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I’m Le An Nhi. It’s nice to meet you and become one of your students.

I’m an extrovert, and petty good at socializing with people around me. And I’m also a
flexible and independent person, I love to learn new things and challenge myself every day.

Honestly, I used to be a self-conscious person, but fortunately, I read  Henry

Ford’s quote: “if you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're
right.”. From that moment, I have decided to live a life without regret, try my best to
achieve everything I want instead of messing around or lamenting. Therefore, I'm
always grateful to have chances to examine myself and try to do something I have
never tried before.

I have upsides and drawbacks as well. I'm known as an ambitious, enthusiastic, brave, and
decisive person, with that strong personality, I have achieved many things that are out of my
expectation. But under some circumstances, it also makes me become a stubborn person,
fortunately, there’s always somebody that understands and helps me become better day by

About my hobbies, I love to read books and watch movies. “what I wish I knew when I was
20” written by Tina Seelig is one of my favorite books and I also love exploring the world
around me too.

There are four members of my group but I was impressed with Duong’s introduction most,
Duong is a classmate that I have just met. Different from me, he seems mature and
responsible. He has already worked and knows how to take responsibility for his own life.
Moreover, he is friendly and handsome,( just not as handsome as me though). I'm glad to
befriend him.

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