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ASSESSMENT 1: "Geo Looking at Earth"

1. Place and terms

Explain the meaning of each of the following.

 Geography - Study of the arrangement and interplay of physical and human

characteristics on the earth's surface.
 Hemisphere - Hemisphere is the entity that divides the earth into two halves known as
"hemispheres," which might be north to south or east to west.
 Equator - The imaginary line that divides the north and south halves.
 Prime Meridian - Line dividing the earth east and west, sometimes this line called the
Greenwich meridian because the line runs through Greenwich England.
 Latitude - Imaginary line runs parallel to the equator.
 Longitude - An imaginary line that go around the earth over the poles

2. Taking notes

5 themes:

Location - where it is, refers to the location.

 Absolute location - Is the exact place on earth where a geographic feature such as city
 Relative location - Describe a place in comparison to others places around it.

Place - The question what is it like? Refers to a place. Place includes the physical feature and
cultural characteristic of a location.
Region - "how place similar or different?" refers to a region. A region is an area of the earth
surface with similar characteristics. Regions usually have more than one characteristic that
unifies them. These may include physical, political, or cultural characteristic.

 Formal Region - A formal region is defined by a limited number of related

 Functional region - A function region is organized around a set of interaction and
connection between places.

Human Environment Interaction - The question "how do people relate to physical world?" refers
to the relationship between humans and their environment.

Movement - "how do people goods and ideas move from one location to another?" refers to
movement. Geographers are interested in the ways people, good and ideas move from place to

Linear distance and time distance- Linear simply means how far across the earth a person, an
idea or a product travel. Time distance is the amount of time it takes for a person and idea or a
product to travel.

Physiological distance. The way people view distance. When you were younger, some location
seemed very far away. As you grew older the distance to this location probably seemed to shrink.

What is region?

A region is an area of the earth surface with similar characteristics region usually have more than
one characteristic that unifies them. These may include physical, political, economic and cultural
characteristic for example the sunbelt in the southern United States is a physical region.
Geographers categorize regions in three ways: formal, functional and perceptual.

What are the three types of regions?

 Formal regions
 Functional region
 Perceptual region
3. Main Ideas

A. What are the 5 themes of geography?

 Location
 Region
 Movement
 Place
 Human Environment Interaction

B. How is place different from location?

Place is defined as the feature that distinguishes one location from all others on the planet, and
location is the single component of the geography framework.

C. Why do geographers’ study human Environment Interaction?

Geographer’s study human environment interaction to gain more knowledge about the
relationship of human and its environment and also for us to be aware about it.

4. Geographers thinking

Making generalization

How is the study of geography different from the study of history?

Think about:

 Use of space on Earth

 Relationships between people and environment.

 The main distinction between history and geography is that geography focuses on
the site where it happened, but history focuses on the time and events that
occurred, and history asks "what happened and when?" while geography asks
"what happened and where?" Geography studies human existence from a spatial
viewpoint, whereas history views human experience from a temporal one.


1. Places and Terms

Explain the meaning of each of the following terms.

Globe - Is a three-dimensional representation of the earth. It provides a way to view the earth as
it travels through space.

Cartographer - Cartographer or a map maker reduces some types of distortion by using different
types of map projections.

Map Projection - A way of drawing earth's surface by presenting a round earth on flat paper.

Topographic Map - General reference map which represent the natural and man-made features
on the earth.

GIS - Geographic information systems (GIS) stores information about the world in a digital

2. Taking notes

How would a globe show a region differently than a map?

 Globe shows all parts of the planet and you will see what you anticipate  earth is
round, the globe is the best definition of an imitation of the earth.

How does GIS aid in understanding a region?

 GIS concerned understanding the region when the problem comes. GIS will
appear and would have a better contribution by solving the problem that different
region faces.

3. Main ideas

A. What are the three basic types of maps?

 General references maps, Thematic maps, and Navigational maps.

B. What are some geographer’s tools in addition to maps and globes?

 Geographers used two- and three-dimensional tools to learn about the earth and
also the geographers used computer assisted technology to study the use of the
earth surface. Geographers include maps, globe and data that can be displays in a
variety way.

C. How does a cartographer decide which type of map is needed?

 When cartographer decide which type of map would be need, they value first
what's the purpose of it and a ccuracy are the elements that preserve more

4. Geographic thinking

Making Generalization.

How does modern technology help geographers? Think about:

 Digital information
 Satellite images
 Modern technology is a big help to lots of geographers, because it allows them to
find exact locations and create maps in an easy procedure. It also helps them to
gather data and information easily.


How are color used on this map?

 Color represents a variety of information on a map. The map legend indicates

what the color means.

Is the map a large scale or a small-scale map? How do you know?

 You will know if it's large scale when the map is a small area but much detail and
also you will know if it's small-scale map when it shows a large area but does not
have much detail.

What is the approximate longitude of buenos Aires?

 -58°22

What are the names of 3 lines of latitude besides the equator?

 Arctic Circle
 Tropic of Cancer
 Tropic of Capricorn

Which projections show shape of landmass most accurately?

 The compromise projections is the landmass most accurately to use because it

shows entirely the place in one map.


1. In what direction dos the granges river flow?

 River flow through Indian territory. The general direction of the river flow is from
northwest to southeast.

2. China is the northern neighbor of which countries?

 Nepal, Mongolia, and Russia.

3. Which city is closer to the desert?

 New Delhi, India.

4. Why are few nations shown on cartogram?

 Cartogram based on the sizes of each nation rather than land area.

5. Which of the thematic maps would best show the location of climate zone?

 Qualitative map.


1. Place and terms

 Continent – Landmasses above water on earth, fit together like a huge jigsaw puzzle.
 Mantle - The one who surround the core. Which has several layers.
 Magma - It contains most of the earth mass. Magma is molten rock.
 Crust - The thin layer of rock at the earth surface
 Biosphere - The part of the earth where plants and animals live.

2. Taking notes

What are the three basic parts of the earth's interior?

 Crust, Mantle and Core.

What are the four basic spheres found on or above the earth?

 Atmosphere, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and Biosphere.

3. Main Ideas

A. What makes up the interior of the earth?

 The core, mantle and crust, they have huge distribution in making up earth's

B. What makes up biosphere?

 The part where plants and animals live.

C. how can the presence of seven continents on the earth surface be explained?

 "Continental drift theory". It maintains that the earth was once a super continent
that divided and slowly drifted apart over billions of years.

4. Geographic thinking

 Atmosphere protects earth from harmful solar radiation and regulates

heating provided by the sun. The atmosphere balances everything that the
land receive from outside so in that way living things could still function


1. Place and Terms

Hydrologic cycle - is the continuous circulation of water between the atmosphere the oceans and
the earth.

Ground water - some water on the surface of the earth is held by the soil, and some flows into
the pores of the rock below the soil.

Continental shelf - it is called to the earth surface from the edge of continental to the deep part of

Relief - is the difference in elevation of a landform from it's longest point to it's highest point.

Topography - is the combination of the surface shape and composition of the land forms and
their distribution in a region.

2. Taking notes

How does the hydrologic cycle circulate water?

 Water evaporates into the atmosphere from the surface of the ocean, other
bodies of water and from plants.

How does ocean water circulate?

 The ocean water circulates through 3 basic motions, current, waves and

3. Main ideas

How do the winds and the ocean distribute heat in the earth surface?

 When the winds eventually blow over the land, they moderate the
temperature of the air over the land that cause heat temperature.

How are relief and topography related?

 They are both concern about landform and distributions.

How are islands form?

 Islands can be formed by volcanic eruption, deposits of sand and deposits

of coral skeletons.

4. Geographic thinking

Making comparisons:

 The floor of the ocean and land has many similarities. The characteristic
of elevation and depression can be seen on land and also on the water.


1. Place and terms

 Tectonic plates - Enormous moving pieces of the earth lithosphere.

 Fault - The fracture of the earth crust.
 Earth quake - The violent movement of the earth.
 Seismograph - This measures the size of the waves created by an earth quake.
 Epicenter - The direct point or focus of the movement.
 Volcano - Eventually the materials pour out of rock in the earth surfaces.

2. Taking notes

What are the types of plate movement?

 Convergent and Transform

How are folds and faults created?

 When the two plates meet each other, they can cause folding and cracking.

3. Main ideas

A. How does the movement of tectonic plates shape the earth surface?

 When the tectonic plates come into contract, it changes the earth surface.

B. When does a volcano occur?

 Most volcano are found along the tectonic plate’s boundaries.

C. What factors contribute to void fertility?

 Parent material, relief, organism, climate and time.

4. Geographic thinking

 It is cause by the amount of movement of tectonic plates on the area, and

also because of the subduction process that leads to a one plate denser than


1. Place and terms

 Weathering - refers to the physical and chemical process that change the characteristic of
rock on or near the earth surface
 Sediment - is mostly identifiable as either mud, sand or silt which is particles of rock.
 Erosion - occurs when weathered material si moved by the action of wind water ice or
 Delta - a fan like landform.
 Glaciation - is the changing of landforms by slowly moving glaciers.
 Humus - the texture of salt and amount of material.

2. Taking notes

How does weathering vary according to climate?

 weathering occurs slowly over many years ago.

What are the five factors affecting soil composition?

 parent material, relief, organism, climate and time.

3. Main ideas

A. What is the difference between mechanical weather and chemical weather?

 mechanical weathering process that break rock into smaller peaces while
chemical weathering occurs when rock is change.

B. What are the three types of eroding action by water?

 as water flows in a stream or river.

 another term is abrasion.
 when the water dissolves chemical elements in the rock.

C. What factors contribute to soil fertility?

 The ability to nurture plants.

4. Geographic thinking
 The effect of soil erosion goes beyond the loss of fertile land it will lead to
increase pollution and sedimentation in streams. River clogging, these
water ways and causing declines in field and other species.




Solstice - this is the way on which two lines of latitude occur.

Equinox - this is the one who mark the beginning of spring and autumn.

Weather - is the condition of atmosphere at a particular location and time.

Climate - is the term for weather condition of a particular location over a long period of time.

Participation - falling water droplets in the form of rain, sleet, snow or hail.

2. Taking notes

Which latitude lines mark the summer and winter solstice?

- the tropic of cancer and tropic of Capricorn

How do moving air masses create weather?

- As air masses warm, cool and move across the surface they create weather.

3. Main ideas

A. How do earth revolution and tilt effect the seasons?

- because of the earth revolution and its tilt different parts of the earth receive the direct rays of
the sun more hours of the day at certain times in the year.

B. What is the difference between weather and climate?

- weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular location and time while climate is the
term for weather condition particularly over a long period of time.

C. What are some examples of extreme weather?

- hurricanes, tornados, blizzards, droughts and flood.

4. Geographic thinking

- Participation occur when water droplets out of air saturated with water vapor causes of
participation are falling water droplets in the form of rain, sleet, snow and hail.


1. Place and terms

Convection - the transfer of heat in the atmosphere by upward motion of the air.

El Niño - the warming water off the west coast of South America.

Greenhouse effect - the layer of gasses released by the burning of coal and petroleum traps some
solar energy.

2. Taking notes

What are four factor that affect climate?

- wind, ocean currents, latitude, elevation and topography.

What are examples of forces that produce climate changes

- El Niño and Global warning

3. Main ideas

A. What role do wind and ocean currents play in climate?

- wind and ocean currents help to distribute the suns heat from one part of the world to another
through convection.

B. How do latitude and altitude affect climate?

- latitude or how far one is from the equator greatly affects the climate and weather of an area,
altitude is how high one is above sea level has a similar effect, the higher the elevation the colder
the climate.

C. How do El Niño and la Niña affect climate?

- they affect climate by giving it abnormal pattern of climate.

4. Geographic thinking

The four factors affecting climates are Wind and ocean current, Latitude, elevation and
Topography, these four greatly affect the climate. our country which is Philippines in under the
wind and ocean current, winds give us heat that cause warm temperature same with ocean


1. Place and terms

Tundra - the flat treeless lands forming a ring around the arctic ocean

Permafrost - the subsoil that constantly frozen

2. Taking notes

What are the five basic climate regions?

- tropical wet, tropical wet and dry, Semiarid, Desert, Mediterranean

3. Main ideas

A. How do tropical climates differ from each other?

- tropical climate can be tropical wet and dry. The first type is warm year-round with plentiful
prepetition that occurs almost daily.

B. How do desert regions differ from each other?

- all deserts receive less than ten inches of rain per year.

C. How are humid subtropical and Mediterranean different from each other?

- humid tropical is a long period of summer heat and humidity, characterized by humid
subtropics while Mediterranean supports the population and rich agricultural activity.

4. Geographic thinking

Making generalization.

 The biggest factor in differences in climate in the northern and southern

hemisphere has to do with distribution of land and ocean. The northern
hemisphere has much more landmasses while the southern hemisphere has
a larger fraction of ocean.


1. Place and Term

 Ecosystem - is an interdependent community of plants and animals

 Biome - the ecosystem of a region called biome.
 Rain forest - is located in the tropical zone and covered with heavy concentration of trees.
 Savanna - the flat, grassy, mostly treeless plain.
 Steppe - or prairie are used to identify temperate grasslands.

2. Taking notes

How are soil and vegetation linked?

 soil characteristic and climate are major influences in vegetation regions.

What are the four types of biomes?

 Forest, grassland, desert and tundra

3. Main ideas

A. What soil actors influences type of vegetation in a region?

 Such factors as depth, texture and humans’ content of the solid determine
the type of vegetation that can be supported in a region.

B. What is the difference between coniferous and deciduous trees?

 coniferous are needle leaf trees while deciduous called broad leaf.

C. What is the unique about vegetation in the desert and tundra regions?

 The plants that live in these extreme climates are especially adapted to
tolerate the dry or cold conditions.

4. Geographic Thinking

 Human activities that affect environment include building dams or

irrigation system, planting food crops or slashing and burning the
vegetation. Human activities have caused changes towards the
environment, sometimes too caused harm to the land however there are
also good effect of it. We are the process of a changing world as long as
we want progress if we didn’t do it in a good way it's still useless.

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