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Task 1

James Lester V. Silva

My Effective Study Habits:
- Listen to sad music!

- Make a list so I get motivated to complete every single one of

them. I hate it when I see even one of them still on the list.

- Stay away from the bed! It will tempt you. Never trust the bed!

- Eat sweets to have the energy to think and work! Not too much

because it will make you sleepless and hyper.

- Finish all the things you have to do except the school works. So

when you start doing it, you won't be interrupted!

- Recheck everything I've done so I won't waste my effort. It's

one of the things I hate the most.

- Always question the teacher if I don't know something. It's

My Bad Study Habits:
- Don't drink strong coffee at night. It will be a hindrance to your

sleep. Lack of sleep depletes your productivity.

- Reading lessons while on bed. Don't do it or you will be put into an

eternal slumber.

- Procrastination. It leads to cramming. Giving your utmost time and

effort into your work is what's best if you long for paid hard work!

- Enjoying yourself before studying. Suffer first before you do what

you enjoy. Victory tastes sweeter in that way!

- Unclean study desk. It demotivates me!

- If you feel unwell, focus on getting better first. Studying while

being sick won't do me much! I shall study in my best condition.

- Keeping check of notifications and messages. Some of them may be

important, but it still will keep you off track.

Processing Questions:
1.) My considerations were if it was useful or not for me. Having

gained a self answer to my personal problem makes me feel like it's

just for me or this is what I need to do. I also considered if it would

be tiresome or not. I already get tired from a lot of factors so I

wouldn't want to do things that would be a pain in the neck.

2.) Yes. If things are really rough, I get off track. As someone who is

undergoing puberty and since I got more responsibilities as I grow

older, I tend to be anxious and pressured. They are enough to take a

toll on my will to work. It just can't be helped so it happens from time

to time.

3.) I intend to take time with things and myself. I just wish I could

hurry it up but it won't. I am trying my best despite not being

obviously shown. I intend to be stronger in mind and heart so that I

can take on my "unideal" self and put it behind my back. With a

strong mind and heart, I will be able to stand against the harsh

realities and complicated problems.

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