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The youth pledge

The Youth Pledge on 28 October 1928 was a declaration made by young

Indonesian nationalists. This declaration was proclaimed in the Second Youth
Congress. There are three points covered in the declaration, which are one
motherland, one nation and one language.

The first Indonesia Youth Congress was held in 1926. It was held in Batavia,
which was the capital of the Dutch East Indies. In the first congress, there were no
formal decisions made but it promoted the idea of a united country.

The second congress was held in October 1928. This congress was held at three
locations. The first session was held to inspire the feeling of unity. The second
session discussed about education and the third or the final session participants
heard for the first time Indonesia national anthem created by Wage
Rudolf Supratman. The third session closed with a youth pledge reading.

At that time, the Youth Pledge was used for boosting the Indonesia army’s spirit.
With the unity of the young nationalists, the Indonesian independence fighters got
more motivation to fight against the colonialists.

Up to today, the date when the youth pledge was made is still remembered and
celebrated. Many historians said that the Youth Pledge and the youth congress are
one of the most important moments for Indonesia.

Berdasarkan teks historical recount yg berjudul “ theyouth pledge
“, jawablah soal dibawah ini :
1. Tentukan bagian dari orientation, events, dan
reorientation dari teks tersebut!
2. Tulislah kalimat yang merupakan simple past
tense dari teks tersebut!
3. Sebutkan adjective dan conjuction dari tekstersebut!
4. sebutkan action verb dan adverb dari teks tersebut!

1. -Orientation : There are three points covered in the declaration, which are
one motherland, one nation and one language. (paragraph 1)
-Event 1 : The first Indonesia Youth Congress was held in 1926. It was held
in Batavia, which was the capital of the Dutch East Indies. (paragraph 2)
-Event 2: The second congress was held in October 1928. This congress
was held at three locations. (paragraph 3)
-Event 3: At that time, the Youth Pledge was used for boosting the
Indonesia army’s spirit. (paragraph 4)

-Reorientation: Up to today, the date when the youth pledge was made is still
remembered and celebrated. (paragraph 5)

2. Simple Past Tense

3. Conjunction & Adjective
4. Verb & Adverb

Nama : diva sanjaya sitohang

Kelas : 10 ipa 2
Mapel : bahasa inggris

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