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The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

1. Cultural, social, and political institutions as sets of norms and patterns of behaviour
that relate to major social interests.

The learners…

1. Analyze aspects of social organization.

2. Identify one’s role in social groups and institutions.

Explain the Forms and Functions of State and Non-state Institutions.

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Welcome to the Lesson 12 of Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics.

The private sector, as well as other non-state actors, perform roles that complement the state
and of markets. In fact, some of the non-state institution are also major players in state or market
related activities. Some of them operate locally, while some operate at the global level.

The objectives are as follows:

1. Differentiate the non-state institutions


Identify non-state institution in your community and familiarize yourself with its functions.



Key Concepts

Non-state institutions Advocacy group

Banks Transnational
Corporations Development agency
Cooperative Trade unions
International organiizations

ADVOCACY GROUP includes actors working together on an issue. They join together with their shared
beliefs and ideologies to try and influence the setting of the world.

BANK is an institution that runs a society’s finances. There are many roles of a bank but the most basic
role it has is the regulation of the society’s flow of money.

COOPERATIVE is an association owned by people who voluntarily cooperate with each other under
the influence of their social, economic, and cultural benefits.

CORPORATION is another form of financing the society. It is known as a body of people acting as a
single entity and is created by a group of shareholders who have ownership of the corporation.

DEVELOPMENT AGENCY is described to be independent organizations that aim to implement

strategic ways of developing territories and societies.

INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION is a typical organization that promotes enhances, and ensures

its members through advocacies and state actions. They are seen as an acting facilitator in alliance
formation amongst nations.

NON-STATE INSTITUTION also known as Non-state Actors, are people and/or organizations that
participate in international affairs and relations but are not affiliated with any state or nation.
TRADE UNIONS also known as Labor Unions, are organizations composed of workers and laborers
who band together to protect the integrity of their trade, improve safety standards of their work, and
achieve higher pay.

TRANSNATIONAL is how one describes an organization that works and advocates beyond a
country’s borders.


 Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics (2018), Phoenix Publishing House by

Antonio P. Contreras, PhD, et. al. pp.199-213
 Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics (2016), Phoenix Publishing House by
Antonio P. Contreras, PhD, et. al. pp.119-123

ENRICHMENT (available on Genyo/Google Form)

True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
1. Non-state institution are people and/or organizations that participate in
international affairs and relations but are not affiliated with any state or nation.
2. The most basic form and sign of a society’s financial status is money.
3. According to Beattie, 2013, the most basic role of a bank is the regulation of
the flow of the society’s flow of money.
4. A bank is known as a body of people acting as a single entity.
5. A cooperative are associations owned by people who voluntarily cooperate
with each other under the influence of their social, economic, and cultural benefits.
6. Trade Unions started forming during the early onset of the rapid expansion of
the industrial society and have ever since spread across many nations.
7. International Organizations are independent organizations that aim to
implement strategic ways of developing territories and societies.
8. An advocacy is an idea from an individual or group which aims to influence a
political, economic, and social decision.
9. According to Webb, 1920, a Trade Union’s goal is to improve the working
conditions of a country’s labor force.
10. Ideology an idea from an individual or group which aims to influence a
political, economic, and social decision.

You made it! Congratulations!

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."
-John Quincy Adams

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