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Targets Tab

1. Right click over the target to view the Full Description or to Preview the target.
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader version 4.0 or higher is required to preview the target.
2. Use the “Add” “Add All” “Delete” and “Delete All” buttons to manage the targets in
the “Selected Targets” form. You can also double click a target in the Target list to
add it to the “Selected Targets”. *More than one target can be selected for printing.
3. In the “# of Cycles” column, type in the number of cycles to run the selected target.
4. In the “Pgs Btwn Ps” column, enter the number pages to print for each cycle.
5. In the “Pause” column, enter the amount of time (in seconds) you want the program
to pause between cycles.
6. Example: # of Cycles: 5, Pgs Btwn Ps: 5, Pause: 25. The program will run 5 cycles,
each cycle will print the target 5 times and then pause for 25 seconds.
Printers Tab

1. After you have created your Target Group from the “Targets” tab, click on the
“Printers” tab.
2. This screen will take time to load based on the number of printers installed on your
test computer.
3. After loading, there will be a list of printers to choose from. Click on the printer you
wish to select.
4. Click the “Display Device Server” button to view the printer’s embedded web server,
if equipped.
File Menu

1. Once you have set up all targets in the “Selected Targets” area and selected a
printer from the “Printers” tab, you can save the information as a Target Group for
future use.
2. Click “File” then “Save” and type in the target “Group Name” and “Description.” Click
“Save” and you are returned to the Targets tab.
3. This process saves the Target Group and the Selected Printer.

4. To create a new Target Group, click on “File,” “New.” The Targets tab is refreshed
and the Selected Targets area is cleared.
5. You can open saved Target Groups by clicking on “File” and “Open.” A box is
displayed with a listing of all saved Target Groups.
6. Click on the group then click the “Open” button, you are returned to the “Targets”

7. To delete a group, click “File,” “Open,” select the Target Group to be deleted, then
click the “Delete” button. To return to the “Targets” tab, click “Cancel.”
8. Use “File,” “Save As” to save the current Target Group with a different name. This is
useful if you wish to create another Target Group that has the same targets as
another Target Group, but uses different selected printer.
Execute Tab

1. Once you have selected the Target Group and Selected Printer, click on the
“Execute” tab.
2. To start the printing process, click on the “Print” button.
3. If you wish to pause printing, click “Pause,” to resume printing, click “Resume.”
4. To cancel printing, click “Cancel.”
5. If the printer halts for any reason, you will see Please Check Printer! flashing at the
bottom of the “Execute” tab.
6. Once you fix the printer, the program will resume automatically.
7. The “Total Progress” bar shows the percentage of completion for the Target Group
you are printing.
8. The “Time Until Next Target” bar counts down the number of seconds until the next
cycle runs.
Tools Tab

1. Using the “Tools” tab, you can edit, delete, or add new targets.
2. To edit a target, use the scroll bar that is located on the right side of the window to
find the target you want to edit.
3. Click on the target to highlight your selection.

4. Click on the “Edit” button and the “File Name”, “Target Name”, and “Description”
fields are displayed.
5. To edit one of the fields, click into the field and make the changes.
6. Once you’ve made the changes, click on the “Save” button.
7. To add a new target, click on the “New” button.

8. Click on the “Browse” button to locate the target you wish to add. Targets can only
be Adobe® Acrobat® PDF files.
9. Click on the file you want to add, such as the “428748.pdf” file in the below example.
10. After clicking on your selection, click on the “Open” button to load the file.
11. Your selection will load in the “File Name” field, as shown below.
12. Enter a “Target Name” and a “Description” to identify the new target.
13. Click on the “Save” button.

14. To delete a target, click on the target you wish to delete then click “Delete.”

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