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“Why Politeness is important in communication?

The importance of politeness is that we will learn how to
respect others and appreciate them which is very helpful
to establish trust and friendship even to a stranger.
Politeness is a positive attitude that brings people around
you. Being polite teaches us how to be humble and nice to
others and it is one of the keys to bringing back peace to
one of us.

Politeness is important in communication in a way that

when we communicate especially to the elders we should
use it in a proper manner “PO at Opo” and that we should
not use offensive words or vulgar words to indicate how
we are being so uneducated person and that when we
communicate we should always be aware of
the feelings of other people.

Also without table manners, eating with others would be a

disgusting Event with people chewing while their mouths
open and talking. So politeness is necessary to each and
every one of us and to interact with some respect and put
people at ease while speaking softly to avoid conflict. Let
us practice politeness because that will bring a better
future. If you are polite to yourself you can also give that
to others so everyone is happy.

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