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TCPC 531 – Numerical Solutions to CE problems

1 SEM, AY 2021–2022

Name: Date:


Solve this problems using Scilab. Write your name and section in scilab and include
also the problems. Use Scinotes in coding not console. Solve also in manual
computation. Submit in BS the printed PDF of console, scinotes file(.sce) and scanned
PDF of manual computation.

1. A = ; Reshape Matrix A into 1 x 9 matrix

2. tril(A)
3. triu(A)
4. a1 = [ 3 6 11] ; a2 = [ -2 -3 5]
5. Solve the dot product of a1 and a2.
6. Solve the cross product of a1 and a2.
7. factor(82)
8. rat(13.3476)
9. factorial(11)
10. perms(2 7 5 8 8)
11. Find the roots of these sets of linear equations.
a + 2b + c –d = 5
(3/2)a + b + 2c + 2d = 8
4a + 4b + 3c + 4d = 22
(2/5)a + (1/5)c + d = 3

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