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Tips for Completing Journal Prompts

↠ Really trust your intuition and write the answers from your heart.

↠ Give yourself the gift of dreaming with no judgement, no insecurity and

no doubts.

↠ When your inner critic jumps in and tries to deter you from what you
want to write, tell it to 'shutty' and write down what is in your heart of


↠ Do not worry about the “how will I do it,” just list the "what do I want"
in this first step.  

↠ The key is to be as clear as possible in your vision.

What to Expect

This is divided into two sections.

Section 1: is focused on the external factors you want to manifest. This

includes materialist items that you just want.

Section 2: is focused on the internal factors. These are focused on WHO

you want to be from the inside out. It is imperative not to skip this step as

this a key component of creating a clear vision for your ideal life.
Section One

Let’s dive into the fun stuff. Listen to your intuition. Write what makes

your heart skip a beat. Ignite some of those childhood dreams. Get excited

about possibilities. Do not let your inner voice deter you. When answering

these questions take a moment, close your eyes and imagine you are

waking up tomorrow in your dream life.

1.  Where do you live and what type of house do you live in? Near the

mountains? Near an ocean? In a city? In the woods? Somewhere hot?

Right where you are now? What city? What country? Are you in a condo

in the city, a rancher in the countryside, a tiny home? An RV travelling the


2. Describe what it looks like? Does it have a meditation room? A big

garden?A yoga room? A greenhouse? A large property? A pool? A killer

walk in closet? a creative office space?

3. What does your family structure look like? Are you married? Single?

Do you have children? How many? Do you have pets? Which ones? Do

you live close to extended family or far away?
Section One

4. What does your financial situation look like? How much money do

you make each year? Are you debt free? Do you have investments? Are

you helping others somehow?

5 . How are you generating income? What does your dream career

look like? CEO of a company? Freelance writer? Service based business?

Working part time? Stay at home Mom? Online Entrepreneur?

6. What are some materialistic things that you deeply desire? Are you

a shoe lover? Do you want a certain car? Luxury skin care products?

accessories? Hiking gear? Purses? Spa days?  What is your must have in

terms of something you just simply WANT.

7. What are your hobbies and passions? Are you painting? cooking?

Crocheting? writing? drawing? doing yoga? Meditating? hiking?

Travelling? Volunteering? Activism? Photography? Gardening? What do

you do that lights you up?
Section Two

Now that you have defined what your life looks like, you are going to now

focus on WHO you want to be – you know the inner stuff.

What type of person do you want to BE? How you are going to show up in

the world, what values you are going to exude, how people are going to

remember you.

What identity are you going to have?

By detailing the attributes, the characteristics and the values you want to

exude while you are on this earth you are setting the foundations for the

person and life you desire.


If you are having difficulty here, picture someone you admire – a co

worker, family member, friend, thought leader, actor, humanitarian. What

energy do they exude that you are attracted to? What do they have that you

want in terms of personal attributes? Compassion? Charisma?

Section Two

8. What energy do you want to exude when you walk into a room?

Confidence? ? Positivity? Calmness? Charisma? Vibrancy? Sex appeal?

Softness? Peaceful? Not sure exactly what I mean by energy – check out

this Ultimate Guide to Your Personal Energy.

9. What do you want to be known for? Your caring heart? Your

vivacious spirit? Your loyalty? Your sense of humour? Your positive

outlook? Your work ethic? Your attention to detail?

10. What values are important to you? Honesty? Integrity? Loyalty?

Work ethic?  Humour? Family? Having trouble thinking of values – do a

google search and you will get tons of ideas.

11. How do you want to show up each day? Calm? Present? Relaxed?

Motivated? Compassionate? Wholeheartedly? Helpful? Hopeful?

Lora's Example

I am a 7-figure online entrepreneur from Vancouver Island, Canada.

I live on a beautiful acre property overlooking the Wild Pacific West

Coast and I see orcas swim by while drinking my morning coffee. It

is paradise. I have an abundant vegetable garden and love teaching our

children how to grow their own food.  

I am married to my handsome husband, Jordan, and we have 2

beautiful children along with a dog and a cat. We have a respectful and

passionate relationship.

When I am not working on my business, we are outside exploring nature -

whether it be hiking, at the beach, gardening or just hanging in the


Due to the flexibility of my career we travel back and forth to Ontario

regularly to visit with my family and stay connected. We also go on

1 major family trip a year to explore a new country.

My online career generates 7 figure a year and we are able

to give back to the community through organizations we are passionate

about. I am a vivacious, captivating, calm and loveable person who helps

others understand and embrace the power they have within. I freaking love

what I do and am so grateful for the time, location and financial freedom

to live life on my terms.

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