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76 of 100


Contextual Spelling 18
Misspelled Words 17
Mixed Dialects of English 1

Grammar 11
Determiner Use (a/an/the/this, etc.) 6
Faulty Subject-Verb Agreement 2
Incorrect Noun Number 2
Wrong or Missing Prepositions 1

Punctuation 11
Punctuation in Compound/Complex Sentences 8
Comma Misuse within Clauses 3

Sentence Structure 4
Incomplete Sentences 3
Misplaced Words or Phrases 1

Style 52
Passive Voice Misuse 41
Inappropriate Colloquialisms 4
Improper Formatting 2
Intricate Text 2
Wordy Sentences 2
Hard-to-read text 1

Vocabulary enhancement 17
Word Choice 17
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Green Architecture Concept Aplication 1 In The Student [Aplication → Application]
Center Development Universitas Sumatera Utara
Rudolf Sitorus1, Eduard1
1Department of Architeture 2, Faculty of Engineering,
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia [Architeture → Architecture]

Abstract.Universitas 3 Sumatera Utara has been prepared to

become an impactful educational institution for the region
and 4 globally. Leadership and character are essential to [. Universitas]
combine diversity 5 of thoughts, ideas that are full of Unoriginal text: 16 words…
creativity. Leadership and character was build through
extracurricular and organization, which later play an
important 7 role in building the image of the Universitas [a diversity  or  the diversity]
Sumatera Utara. 6 Central up Student activities is 8 crucial
on campus to create neccessary 9 interaction among Unoriginal text: 17 words…
student. Therefore, the procurement of Student Center 7
Overused word: important
Universitas Sumatera Utara becomes the solution to
support these objectives. The Student 10 Centre Is a place [is → are]
for student 11 to build leadership and character through [neccessary → necessary]

extracurricular and organization, 13 and become a place Unoriginal text: 21 words…
where student colaboration 14. The old building in the
planning site, located on the key 15 building axis of
Universitas Sumatera Utara. The old building previously [student → students]
functioned as a 12 Civil Engineering laboratory and Unoriginal text: 33 words…
Chemical Engineering laboratory that makes it ineffective, 13
[organization, ]
these 16 factors make this building has the potential as a 14
[colaboration → collaboration]
Student Center. The green architecture theme applied aims Overused word: key
to produce building 17 that are energy efficient and can
respond to environmental changes. The Student Center is
expected 19 to become a solution and become a new image
of the Universitas Sumatera Utara. 18 [, these → ; these]
Keyword. green architecture, student center, universitas 20
sumatera 21 utara 22
Introduction [building → buildings]
The existence of a Student Center is still a thing that are 24 Unoriginal text: 29 words…
considered 23 not too important to be available at a tertiary 19
Passive voice
institution. This 25 is because there are still many people
who think that students are a group of people who have
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high enough intellectual who does not need a specific place 20

[universitas → Universitas]
to accomodate 26 interest and talent. This paradigm is also 21
[sumatera → Sumatera]
supported 27 by the absence of structured planning from the 22
[utara → Utara]
beginning of regional planning by the university to build a 23
Passive voice
student center facility. Therefore, the provision of student 24
[are → is]
center facilities at a university is needed to develop the 25
Unclear antecedent
quality of students and establish a campus ecosystem that is
good and active in giving their aspirations as students.
Planning for the construction of a particular facility in the 26
[accomodate → accommodate]
form of a building has many considerations from various 27
Passive voice
aspects such 28 as the provision of space, arrangement of
functions, effects on the surrounding environment,
etc 29.One 30 of the aspects that are being discussed hotly in
the community is about the effect that a building has on the
surrounding environment. The construction of a new
building that aims to meet the needs of the community
often does not pay attention to the conditions of the
surrounding environment. The high level of development
causes a reduction in the amount of productive land as a
water catchment area, it 31 also induced a decrease in the 28
[, such]
carrying capacity of the environment due to environmental
pollution and also the excessive exploitation of natural 29
etc in formal writing
resources [1]. 30
[. One]
Apart from industrial 32 factors, buildings also play a
large 33 role in the effects of global warming from the fossil
energy consumption sector [2]. Buildings can consume
32% of natural resources while producing 40% of waste as
well as 40% of air pollution [3]. There are several aspects
of buildings that are considered 34 as the biggest 35
contributors to global warming, namely (1) Building
growth and urban development, with a high rate of increase 31
[, it → ; it]
in population causing the need for public facilities both
housing, offices, etc. 36; (2) The aspect of urban planning,
where a lot of city planning occurs, does not take into
account the distance to public facilities which results in a
city being fully oriented towards motor vehicles and 32
Unusual word pair
increasing air pollution; and (3) aspects of planning and 33
Overused word: large
building technology that often these technological
developments are not supported by good 37 human
resources, the use of building technology that is not by the
surrounding environment can also have an impact on
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global warming [4]. With these aspects, the design of 34

Passive voice
development must be considered and calculated properly 38. Overused word: biggest

These aspects also trigger community movements that care

about the sustainability of a good 39 environment, one of
which is the emergence of a green architecture style. Green
architecture is a style that takes consideration of the 36
etc. in formal writing
consumption of natural resources, such as the use of
energy, water, minerals, as well as causing a minimal
negative impact on the surrounding environment [5]. For
this reason, moving to and choosing green architecture as
an option in building a new facility is the main 40 goal of
today's architecture towards better architecture [6].
Literature Review 37
Overused word: good
Based on the Republic of Indonesia Law number 12 of
2012 concerning tertiary institutions in Article 4 states that
tertiary institutions function to develop capabilities and
shape the dignified 41 character and civilization of the
nation in the context of developing the intellectual life of 38
Overused word: properly
the nation; developing an innovative, responsive, creative,
skilled, competitive, and cooperative academic community 39
Overused word: good
through the implementation of tri dharma; and develop
science and technology by paying attention and applying
humanities values. The article is in line with the objectives
and functions of the student center facilities, which are
expected 42 to improve the quality of students. The
provision of student center facilities must be calculated 43
properly 44. Construction of a building must pay attention to
the surrounding environment, it 45 can be done 46 by
applying the concept of green architecture. Green 40
Overused word: main
architecture is a style that is environmentally sound 47, and
it is based 48 on concern for environmental conservation by
paying attention to energy efficiency, sustainable patterns,
and a holistic approach [7].
In this application, green architecture must also be
adapted 49 to the climate of the surrounding environment. 41
Unusual word pair
The 'green' criteria applied in Indonesia is certainly 50
different from the concepts applied in Europe due to
climate differences, where the Indonesian climate is a
tropical climate with high humidity [8]. UU No. 26 of 2007
concerning Spatial Planning, green conceptions began to be
included for regions, especially in urban areas, that is, each
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urban area must provide a green open space of 30% of the

total area. This green open space is divided 51 into two
parts, 20% for public and 10% for private and land plots.

The concept of the 'green' itself is determined 52 by various Passive voice

factors, where there is a ranking that refers to awareness to


be greener. The concept of 'green' can also be applied 53 to Passive voice

Overused word: properly
reducing energy use (e.g. 54 electricity), low energy houses,

and zero energy buildings by maximizing building [, it → ; it]

Passive voice
envelopes. The use of renewable energy, such as solar 55

energy, water harvesting, biomass, and treatment of waste Wordy phrasing


into energy, is also noteworthy [9]. Passive voice

Green architecture not only has a positive impact on the

environment but also on social and economic aspects. In
the environmental aspect, green architecture helps reduce
pollution, reduce excessive energy use, and prevent

damage to the surrounding environment. Economically, Passive voice

green architecture reduces costs in using energy, also water


and increases the productivity of users of buildings. Overused word: certainly

Moreover 56 in the social aspect, green architecture creates

a good 57 atmosphere for the surrounding community [10].
Green architecture is a step in creating a healthy
environment and minimizing resources in terms of
construction, renovation, operation, maintenance, and also
demolition [11].
There are six principles of green architecture by the theory

put forward by Brenda and Robert Vale about green Passive voice

architecture, namely (1) Energy conservation, (2)

Collaboration with climate, (3) Minimizing new resources,

(4) Friendly / respecting users in it, (5) Appreciate the site, Passive voice

and (6) Holistic [12]. The principle and purpose of green


architecture are considered in harmony to provide student Passive voice


center facilities where this facility will become a center of [e.g.,]

student activities that have a positive impact on the


environment. Unoriginal text: 8 words…
Green architecture is a step that takes into account
environmental-friendly aspects that have several
classifications and approvals [13], some of which have
characteristics such as; indoor air-conditioning systems,
efficient use of energy (lighting and application), reusing
rainwater, landscape design to maximize room lighting,
low levels of pollution, backup energy sources such as
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solar panels, non-synthetic and nontoxic materials, using

local materials, and efficient in using space.
The design by university students center uses both
qualitative and quantitative methodologies. In data 56
collection, there are primary data and secondary data. 57
Overused word: good
Primary data is physical data that is in the design location.
This data can be studied both qualitatively
andquantitatively 58 to get maximum results. Secondary
data is data that can be obtained through a literature study
and does not need direct observation at the design location.
The results of these two data will be analyzed 59 against
existing studies to relevant the results that will be
outlined 60 in the new study.
The method used in the design of student center facilities
has several stages, namely the determination of the design
location, design approach, design stages, study literature,
comparative studies, design analysis, design concepts, and
final design. These stages have results that aim to provide
an overview of planning and design that has the best
solution for each stage.
Result and Discussion
This building planning program is based 61 on the lack of
availability of the facilities that can shade the activities of
students in the field of non-academic. This facility is
designed 62 with space functions that support student
activities such as discussion room, UKM secretariat room,
amphitheater, multipurpose room, canteen, and the outdoor
communal room, which aims to increase student activity
In 63 campus life.
Site Selection
The University of North Sumatera becomes a design site
that does not have a facility of student 64 center. The design
site is located 65 at key 67 66 building axis of North Sumatera
University (Rector Bureau, Auditorium). The use of old
buildings as the main building is more points to how the
student Center's design process begins.
The planning site is on a land area of 2.5 ha. At the design
site, there is an old building that is not precisely the 58
[andquantitatively → and quantitatively]
function used as the main building. The position of the site
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traversed the main road of North Sumatra University

becomes an important consideration. With function
considerations, this facility will have some mass-oriented
to open space around it. The 68 building as a liaison Passive voice
between the outside space. Passive voice

Spatial 69 concept in building design is focused 70 on
fulfilling the needs of functional space. The old building as
a center between the building, which became a liaison with
the new buildings and outside space. 71 Maximizing the
relationship between space and also with the outside space
is the main focus to be achieved, 72 so that the design can
be achieved 73 well.
Circulation And Organization of Vertical and Horizontal

Circulation between buildings optimizes pedestrians where

the design location is designed 74 by restricting vehicle Passive voice

access to enter directly into the design location. This

concept aims to form a new culture for students to be able
to walk and feel directly the space formed in the design of Passive voice

buildings. This new facility will be using stairs as vertical

transportation because the building height is only three

Figure 1. Existing pedestrian path [In → On]

Figure 2.Project circulation path

The Concept of Mass and Building Facade

The mass of the building is designed 75 using the concept [the student]

of multimast 76, which aims to maximize interaction Passive voice

Overused word: key
between new buildings with existing buildings while 67
[the key]
creating space.
Figure 3. Project axonometric view
Outdoor communal spaces are formed 77 from spaces
between building masses. The application of this
intermediate space aims to form enclosures for users as
well as a space hierarchy. The buildings are also applying
the existing building elements, so it does not damage the
image of the university axis, such as vertical elements,
texturing, color, etc 78.
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[. The → —the]

Figure 4.Project perspective

[The spatial]
The building is designed 79 using environmentally friendly 70
Passive voice
materials, which are in line with the chosen architectural 71
Sentence fragment
concept of green architecture. The application of large
openings with glass material was chosen 80 as a solution to
the problem of reducing the use of electricity for
lightingduring 81 the day. Large openings are optimized 82 72
[achieved, ]
on active spaces and also have communal functions such as 73
Passive voice
discussion rooms, shared rooms, management rooms
(PEMA), and USU SHOP rooms.
Figure 5.Organization space

With the application of large openings, of course, also 74

Passive voice
have consideration of excessive solar heat entering the
room. This 83 is overcome 84 by choosing glass material that
can reflect UV light so that indoor temperatures are
maintained. The application of secondary skin is also used
in the design of this building to reduce incoming UV light,
but still, get an adequate amount of light. Air circulation is
also considered 85 with the aim of stabilizing the room
Figure 6.Project facade

Green Architecture Concept Application in The Building

Passive voice
The building is designed 86 by applying the concept of 76
[multimast → multicast]
green architecture to minimize the negative impact of a
building on the surrounding environment. The application
of green architecture used in this design is focused 87 on
reducing the use of power in buildings. To realize the 77
Passive voice
reduction ofpower 89 usage in this building 88, a water
reservoir will be designed 90 where this feature is used 91 as
a reservoir for rainwater, and the collected water will be
reused 92 as water 93 flush in the bathroom.
Figure 6.Project facade
This building is also designed 94 using wide 95 glass to enter
sufficient light during the day, which can reduce the use of 78
etc in formal writing
lights itself. The multi-mass design form also aims to
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maximize the overall direction of light entering the existing

rooms. This concept is also applied 96 to the design of the
NUS School of design and environment, located in 79
Passive voice
Singapore and designed by Serie Architect. The building
also uses wide openings with glass material to maximize
the incoming light during the day. Christopher Lee,
principal of Serie Architect, said that this building 80
Passive voice
maximizes the use of glass as a solution to reduce the use
of lights during the day and also as a form of visual 81
[lightingduring → lighting during]
manifestation from both inside and outside the room. Passive voice

Conclution 97
Universitas Sumatera Utara plays an important 99 role in 98
building and preparing a young generation with stellar
character. Universitas Sumatera Utara has been prepared to
become an impactful educational institution for the region
and 100 globally. Connectivity within a campus organization
is essential to combine a diversity of thoughts, ideas and 101
ideas that are full of creativity. The activity units included 83
Unclear antecedent
in the program of interest and talent development should be Passive voice

well-endowed, which later plays an important 102 role in

building the image of Universitas Sumatera Utara.
Centraling 103 student activities are crucial on campus to
create the necessary connectivity. Therefore, the
procurement of Student 104 Center of Universitas Sumatera 85
Passive voice
Utara becomes the solution to support these objectives. The
Student Center is a place for students to build 105
connecivity 106 in the organization, grow in the activity unit,
and become the site where alumni can regroup. Student
Center of Universitas Sumatera Utara is designed to be able
to create the connectivity of the organization, facilitate the
activity unit, even serve alumni so 107 as a new 86
Passive voice
transformation that unite Universitas Sumatera Utara.
The old building that is located 108 in site planning is
used 109 as the main building, so 110 it can suppress the
consumption of new materials. The green Architecture 87
Passive voice
theme applied aims to produce buildings that are energy 88
Dangling modifier
efficient and can respond to environmental changes. As a 89
[ofpower → of power]
new 111 breakthrough, the Student Center is expected 112 to 90
Passive voice
be a guideline on making campus facilities at the 91
Passive voice
Universitas Sumatera Utara. The Green campus of 92
Passive voice
Universitas Sumatera Utara is expected 113 to be reflected 114 93
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in the design of the Student Center of Universitas Sumatera [a water]


Utara. The Student Center is expected 116 to become a Passive voice

Overused word: wide
solution and 115 as well as a new image of Universitas
Sumatera Utara in the future.
Acknowledgement 117
The author thanks God for the blessings given so that this

journal can be completed 118 properly. The author also Passive voice

thanked the Department of Architechture 119, Universitas

Sumatera Utara, for guiding and assisting well in the
administration and research process.
A. C. Nugroho. Sertifikasi Arsitektur/Bangunan
Hijau: Menuju Bangunan Yang Ramah Lingkungan. Jurnal
Arsitektur Universitas Bandar Lampung,pp. 12-13,2011.


S. Roaf dan D. Crichton dan F. Nicol. 120 Adapting [Conclution → Conclusion]


Buildings and Cities for Climate Change. Architectural Unoriginal text: 8 words…
Press-Elsevier. Oxford. 2005. Overused word: important
Unoriginal text: 16 words…
A. C. Nugroho. Sertifikasi Arsitektur/Bangunan
Hijau: Menuju Bangunan Yang Ramah Lingkungan. Jurnal
Arsitektur Universitas Bandar Lampung, pp. 13, 2011.
[, and]

A. C. Nugroho. Sertifikasi Arsitektur/Bangunan

Hijau: Menuju Bangunan Yang Ramah Lingkungan. Jurnal Overused word: important

Arsitektur Universitas Bandar Lampung, pp. 13-14, 2011.


[5] [Centraling → Centralising]

T. H. Karyono. Green Architecture: Pengantar


Pemahaman Arsitektur Hijau di Indonesia. Rajagrafindo [the Student]


Perkasa. Jakarta. 2010. Unoriginal text: 20 words…


M. Mohammadjavad 121. et al. Dilemma of Green and [connecivity → connectivity]

Pseudo Green Architecture Based On Leed Norms In Case

of Developing Countries. International Journal of
Sustainable Built Environment. 2014.
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[so → . Hence,]
J. Priatman. “Energy-Efficient Architecture”
Paradigma dan Manifestasi Arsitektur Hijau. Jurnal 108
Passive voice
Arsitektur Universitas Kristen Petra. 2004. 109
Passive voice
[, so → so that]
A. C. Nugroho. Sertifikasi Arsitektur/Bangunan
Hijau: Menuju Bangunan Yang Ramah Lingkungan. Jurnal 111
Arsitektur Universitas Bandar Lampung, pp. 18-19, 2011. 112
Passive voice

B. Vale and 122 R. Vale. Green Architecture: Design 113
Passive voice
For a Sustainable Future. London, pp. 27-28, 1996. 114
Passive voice
Unoriginal text: 10 words
[10] 116…

Passive voice
T. Rettenwender. The Principles of Green Building
Design. Peninsula College. 2009.
[Acknowledgement → Acknowledgment]
M. Roy. Importance of Green Architecture Today. 118
Passive voice
Jadavpur University. India. 2008.
[Architechture → Architecture]
B. Vale and 123 R. Vale. Green Architecture: Design
For a Sustainable Future. London, pp. 56-57, 1996.

G. Burcu. Sustainability Education by Sustainable
School Design. Dokuz Eylul University. Turkey. 2015.

Sentence fragment
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[Mohammadjavad → Mohammad Javad]

[, and]
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[, and]

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