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Sometimes we end up getting attached to things that are not even alive and we think it’s
wrong, or there is a problem within the problem. We need to give up on this judgement.

If profit maximization accompanied by greed they will disregard them or al values and
social responsibility in doing business and it will usually lead to the undesirable just like what
happen to Enron. “Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right because it works.
Greed clarifies and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed will not only save our
paper company, but will also save another malfunctioning.” It is a situation of a vice becoming a
virtue, an evil turning nice, wicked attitude transforming into acceptable behaviour. What
happens then? From the reel to the real—crime in the streets took a backseat to white-collar
crime on Wall Street, as indictments exposed major scandals and brought both public and private
figures before the courts. A web of illegal stock-trading schemes in civil and criminal charges
produces corporate scandals, which involve not just rank and file staff but top executives. On the
other hand, former manager of a certain company, was found guilty of looting the industrial
company of hundreds of millions of dollars to fund an extravagant lifestyle. Major business areas
of the said company, no relations with the company, include electronic components, health care,
fire safety, security, and fluid control. The manager is insecure to the things that he had shown
on his workplace that’s why he was able to be more attentive to the things that he wanted to have
that leads him to be possess in a particular materials because he believe to his self that being
obsessed with material possessions is to have the primary focus of our minds and motivations
being on material things. This includes people’s motivations to do this like work hard and
achieve certain goals, ultimately doing so for money and having stuff.

Being attached to materials things could be explained, because: It simply makes us

happy. Now, whether it makes us feel a type of way, mood and energy for a short-term or a long-
term, remains the ultimate question. Because, It really depends on each of us and our intentions
and reasons.
Former CFO of Tyco International, Mark Swartz, was found guilty of looting the
industrial company of hundreds of millions of dollars to fund an extravagant lifestyle. Major
business areas of Tyco, no relations with Tyco Toys, include electronic components, health care,
fire safety, security, and fluid control. In 2005, on charges of grand larceny (stealing), securities
fraud, and falsifying business records, Swartz was sentenced to 8 to 25 years and ordered to pay
$72 million in fines and restitution.

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