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Lealyn A.

BSED III-English
Speech and Theater Arts

Using an essay, write a self-evaluation on your possessed

speech delivery requirements.

“How do I sound to others?” “Is my voice or tone color appropriate to

what I am saying?” “Did I gave satisfaction to my listeners?”. Those are just
few questions that are still lingering in my mind up to this day regarding on my
speech delivery requirements. I am very fond of such activities that are
interconnected to speech (e.g. Motivational Speech, Persuasive Speech,
Oratorical Speech etc.). I love watching those kinds of speech and in fact, I
was able to join one back in my Junior High School days, an Oratorical
Speech Contest to be specific. But for some reason, it was unfortunate of me
to get the first place. Thus, I would like to conduct this self-evaluation essay
and respond to these unanswered questions.
I will start with my vocal qualities. As I reexamine my latest video of a
trivia, I realized a lot. I believe, my voice was heard clearly and I articulated
the words properly, but I wasn’t fluent with the language yet. Therefore, there
are still few noticeable stutters with a lot of fillers like “ah”. Also at times, I
become too loud which probably unpleasant to ears.
Recently, I had an opportunity to join as one of the voices on the
video promotion of our school, the Immaculate Conception College of Balayan
Inc. There was a time when we were practicing and I cannot figure out the
proper phrasing of the sentences. Thankfully, I was corrected by Mrs. Rivera.
She even told me the correct breathing control and when should I pause. I
realized then, that pausing is an important factor in speech delivery for it gives
a suspense and highlight to the ideas that should be emphasized.
Lastly, the audience engagement. I’ve always been dreaming to
become a professional spoken poetry artist. But just like in delivering a
speech, it requires a lot of engagement to the listeners. You can say that it is
a good presentation or delivery if there’s a good audience impact. And relating
to my pieces, there are times, specially in my striking point, that my listeners
didn’t react at all. Possibly because I use unfamiliar words or phrases, and/or
incorrect expressions and gestures.
Delivering a speech may seem frightful to others but for me, I enjoy it
a lot. I see this as a process of overcoming my own fear. Being able to deliver
a speech, making a video presentation, or even perform any literary piece are
just few episodes in our lives that we should be proud of. I do admit that I
commit countless of mistakes in terms of fluency, proper breathing and
phrasing, inclusion of unfamiliar words, and often have mannerisms. But all in
all, I am proud on the progress I made. As of today I enjoy watching
educational videos and hopefully this would help me learn more. I already
learned a lot, still learning, and always willing to learn all throughout this
Lealyn A. Ranes
BSED III-English
Speech and Theater Arts

Using an essay, characterize yourself and your public speaking

competency in various speaking situations.

The Public Speaking Competence Rubric (PSCR) released eleven

(11) speaking competencies that we should consider as the standards for
evaluating different presentations. These include: Useful Topic, Engaging
Introduction, Clear Organization, Well-supported Ideas, Closure in
Conclusion, Clear and Vivid Language, Suitable Vocal Expression,
Corresponding Non-verbals, Adapted to the Audience, Adept use of Visual
Aids, and Convincing Persuasion. As a future English educator, I must take
this into consideration and make a self-evaluation on how far would I able to
reach these standards and/or rubric.

Upon mentioning these competencies, I have a few notable skills that

could fit in the rubric. Numerous of people say I enunciates words clearly,
have a good diction and vocal variation, although, I still can not avoid some
fillers like “uhm”, “so”, “ah” and etc. It is also good that I have the ability to
demonstrate non-verbal behaviors that corresponds to my message like my
posture, hand gestures, facial expressions and eye contact which can help
the audience to engage more on the interaction. I am also into engaging with
people around me. I always try to understand what people are going through,
make a research first about a specific topic to avoid misconceptions and
misunderstandings. Another one is that, since we are now in the 21 st century,
most of the youth are into social media. Young generation, including me, have
the ability to make visual aids for an exceptional explanation and presentation
since it is being taught in school.

However, given this skills suitable for the rubric, I do also have
weaknesses. I am usually having trouble in constructing sentences and
frequently have difficulty in choosing the right words to use. Probably because
I am lacking in vocabulary words. Due to this, I still can’t consider myself as
an effective speaker that elaborates ideas perfectly. But still, it is not to late to
improve. There are a lot of opportunities to grow and foster. I will keep on
reminding myself to continue progressing and always keep on striving!

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