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EDUC 301- Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Learning Episode 2 Classroom Management and Classroom Routines

Date: October 12, 2021

School: Guevara High School
Grade/Year Level: 4th year
Subject Area: Technology and Livelihood Education
Resource Teacher: Janette M. Manalo
Teacher’s Signature:


Classroom Routines Observed Not Observed

1. Movement into the classroom ✔
2. Transition in classroom activities ✔
3. Movement out of the classroom ✔
4. Use of lavatories/comfort room/washrooms ✔
5. Submission of Activities ✔
6. Working with pairs/groups ✔
7. Tardy students ✔
8. Absent students ✔
9. Collection of materials ✔
10. Asking questions during lessons ✔
11. Asking for assistance ✔
12. Joining classroom activities ✔
13. Fire drill /emergencies ❌
14. Movement between activities ✔
15. Checking of assignments ✔
Other, please specify









Classroom rules are imperative and must be reinforced for learners’ safety and security.
Rules also teach discipline and self-control. Rules eliminate stress and will provide a more
pleasant, secured and non-threatening environment. Rules ensure the students’ engagement
and focus in their classroom activities

Classroom Rules Importance

e.g. Read directions well -Ensures less error in answering the activity

1. Always be on time. -Punctuality is one of the best qualities to be

developed right from school days.
2. Be attentive to teachers while teaching. -It is mandatory to give your full attention to
the classroom while teachers are taking
3. No vandalism is allowed in the classroom. -Understand that the chairs, desks,
blackboard and cabinets in the classroom are
common properties.
4. Be well dressed in complete uniform. -Always come to the classroom in complete
uniform as described in school policy.
5. Keep your classroom clean. -It is your responsibility to keep your
classroom clean.
6. Respect everyone. -You should start off by respecting your
teachers, elders and classmates in school.
7. No food allowed in the classroom other than -There will be a specific time allotted in every
breaks. school as brunch breaks, recess or lunch
8. No sleeping in the classroom. -Students are supposed to stay fresh and
active while teacher takes the lessons.
9. Don’t hurt others. -It is quite common among students to have
friendly fights and disagreements but you are
not supposed to hurt others physically and
emotionally under any circumstances.
10. Respect other students’ personal -Just like you value your personal belongings,
belongings. it is equally important to value other students’
belongings too.
11. Respect views of others. -You should be always polite to listen to
others’ views and respect them rather than
enforcing your particular view.
12. Be kind always. -You should help people in need whenever
possible and don’t miss any opportunities in
front of you to shower kindness.
13. Maintain good personal hygiene. -It is the most important to maintain personal
hygiene while you are in class and always.
14. Always do your best. -Always maintain a positive attitude in life and
do your best despite what all obstacles life
offers you.
15. Make the people around you ALWAYS -Keep the smile, leave the tension, feel the
HAPPY! joy, forget the worry, hold the peace, leave
the pain, and always be happy.
Analyze the classroom routines and rules set by the Resource Teacher by answering the
following questions.

1. Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? Why? Why not?
 Routines don’t just make your life easier, they save valuable classroom time. When routines and
procedures are carefully taught, modeled, and established in the classroom, children know
what’s expected of them and how to do certain things on their own.

2. Which of those routines were systematic and consistently implemented? Explain your
 The routines were systematic and consistently implemented are always be on time and keep your
classroom clean. Always be on time is being organized and having a child arrived at school on
time helps reduce classroom interruptions and distractions allowing teacher to focus on teaching
lessons to all students. While keep your classroom clean because your classroom is your second
home and it is important to keep the classroom clean because a clean classroom minimizes the
spread of germs, prevents offending smells from lingering, and runs more smoothly overall than
untidy classrooms/
3. Analyze each given rule. What circumstances led to the formulation the rule?

 Classroom rules every teachers wants to keep his/her students safe and teach them what it is and
is not appropriate behaviors in class. Classroom rules are set to teach student a proper and safe
way to act within the classroom and thus, improving the student learning.

4. Which of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? Why? Why not?

 The routines I most likely apply in my class are the attendance because school attendance
matters. It is a powerful predictor of students’ outcomes.

5. Reflect on the various classroom rules set by the Resource Teacher, Will you have the same
rules? If not, what rules are you going to employ? Explain your answer
 Yes, because as a teacher, you, of course need to establish general rules of conduct for your
classroom. Teach the rules as you would a regular lesson. It should be your first lesson. Discuss
each rule individually, explaining the rationale behind it and ask for examples of how it could be
broken. Explain that rules help make everyone's time in school more enjoyable, and use
examples to illustrate this point. It's also a good idea to post the rules as a reminder and send a
copy home with each student.
Take some snapshots of the classroom routines employed by the Resource Teacher which are
worth emulating. Paste them in the space prvided below.

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