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Lecture: From john 3:16 is the good news from God to us we need to also know speeches like the
famous one I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King Jr., then informative talks like TED talks, and
panel discussion.

1.News is information that wasn't known before or current events broadcast over the radio,
television, onlineor in print media. It talks about something happened recently.


1.     The New York Times announcing the winner of a presidential race.

2.    Coronavirus in India: latest news and updates. 


Hard news is a news that create an impact to the society the time it was reported. It is factual and
timely because it is an up-to-minute news, and it is reported immediately. It has data, information,
and other concerning events that can be used for an analysis.

Soft News is a news that provides background information about entertainment, world events, and
other human-personal interest stories. This type of news doesn’t usually deal serious topics that is
why it called as “soft”. It can entertain and advise the reader.

2. Speech is how we say sounds and words. It is also a way to express thoughts and
feelings throughspeaking. It is a means of communication through talking or a talk to the

The 10 common types of Speeches

Entertaining speech is a speech that has a purpose of entertaining and amusing the
audience. It isless formal and communicates more through emotion rather than facts.

Informative speech simplifies complex theories and discuss in-depth information. It

conveys theinformation easier and accurately to the audience.

Demonstrative speech is a type of speech wherein the speaker will demonstrate

something on howa certain thing will be used or how it should be performed. It uses
physical demonstration and visual aids.

Persuasive speech is used when a speaker wanted to persuade and prove

something to itsaudience. It attracts the audience to embrace and accept one’s
point of view.

Motivational speech encourages the people to get and pursue what they wanted in life
or with theirown well-being. It provides strength and confidence to the audience with the
help of the speaker.

Impromptu speech is a type of speech that is given on the spot without prior notice or

Oratorical speech is a speech that is long and formal and its purpose could be
celebrating anevent, an address, or mourn losses and eulogy.

Debate speech discusses arguments and is given a short time for preparation. It has
the structuresof a persuasive speech because the speaker should inform and justify its
claim to the audience. It usually has a pro or anti stand in a certain issue or topic.

Forensic speech expects the speaker/s to research and practice the speech before
facing theaudience. Organizations, universities, and schools use this type of speech for
tournaments related to speaking.

Special Occasion speech it is a subtype of entertaining speech but its purpose is either
to teach orentertain the audience. It can be used in ceremonial, tributary and
introductory speeches. It is commonly short and straight forward.

A Speech includes:

Articulation this is how we make speech sounds using the mouth, lips, and tongue. For
example, we needto be able to say the “r” sound to say "rabbit" instead of "wabbit.”

Voice is how we use our vocal folds and breath to make sounds. Our voice can be loud or soft
or high- orlow-pitched. We can hurt our voice by talking too much, yelling, or coughing a lot.

Fluency this is the rhythm of our speech. We sometimes repeat sounds or pause while talking.
People whodo this a lot may stutter.


An informative speech is one that intends to educate the audience on a particular topic.

The purpose of the informative speech is to provide interesting, useful, and unique information to
your audience.

Informative speeches have various types, including describing the subject’s conditions and
instructing the audience on how to act.

Informative speeches grant speakers a responsible mission of educating people about significant

ideas and themes. They’re also about sharing thoughts and opinions on this or that topic, aimed at
expanding understanding and providing listeners with relevant insights for further deliberation.

Informative speech describes the topic of your interest. For an instance, if you are giving an
informative speech on coffee, focus on the topic. Think about, what does coffee do, why do you
love coffee and how does it affect your health. Also, to get rid of the health effect how much coffee
you need to drink per day. Examples are from TED Talks. 

A Panel discussion is usually used to discuss an important subject or matter to reach a clear and
important result. Therefore, it is important to choose the right members of the panel who are
related to the subject of discussion, and a good moderator who has a good experience in chairing
panel discussion and of wide knowledge of the subject to be discussed.

The two types of Panel Discussions

1.    Public Panel discussion is a type of panel discussion organized for the common
man problems like money related problem, annual budget, Unemployment, and
etc. It provides real time information about the current problems of and within
man and society. It can also determine the social values and recreates the
commonality of man. This is also organized for the public.

2.    Educational Panel Discussion is a type of panel discussion used for educational

purposes and institutions that provide conceptual and factual knowledge of some
educational theories and principles. Higher institutions use this type of discussion
in planning educational objectives. This discussion has democratic situations.

The common topics for panel discussion are Economy, Education, Health, Social Problems,
Entertainment and Personality-trait related topics.       

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