation (On AWS Console) set to the indicated
values (-3 to +4).
9. Use the ROI tool (128x128) to measure the mean pixel value.
10. Enter the mean pixel value in the Enter Pixel Value column of the table. The spreadsheet will
auto calculate and fill the corresponding values.
11. If the spreadsheet is not available you can manually calculate the values as follows:
• Enter the pixel values in Enter Pixel Value.
• In the “Pixel Value – 50” Column, enter the pixel values recorded, minus 50.
• Average the three values (Pixel – 50) taken with AEC Exposure Compensation at 0.
• Enter the average value in the table (“Average =”).
• In the RATIO column place the quotient of the ‘Pixel Value – 50” divided by the “Average’”.

12. Verify that the calculated ratios are within the allowed range.

AEC Exposure Compensation Test

Enter Pixel
Exposure Exp. Ratio
Pixel Value - Allowed Ratio
Mode Comp. (Pix-50) /Avg
Value 50
Auto Filter -3 0.5 to 0.61
Auto Filter -2 0.63 to 0.77
Auto Filter -1 0.77 to 0.94
Auto Filter 0
Auto Filter 0 Average =
Auto Filter 0
Auto Filter 1 1.04 to 1.27
Auto Filter 2 1.17 to 1.43
Auto Filter 3 1.31 to 1.6
Auto Filter 4 1.44 to 1.76
Calibration Instructions

Title: Selenia AEC Calibration

35 Crosby Drive
Bedford, MA 01730-1401 Subject: Performing AEC calibration on Selenia systems
USA Number: MAN-00799 Rev: 002 Date: August 2007 Page: 11 of 11
Phone 781-999-7300
Units Affected: All Selenia systems version and above.

5.9 Signal-to-Noise and Contrast-to-Noise Checks

1. Perform the SNR & CNR tests as described in the Selenia Quality Control Manual.

Signal-to-Noise / Contrast-to-Noise Test

Mean of ROI Outside Disk

Standard Deviation Outside Disk

Mean of ROI Inside Disk

(Mean_Outside – 50)

(Mean_Inside – 50)

SNR = (Mean_Outside – 50)

---------------------------- Must be above 40.
Std Dev

CNR = (Mean_Outside – Mean_Inside)

Std Dev

2. Remember to inform the customer to create a new baseline CNR.

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