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Dulce Marie V.

BSRespT ll
1. Contents of the Intercostal Space.
 intercostal muscle
 intercostal veins
 intercostal arteries
 intercostal lymph nodes
 intercostal nerves
2. Intercostal Muscles and their Action.
 External intercostal muscles
- The external intercostal muscles elevate the ribs during forced inhalation
and are functionally classified as the accessory respiratory musculature.
 Internal intercostal muscles
- The auxiliary respiratory muscles are the internal intercostal muscles. They
facilitate forced expiration by compressing the ribs, narrowing the thoracic
cavity and forcing the air out of the lungs, in conjunction with the innermost
 Innermost intercostal muscles
- The third and deepest layer of intercostal muscles are the innermost
intercostal. The innermost intercostal have similar roles as the internal
intercostal in that they help breathing by lowering the ribs and supporting
the thoracic cage's integrity.
3. Branches of the Internal Thoracic Artery.
 Two anterior intercostal arteries
 Pericardiophrenic artery
 Mediastinal arteries
 Superior epigastric artery
 Musculophrenic artery
4. Branches of a Typical Intercostal Nerve.
 Rami communicantes
 Collateral branches
 Lateral cutaneous
 Anterior cutaneous
 Muscular branches
 Pleural
 Peritoneal
5. Structures passing through the Hilum of the right and left lung.
 Bronchus
 Pulmonary artery
 Pulmonary veins
 Hilar lymph nodes
 Bronchial vessels
 Pulmonary plexuses
 Pulmonary ligament
6. Structures related to the mediastinal surface of right lung.
 Azygos vein and its arch (posterior and over the root of the lung).
 Vagus nerve posterior to the root of the lung.
 Phrenic nerve anterior to the root of the lung.
 Cardiac impression. Related to right atrium.
 Esophagus posterior to the root.
7. Structures related to the mediastinal surface of left lung.
 Descending aorta and its arches posterior and over to the root of the lung).
 Vagus nerve posterior to the root of the lung over the root of the lung
 Phrenic nerve anterior to the root of the lung.
 Cardiac impression: related to left ventricle.
8. Branches of Right Coronary Artery
 Right conus artery annulus of Vieussens. third coronary artery
 Anterior Atrial branches Nodal artery-SA node
 Anterior Ventricular branches Right marginal artery
 Posterior Atrial and Ventricular branches.
9. Branches of Left Coronary Artery
 Left conus artery (annulus of Vieussens)
 Ventricular branches -Rt ventricle adjoining the ant Interventricular groove -left
diagonal artery.
 Septal branches ant 2/3rd of the septum

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