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Judaism Christianity Islam

Origin of Name The word 'salam' means "submission" in

From the Hebrew: Yehudim, 'Judah.' From the Greek: christos, 'Anointed' - Arabic, from the root of aslama "he
referring to Jesus Christ. yielded, surrendered, and submitted,"
which means "to yield, surrender, and
submit" to God's will.

Founder Abraham Jesus Christ It was the Prophet Muhammad is

considered by many Muslims to be the
last in a long line of prophets that
includes Moses and Jesus, and one of the
messengers of God.

Place Founded Israel Israel Mecca

Orthodox, Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, Protestant, Roman Catholic Sunni, Shi'a, Ibadi, Ahmadiyya, and
Divisions/Branches Reconstructionist, Humanistic, Sufism.

One God (known in English as 'Yahweh' One God, who exists in three distinct Tawhid is the belief in Allah's oneness
Nature of God or 'Jehovah') - "...Hear Israel; the Lord is persons (The Trinity): Father, Son, and and unity, as articulated in the first of
our God, the Lord is one." Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). Islam's five pillars, the Shahadah.
(Deuteronomy 6:4). Muslims address God as Allah, a
genderless term with no plural form, and
believe that there is no other God except
An ordinary Jew, not the Messiah nor a The second person of the Trinity and In Islam, Jesus is referred to as a Muslim
divine person. born of the Virgin Mary. "...true God because he advocated that his followers
from true God." should follow the "right way".
(Nicene Creed) According to Islamic eschatology, Jesus
Views about Jesus Christ and his will return in a Second Coming to
mission As Judaism rejects the idea of Jesus as combat Gog and Magog and Al-Masih
Messiah, his mission is of no relevance. ad-Dajjal, or the "False Messiah," and to
To reconcile man to God through his restore peace and justice to the world.
death as a sacrifice for the sins of all

According to Islam, no one may be

saved only on the basis of their beliefs or
Salvation Through good works, prayers, and the By grace through faith in Jesus Christ conduct; instead, it is God's kindness
grace of God. There is no parallel to the (Ephesians 2:8-9).3 that earns their redemption. This
Christian view of substitutionary repentance, however, must not be used
atonement. to justify future transgression; God is
compassionate and should not punish us
for past misdeeds.

Judaism rejects the doctrine of original According to Islam, sin is an act, not a
sin. Atonement for sins committed is We inherit a sinful nature through our condition of being. Muslims define sin
Sin made through seeking forgiveness from common ancestor Adam, who rebelled as everything that contradicts God's
God in prayer and repentance. Also, the against God. Jesus Christ atoned for our (Allah's) mandates, as well as a violation
day of atonement (Yom Kippur) is set sins through his death on the Cross of religious rules and customs.
aside, especially for this purpose. (Romans 5:12-17).

Sacred Text The sacred scripture of Islam, the

Bible Qur'an, is considered to be the Word of
Hebrew Tanakh (comprised of Torah, God as revealed to the Prophet
Nevi'im, and Ketuvim) Muhammad. Dr Mustafa Shah outlines
the historical backdrop of its revelation,
transmission, and codification, as well as
its spiritual inheritance with the other
Abrahamic faiths.

Rituals include the Circumcision of The Sacraments, including Baptism and 1. Shahada (Testimony): to declare
newly born Jewish males, Barmitzvah - Holy Communion (Eucharist). In one’s faith in God and belief in
a ceremony marking the 'coming of age' Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism, five Muhammad
Rituals/Way of Worship of Jewish Boys, and observation of the more are added, viz: Confirmation 2. Salat (Prayer): to pray five times a
Sabbath (Shabat). As in the other faiths, (Chrismation), Marriage, Penance, Holy day (at dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset,
prayer is essential. The Jewish prayer Orders, and Anointing of the sick. and evening)
book is called the siddur. 3. Zakat (Charity): to give to those
Prayer is also an important part of faith. in need
4. Sawm (Fasting): to fast during
5. Hajj (Pilgrimage): to make a
pilgrimage to Mecca at least once during
a person’s lifetime if the person is able

Alim, Allamah, Almami, Caliph, Imam,

Modern human authorities/leaders Rabbi Priest, bishop, archbishop, patriarch, Grand Imam, Ghazi, Grand Mufti,
pope, pastor, minister, preacher, deacon Muezzin, Mujtahid, Kyai, Titles used
only by Shia Muslims: Ayatollah, Grand

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