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Paper 1 Task 2 – Composition

Argumentative Essay Writing

Argumentative essay writing is not creative writing. You rarely use your imagination when writing

this type of essay. Argumentative essay writing is academic writing and it relies heavily on facts,

figures, reasoning and debate (ideas for and against). Most importantly, argumentative essays have a

fixed structure/ format.

‘we’ refers to human beings or

groups of people. A student
should consider different groups
of people such as companies, the
government or even To Protect,

We are not doing enough to conserve the environment. Do you agree?

People are not putting
sufficient effort to make Students have to both agree and
a positive impact on the disagree with the statement.


Pollution from factories, the loss of biodiversity and fossil fuels as well as rising temperatures
because global warming are common environmental problems we face today. In recent years,
By setting
Mauritius is also facing land and water pollution due to dumping of chemical wastes and serious the scene.

oil spills which are destroying the beauty of our island. Despite the fact that the government and

some companies seem to not cooperate to solve the problem, certain NGOs (Non- governmental
You build a
organisations) and environmentalists are firmly committed to tackle these environmental road map for
the examiner.
challenges. Therefore, I partly agree with this statement as there some people who are not putting

sufficient effort to protect the environment while others are fervently working to conserve it.
Factories that dispose industrial waste indiscriminately contribute to air and water pollution and Point

they do not seem to care about protecting the environment. For example, many factories in
Mauritius spew large amounts of pollutants into the air and water. Moreover, their fumes choke

people and worsen the health condition of the ill, the elderly and children. The waste disposed
into the rivers and seas affects marine life too. Therefore, it can be argued that companies which

own factories are not doing enough to protect the environment.

Moreover, government do not seem to be playing their part to protect the environment. Despite

warnings of rising temperatures, global warming is getting worse day by day. The problem of

carbon emission from cars, massive burning of wastes in dumping grounds cannot be stopped

by the government even though they can do something about it. The extreme air pollution

affects local and people of neighboring countries too. Other organisms such as birds and

animals are also affected by the pollution. It seems that the government who have the power are

not doing enough to tackle such environmental problems.

On the other hand, some may argue that some groups of people are putting efforts to conserve

the environment. For example, NGOs such as ‘Greenpeace Champion’ are committed to render

our island waste free as they encourage practices such as recycling and reusing which are

aimed at protecting the earth in the long term. They even risked their health and helped in

cleaning the lagoons after the disastrous 2020 Wakashio oil spill in the country.

Educationalists are committed in educating children about the conservation of the earth since

young. Subjects such as sustainability and environmental science are taught in primary schools

with the aim of teaching children to respect their environment. They are made to think and act

sustainably, having the welfare of the environment at the centre of their actions. They are

taught since young that if the environment does not stay, they and their future generations

won’t either.
On the whole, society is still not doing enough to protect the environment. We need to get rid of

our selfishness and be more serious in protecting the environment so that our future generations

can have a better life. (A call for action)

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